Bash Scripts for running on linux
This file runs some common tasks as a batch job when creating clones of a base ubuntu server install. Things like changing the host SSH keys and making sure timezone is correct, changing the hostname, proving user the option to run any updates, and probably more stuff too once I think of adding them in. Not bad for my first ever Bash script.
You can run this by using the below curl command or if you can't copy/paste into the console like on a VM for example, see below for directions on using the little helper script
sudo bash -c "$(curl -f sSL"
- Download to user's home directory or /root
chmod +x /path/
- to run type
sudo /path/
Simple script to stop portainer and pull the new latest image, then start it back up again. Download it and chmod +x then ./
make sure to run as user with docker privs