Due to the ending of the discord.py project, this project too will be ending.
I began work on the original v1 of this bot back in 2016. It has been my main toy project that's taught me so much about programming and Python. I ran an early version as the role bot in a server with 10,000 users back when that was a big number. Sadly it is now time for it to come to an end.
I was in the process of fixing the last few little weird code bits and errors, and preparing for a full v4.0 rewrite from the ground up with loads of extra features when I got this news. I am devastated and honestly considering leaving Discord because of this. I've had a terrible history on the app and a consistent terrible relationship with the Discord developers and staff since 2016. If you use this bot, it will (Supposedly) continue working until April 2022, but I will no longer be maintaining the project.