An app developed to promote tourism in Tribal areas by tribal people. Any tribe can use this to promote their locality, business venture in tribal areas/ village. Local homestays, tribal tours, cultural performances could be promoted. Unexplored Bastar (, Slum Gods of Dharavi (, etc. are some examples.
- Android-Studio
- Firebase
For promoting tourism we developed three Android Application:
- The Tourist APP
- The Villagers' APP
- The Admins' APP
All three app shares a common firebase database.
The villagers upload information about the village (Speciality, handicrafts, cusines, homestay offers).
While the admin registers the villagers who can upload information about their tribal village. The Villagers' app is made in a very basic manner. So that it can be handles by villagers who are less educated.
Then comes the Tourist App this app displays data of all tribal villages and their speciality. This app is same as But this is meant for tribal villages. The tourist can rate village and can upload images of various specialities of the village.