Clockwork 0.95.2
447 commits
to 6754352b62eb1c43a7eb286198f920c0fef25e69
since this release
- Added BackSword 2, a reworked SWEP base made for Clockwork that includes ironsights variables.
- Contributed by Zigalishous.
- Added ironsights that can be used with any weapon that uses the ironsight variable format that M9K, BS2 and RealCS use.
Just press middle mouse while your weapon is raised to use the ironsights, it will slow movement and reduce spread.- Contributed by NightAngel.
- Added cwToggleIronSights concommand so that players can bind a key to this to toggle their ironsights instead of middle mouse.
- Contributed by NightAngel.
- Fixed displaytyping text not drawing over translucent surfaces after recent changes.
- Contributed by NightAngel.
- Small optimizations to some functions in cl_kernel.
- Contributed by NightAngel.
- Added viewmodel hands info to Combine animations tables to make any added models use the Combine viewmodel hands.
- Contributed by NightAngel.
- Added rudimentary zombie animation table for Half-Life 2 classic zombie animations.
- Contributed by NightAngel.
- Added player model animations so that player models will now animate properly without tposing.
- Contributed by NightAngel.
- Added multiple functions to register certain models to use certain viewmodel hand info (CSS, HL2, Combine, Citizen, etc).
- Contributed by NightAngel.
- Made male_01/03 as well as female_03 use the black skin for citizen hands.
- Contributed by NightAngel.
- Made group03/03m models use the refugee hands model with the gloves bodygroup on.
- Contributed by NightAngel.
- Made HL2 zombie models use zombie skin for refugee arms model.
- Contributed by NightAngel.
- Removed redundant male/female human model animation registering (They get set to these automatically anyways).
- Contributed by NightAngel.
- Small edit to codebase to make it write its documentation findings to seperate files to avoid this huge text file containing all the documentation.
- Contributed by NightAngel.
- Added 'CanDrawCrosshair' plugin hook that gets called to determine if a player's crosshair should be drawn, ironsights will force crosshair to draw if they are used in third person.
- Contributed by NightAngel.
- Added two configs to modify how much ironsights will reduce the spread, as well as how much they will reduce walk speed of the player.
- Contributed by NightAngel.
- Added edited Half-Life Universe entity menus that can be toggled on or off via convar 'cwEntityMenuType', or alternatively forced via config.
- Contributed by Spencer Sharkey and modified by NightAngel.