This project has reached the end of its development. Feel free to browse the code, but please use other libraries in development like sweetalert.
Native Javascript Module to display beautiful popups. With react support!
- Native Javascript / No jQuery dependency
- Built in CSS spinner for asynchronous dialogs
- Smart focus on form elements
- AMD support
The plugin can be used as a Common JS module, an AMD module, or a global.
Install with npm, use with Browserify
> npm install popups
and in your code
var popupS = require('popups');
content: 'Hello World!'
For the basic styling and fade in and out to be working, you have to include the popupS.css in your header.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="popupS.css">
You can include popupS.js directly in a script tag. For the basic styling and fade in and out to be working, you have to include the popupS.css.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="popupS.css">
<script src="popupS.js"></script>
content: 'Hello World!'
For both files
is a minified productive version in it's corresponding folder.
Create a popup window:
mode: 'alert',
content: 'Hey'
// or
content: 'Hello'
Here are multiple ways to create popupS:
title: 'I am an',
content: 'Alert'
Confirm configuration involves the use of callbacks to be applied.
content: '<b>Do you like what you see?</b>',
labelOk: 'Yes',
labelCancel: 'No',
onSubmit: function() {
onClose: function() {
Prompts are used for asking a single question.
content: 'What is your name?',
placeholder: '>>>',
onSubmit: function(val) {
if(val) {
content: 'Hello, ' + val
} else {
content: ':('
With Modals you are in full control.
title: 'Himalaya',
content: {
tag: 'img#himalaya.picture',
src: ''
there is some magic sugar involved. learn more about it here
It can also work in asynchronous mode and retrieve content from external pages.
title: 'Himalaya',
ajax: {
url: ''
mode: 'alert'|'confirm'|'prompt'|'modal'|'modal-ajax',
title: 'Title',
content : 'Text'|'<div>html</div>'|{tag : 'span#id.class'},
className : 'additionalClass', // for additional styling, gets append on every popup div
placeholder : 'Input Text', // only available for mode: 'prompt'
ajax : { // only available for mode: 'modal-ajax'
url : '',
post : true,
str : 'post=true'
onOpen: function(){}, // gets called when popup is opened
onSubmit: function(val){}, // gets called when submitted. val as an paramater for prompts
onClose: function(){} // gets called when popup is closed
additionalBaseClass: '', // classNames, that gets appended to the base
additionalButtonHolderClass: '', // classNames, that gets appended to the button holder
additionalButtonOkClass: '', // classNames, that gets appended to the ok button
additionalButtonCancelClass: '', // classNames, that gets appended to the cancel button
additionalCloseBtnClass: '', // classNames, that gets appended to the close button
additionalFormClass: '', // classNames, that gets appended to the form
additionalOverlayClass: '', // classNames, that gets appended to the overlay
additionalPopupClass: '', // classNames, that gets appended to the popup
appendLocation: document.body, // DOM Element, where the popup should sit
closeBtn: '×', // HTML String, to use for the close button
flagBodyScroll: false, // should the body be scrollable
flagButtonReverse: false, // should the buttons be reversed
flagCloseByEsc: true, // ability to clse with the esc key
flagCloseByOverlay: true, // ability to close with click on the overlay
flagShowCloseBtn: true, // should the close button be displayed
labelOk: 'OK', // label for the ok button
labelCancel: 'Cancel', // label for the cancel button
loader: 'spinner', // classname for spinner to use, take a look at the included css file for the possiblities
zIndex: 10000 // default z-index
The plugin is using some special magic to generating DOM Elements.
content: {
tag: 'div#id.class.class2',
css: {
width: '100px'
html: '<h1>Hello</h1>',
tag: 'label',
text: 'test',
htmlFor: 'input',
css: {
width: '50%'
tag: 'input#input',
type: 'checkbox',
css: {
width: '50%'
All attributes, that can be applied via javascript are availabe to use. For example, as you can see in the example above: Instead of using the regular "for"-attribute on the label element, we have to use the "htmlFor"-attribute.
Note: If an assigned attribute is not an valid HTML attribute, it gets assigned as an 'data-'* atribute.