Releases: City-of-Bloomington/OnBoard
2.7 - Solr Update
Cron scripts are now available to index meetingFiles in Solr, rather than attempting to index them as people upload the file. Uploading the file and doing the solr indexing took way too long, and caused timeout errors.
What's New
2.6 - Alternates
2.5.2: Added member address information to seats CSV
URL fixes
Cleaned up the rest of the URLs that were still hard coded, instead of generated from the routing.
Whats New
- Updated codebase to PHP 7.2
- Replaced obsolete Zend framework with new Laminas libraries
- Permission ACL now includes committee and department checks.
- HTML 5 date input
- Graylog support
This is mostly an interim release to clean up some outstanding things before tackling the OnBase integration project.
What's New
Web Service API updates
This release is mostly focused on providing more detailed information via the web service formats (JSON, CSV).
It has one database change: a new field added to the seats table.
Whats New
Data Warehouse Exports
This release focuses on providing for automated exports to a data warehouse. We had to clean up permission and a few other things; but now Ansible installs a cron that can export arbitrary data.
What's New
Legislation and Reports
The big push was to support uploading Legislation to OnBoard. We also added uploading of Reports produced by boards - along with various bug fixes and improvements.
Whats new: