Progress bars will now use ScissorRect for an improved graphical aesthetic.
Contributed by Spencer Sharkey.
A new config option (observer_reset) was added to prevent a player's position being reset when exiting observer mode.
Contributed by SomeSortOfDuck.
Added the Derma Request library which can be used to prompt a client.
Contributed by Spencer Sharkey.
Stamina will no longer deplete if you are not on the ground.
Contributed by Spencer Sharkey.
Optimized client-side vignette drawing. Only performing raycast once every second.
Added two functions to give and take a table of item instances from a
player object.
Contributed by Spencer Sharkey.
Fixed a bug where hook errors would not be reported correctly.
Contributed by Alex Grist.
Fixed the PluginLoad/PluginUnload commands.
Contributed by Alex Grist.
Added sh_charsetdesc.lua for operators to set a character's physical description.
Change /Roll to allow the player to specify the range of values.
Contributed by Insomnia Array.
Added itemTable:EntityHandleMenuOption for cw_item entities (allows more code to be moved into item files).
Contributed by Insomnia Array.
Added a 'space' system similiar to the 'weight' system, miscellaneous fixes and changes.
Contributed by Insomnia Array.
Added a check to inventory:AddInstance to prevent erroring.
Loading and unloading of plugins is now fully functional.
A player's targetname is now set to their faction (for use with mapping.)
Added size multiplier options to the chatbox to allow different sized messages. Whispering and yelling uses this feature.
Added the Clockwork.fonts library for ease in creation and grabbing of different sized fonts that use the same settings.
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