CH32V: development platform for PlatformIO
The CH32V series offers industrial-grade, general-purpose microcontrollers based on a range of QingKe 32-bit RISC-V cores. All devices feature a DMA and a hardware stack area, which greatly improves interrupt latency. The family ranges from ultra-cheap, low-end CH32V003 with 2kB RAM / 16kB flash, up to high speed, ultra-connected CH32V307 with 64kB RAM / 256kB flash, hardware FPU, USB, CAN, Ethernet, etc.. For a list of available devices see the CH32V product selector page.
Note: WCH also offers the CH32F family with identical peripherals, which is based on ARM Cortex-M.
This repository is a PlatformIO platform. Just like platform-ststm32 etc., it enables the PlatformIO core to work with W.CH CH32V chips. This means in all the IDEs that PlatformIO supports (VSCode, CLion, etc.), developing and debugging firmwares for CH32V chips is easily possible.
Head over to to see more example projects and detailed starting instructions.
Please visit for the most recent documention.
This page is a work in progress at the moment.
The newest used version of OpenOCD requires the firmware of the WCH-Link(E) probe to be the latest (2.10 and 2.11 respectively). Otherwise you will be seeing flash programming errors like
Info : WCH-LinkE mode:RV version 2.9
** Programming Started **
Info : device id = 0xabc8abcd
Error: error writing to flash at address 0x00000000 at offset 0x00000000
embedded:startup.tcl:1162: Error: ** Programming Failed **
Please update the WCH-Link(E) firmware using
- (Windows only, Target --> Query Chip Info)
- (MounRiver Studio, Windows and Linux Eclipse GUI)
If you use Mac, the usage of a Linux virtual machine may be required to run these tools.
- chips
- CH32V003 (QingKe V2A)
- CH32V103 (QingKe V3A)
- CH32V203 (QingKe V4B)
- CH32V208 (QingKe V4C)
- CH32V303 (QingKe V4F)
- CH32V305 (QingKe V4F)
- CH32V307 (QingKe V4F)
- CH32X035 (QingKe V4C)
- CH32L103 (QingKe V4C)
- CH56x (QingKe V3A)
- CH57x (QingKe V3A)
- CH58x (QingKe V4A)
- CH59x (QingKe V4C)
- development boards
- CH32V003F4P6-EVT-R0 (official by W.CH)
- CH32V203C8T6-EVT-R0 (official by W.CH)
- CH32V307 EVT (by SCDZ, close to official W.CH board)
- CH32X035C8T6-EVT-R0, CH32X035G8U6-EVT-R0, CH32X035F8U6-EVT-R0 (official by W.CH)
- CH32L103C8T6-EVT-R0 (official by W.CH)
- frameworks
- None OS ("Simple Peripheral Library" / native SDK)
- Arduino
- for CH32V003 (thanks to arduino-wch32v003)
- for CH32V003, CH32V10x, CH32V20x, CH32V30x, CH32X035, CH32L103 (thanks to openwch/arduino_core_ch32)
- for all else
- ch32v003fun by CNLohr
- FreeRTOS
- (Huawei) Harmony LiteOS
- RT-Thread
- TencentOS Lite-M
- debuggers (also implicitly uploaders)
- WCH-Link(E)
- ST-Link
- J-Link
- GDB-UART stub for debug-probe-less debugging?
- uploaders (no debugging)
- USB ISP bootloader (supported via wchisp)
Installation (see docs)
- Install PlatformIO
- Install platform-ch32v via PIO Core CLI -->
pio pkg install -g -p
- Create PlatformIO project and configure a platform option in platformio.ini file:
- For Linux, add PlatformIO per documentation. Then, add WCH udev rules by appending the following content to
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}="1a86", ATTR{idProduct}=="8010", GROUP="plugdev"
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}="4348", ATTR{idProduct}=="55e0", GROUP="plugdev"
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}="1a86", ATTR{idProduct}=="8012", GROUP="plugdev"
Without these udev rules or the missing group membership of the user in the plugdev group, accessing the WCH-Link(E) via OpenOCD or wchisp will not work!!
In case you are not seeing the latest features (e.g., available frameworks), please make sure that your platform version is up to date by either:
- PIO Core CLI ->
pio pkg update -g -p "ch32v"
- or, simply delete these folders and build your project again
platform =
board = ...
The configuration in regards to the builder scripts etc. are still in progress. See the above mentioned projects repository for now.