tools for modifying drafts of Connexions content in a batch manner, from the commandline.
Needs an installable version of requests-toolbelt, which seems to mean
version > 0.1.2
This repo installs a single master command draft-transform
, which performs
operations on all the modules in a particular legacy Connexions workgroup.
This command will do a checkout on any modules in the 'published' state, as well.
Common options to all commands are:
-h help
-H --host hostname requires https access for non-localhost
defaults to
-a --auth username:password (required)
-w --workgroup ID Workgroup to operate against
defaults to private workspace
-u --upload Send transformed content back to workgroup
-p --publish message Publish the modules after upload
-P publish_only message Publish all modules in workgroup, no download or upload
-s --save-dir directory save intermediate results to this directory, named <id>.xml
will create the directory if necessary
Available subcommands are:
download [directory]
download the module body, save it in directly (same as -s above, but no
xslt file.xsl
apply xslt from file.xsl to each module contents.
draft-transform -H -a 'me:mypass' download my_modules
# downloads and saves all modules from private workspace to the directly my_modules
draft-transform -H -a 'me:mypass' -w wg123 -s fixed_files xslt myfix.xsl
# downloads, transforms and saves transformed content
draft-transform -H -a 'me:mypass' -w wg123 -s fixed_files -u xslt myfix.xsl
# downloads, transforms, saves, and uploads transformed content
draft-transform -H -a 'me:mypass' -w wg123 -P 'Fixes that markup bug'
# Publishes all the modules in the workgroup
draft-transform -H -a 'me:mypass' -w wg123 -s fixed_files -u -p 'Fixed that markup bug' xslt myfix.xsl
# downloads, transforms, saves, and uploads, and publishes transformed content