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Research on ABR Algorithms performance

Abstract – This study explores the three Adaptive Bitrate Algorithms (ABR) implemented over the dash.js media player. These three algorithms are the Throughput ABR, BOLA ABR, and Dynamic ABR. These three algorithms work to bring to the user the highest quality video stream while keeping the playthrough buffer free. Throughput ABR dynamically selects the bitrate depending on the network throughput. BOLA ABR selects the bitrate depending on the current buffer level. Lastly, Dynamic ABR selects the bitrate by looking at the entire network condition, it is like a hybrid between Throughput and BOLA ABR. We ran tests to observe how each of these algorithms performs under a controlled unstable environment. The results are indicative of how important it is to select the right ABR algorithm for your specific network condition. Throughput works best under a strong network, BOLA works best in an unstable network, wheras Dynamic adapts to both.

I. Introduction

User satisfaction is the most important aspect when it comes to a successful product. The same applies to online video streaming. Delivering a seamless, highquality video streaming experience to users on different networks of varying speeds and reliability can be challenging. Adaptive streaming over HTTP (DASH) tries to solve this issue by dividing videos into segments of equal size and encoding them at different bitrates which the user-client will then select depending on their network every few seconds. Selecting these encoded segments to download will be decided following one of the three Adaptive Bitrate algorithms (ABR). Selecting the right ABR can have a big impact on the viewing enjoyment of online video streams. Understanding their differences and strengths becomes imperative. The three adaptive bitrate algorithms are Dynamic, BOLA, and throughput. Buffer-based Optimized link Adaption (BOLA) [1] dynamically changes the quality of the video stream based on the available buffer level, its estimation of future buffer occupancy, and selecting the appropriate bitrate for the next segment. Throughput-based Adaptive Bitrate employs a different approach to dynamically adjusting the quality of the video stream. Throughput ABR dynamically adjusts the quality of the video stream depending on the network throughput conditions [1]. Depending on the throughput, the algorithm will select the video quality. A higher throughput would allow for more bitrate which in turn would allow for a better-quality segment. Lastly, Dynamic Adaptive Bitrate employs a mix of the two. Dynamic Adaptive Bitrate aims to dynamically change the quality of the video stream depending on the network conditions and the buffer level. In this report we aim to get a better understanding of these three ABR strategies. To do so, we ran a media player application based on dash.js that played a stored (VoD) DASH playlist and allowed us to choose which ABR algorithm we wanted to run. To recreate different users network conditions and tests the ABR algorithms adaptability to unstable networks, we also used Chromes built in throttling strategies, specifically Fast3G and No Throttling which we ran sequentially for a given time. Lastly, to collect data and compare the various ABR algorithm, we implemented a JavaScript script to collect the selected bitrate (Mbps), buffer level (second), measured throughput (Mbps), segment download time (second), and segment size (byte) every 8 seconds and store them into a .csv file.

II. Collecting Data

Before we start we need to explain a certain issue with the collected data. When we initially start the collection, and sometimes throughout the collection, on Fast3G, a jumping gap occurs which delays the built in timer by a little bit. This can be seen as the first packet we collect starts at 9 seconds and not 8.


These slight changes in time collection are not severe or big enough to impact the validity of the data we collect. To perform these test, we implemented a small script into the main.js of the dash.js website that retrieves the data we needed. To do so, we used the $scope object that was part of the controller. This object contained all the information, such as bitrate and buffer, that we needed. The data collection was built into the updateMetrics() function which we modified to be updated every 8 seconds.

III. Results

For all the table, the tables will be a condensed version of the results, meaning that some of the rows will be cut out to make the tables shorter. For each table we will mark the switches from Fast3G to No Throttle and the reverse as goes: We mark that at time 177 seconds, the switch was made from Fast3G to No Throttle, and that at 337 seconds, the change was made from No Throttle to Fast3G and then again from Fast3G to No Throttle at 481 seconds. We will begin with the results for the ABR Throughput. The table below (T.1) represents the data collected after running the video stream with Throughput ABR.


Next up, we will be looking at the BOLA ABR. The table below (T.2) represents the data collected after running the video stream with BOLA ABR.


Lastly, we will be looking at Dynamic ABR. The table below (T.3) represents the data collected after running the video stream with Dynamic ABR.


IV. Comparison

Looking at the results we can notice a few discrepancies between the different ABR algorithms used. Comparing the results, we notice a few key differences between the algorithms.

Starting with Throughput ABR. It had the clearest adjustment of bitrate. As soon as the throttle was switched from Fast3G to No Throttle, the bitrate went 0.882 Mbps to 1.628 Mbps and back down whenever we switched it back to Fast3G. We also notice that buffer levels were directly corelated to the bitrate, where the higher the bitrate the higher the buffer level. Lastly, we notice that the throughput was limited to the maximum throughput of Fast3G which is 1.44 Mbps, but when No Throttle was turned on, it reached as high as 209 Mbps.

Looking at the BOLA ABR, we can clearly see that when No Throttle was set the maximum bitrate was hit and it went back down to the minimum bitrate after Fast3G was turned on. We can also see that the bitrate was proportional to the buffer level. As the buffer level went up, so did the bitrate.

