Variable name changes:
- Vcmo -> Vcmax25
- m -> BallBerrySlope
Default value change:
- BallBerry0 (intercept) 0.01 [used to be 0.1]
Extra options:
- write or omit writing spectral output options.save_spectral
- apply or omit Monin-Obukhov atmospheric stability correction options.MoninObukhov
Performance improvements:
- soil heat flux (G) derivative is added to soil temperature update loop in ebal.m
- stomata conductance minimum is 0 umol m-2 s-1 [when Rin=0 & Rdparam=0]
gs = max(0, 1.6 * A .* ppm2bar ./ (Cs-Ci))
- time series run on daily data (without specified time) calculates solar zenith angle (tts) at 12 o'clock
- more canopy layers at low light
canopy.nlayers = ceil(10*canopy.LAI) + ((meteo.Rin < 200) & options.MoninObukhov)*60
References added to readme
Minor bugfixes