Lastly, looking at the Dynamic ABR, we can see that it had the least amount of bitrate variation. The first run of the No Throttle, the bitrate remained the same whilst the buffer level increased drastically. Only on the second No Throttle run did the bitrate hit the maximum value.

Comparing all three we can see that the Throughput ABR controls the bitrate depending on the throughput, whereas the BOLA ABR controls the bitrate depending on the buffer. The Dynamic ABR has the worst bitrate of the three. We will be discussing these results in further detail in the discussion.

V. Discussion

In this section, we discuss the discrepancies between the results and the expected results, the possible reasons that could be creating irregularities, and how the testing could’ve been improved.

A. Throughput ABR: Throughput ABR is described as an algorithm that controls the bitrate depending on the network throughput.

image Figure 1: Bitrate over time for Throughput ABR

Looking at the graph (Figure 1) for the bitrate over time, we can clearly see whenever No Throttle was turned on, a higher bitrate was enabled. This goes with the theory. As the throughput increases, the bitrate and the quality of the video stream increase. Fast3G has a throughput limit of 1.44 Mbps, this throughput limit directly limits the bitrate as we can see on the graph.

image Figure 1: Throughput over time for Throughput ABR

Following the graph (Figure 2) of the throughput over time, we can see that the bitrate increase directly correlates with the throughput increase. Our tests correctly replicate this scenario, inline with the theory.

B. BOLA ABR: The Buffer Optimization Link Adaptation algorithm tries to control the bitrate proportionally to the buffer level.

image Figure 3: Bitrate over time for BOLA ABR

Like the Throughput ABR, we can clearly see the moment where No Throttle was turned on in the graph (Figure 3). We do notice that during the first Fast3G run the bitrate went up by a little. This could be due to a multitude of things, namely poor network conditions. As we mentioned in the data collection section, there are moments where a jump is made. The jump is made because of a possible interruption or inconsistency in the segment being played. Since the jump was made with a higher bitrate, BOLA tries to mitigate this issue by dropping the bitrate and populate the buffer, which we can see happens in the graph (Figure 4) below.

image Figure 4: Buffer Level over time for BOLA ABR

As we can see around the time the bitrate went down, the buffer went up. We can also see that as soon as the buffer starts increasing drastically, the bitrate follows. Our tests correctly replicate this scenario, inline with the theory. B. Dynamic ABR: Dynamic ABR tries to implement a mix of both Throughput and BOLA ABR. It is a hybrid between the two and takes into consideration the whole network condition, throughput and buffer level included.

image Figure 5: Bitrate over time for Dynamic ABR

Looking at the graph (Figure 5) above, we can see that the Dynamic ABR had the worst bitrate out of the three ABR algorithms. The Dynamic ABR algorithm is supposed to look at the complete network condition and tries to optimize the bitrate. Looking at the graphs below we can get a sense of what the algorithm did.

image Figure 6: Buffer Level over time for Dynamic ABR

image Figure 7: Throughput over time for Dynamic ABR

Looking at the two graphs above (Figure 6 and 7) we can see that although the throughput went up, the buffer level went down, indicative of the segments in the buffer being played. While we were doing the test for this algorithm, we noticed quite a lot of latency and buffering. What would explain the low bitrate would be that the buffer was filled up with the low bitrate because the network was unstable before the No Throttle and so the algorithm thought it was best to download the whole video in a lower bitrate and slowly download the video in a higher bitrate after. We can see this happen around the end, on the second No Throttle, where the bitrate went to the maximum value. The test are not conclusive enough to confirm the theory.

All in all, our tests indicate that the Throughput ABR had the best quality video quality, which makes sense. The network we were using for No Throttle was powerful and stable. Having the video quality being dictated by the throughput was the best option, which is why it performed the best. BOLA ABR has the second-best bitrate quality overall. Using the buffer level to control the bitrate does have its limitation as BOLA ABR cannot predict future buffer levels. This can introduce latency and bitrate drops as the buffer can suddenly be overfilled, as we can see towards the end of the video where the buffer level increases dramatically, and the bitrate had to be lowered. Dynamic has the worst bitrate of the three overall.

The tests could be improved. For these tests, we collected our data in incognito mode to not cache the video beforehand and throttled the network using the DevTools Fast3G. Although Fast3G is supposed to simulate an instable Fast 3G network it is not as good as a real unstable, congested network. One way to make this test more credible would be to do it in a real unstable network, which would introduce a lot more random network conditions.

VI. Conclusion

In conclusion, we discussed the three different dash.js ABR algorithm used to provide the user with a stable and high-quality video stream even with an unstable network. We discussed how the Throughput ABR algorithm selected the bitrate based on the network throughput, making it optimal to use in a perfect network. We then discussed how BOLA ABR used the buffer level to select the bitrate, allowing for a smoother transition between bitrates for the user but limited by the fact that it cannot predict incoming buffer levels. Lastly, we discussed about the Dynamic ABR which looked at the complete network condition to determine the selected bitrate and how it was limited by the Fast3G throttle. These algorithms all have their strengths and weaknesses and work better in specific network situations. In our case, the Throughput ABR had the best performance as the network we were using was already very stable and fast. These tests could’ve been improved has we used a real unstable network.

VII. References

[1] Anon. 2023. Adaptive bitrate streaming. (August 2023). Retrieved November 14, 2023 from aming


Research on different Adaptive Bitrate Algorithms






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