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JavaScript Code Etiquette

Fullchee Zhang edited this page Feb 10, 2019 · 21 revisions

JavaScript Coding Style Guide

How do I make my code pretty?

yarn run prettier

You can can also run a git hook (see Husky, below)

Proof-of-Concept branch on eslint-prettier

  • JavaScript Linter
  • Warns you about potential bad code such as
    • unused variables (maybe you created a variable and forgot to use it)
    • used variable that hasn't been defined yet
    • and sooo much more ...
  • can automatically fix formatting and coding style
  • ESLint + Prettier is more powerful than ESLint alone
  • can warn you
  • don't have to worry whether your code meets the code etiquette (see below)
    • Prettier formats it for you
  • git hooks
    • scripts that run when certain events happen
    • eg: pre-commit runs before a commit is made
  • pre-commit: if code doesn't meet Prettier standards, it won't let you commit
  • More here

Why use both ESLint and Prettier? (why not just one?)

If there is a code snippet like this:

foo(reallyLongArg(), omgSoManyParameters(), IShouldRefactorThis(), isThereSeriouslyAnotherOne(), noWayYouGottaBeKiddingMe());

ESLint will: warn you that it's too wide

Prettier will: actually format it for you


Read this to learn more

if blocks/braces

If blocks should be of the form

if (condition) {
} else {

'use strict';

(2019-02: update: ES6/ES2015+ modules are always in strict mode, don't have to explicitly define)

The use strict statement at the top of a function is absolutely necessary. The use-strict statement lies underneath the function declaration, and has a blank line following it. It tells the compiler not to be lenient with the JavaScript code, which can be the first line of defence against syntactically incorrect or buggy code.


  • No implicit var declarations.
    • ie: use var (or const or let) when declaring a variable
  • No duplicate variable declarations or shadowing.
  • Declare variables at the top of the function, after the aforementioned use-strict's following blank line.


  • Always use semicolons. The JavaScript engine has the ability to infer semicolons, but omitting them is frowned upon.

Spacing in equations

  • Spacing in equations is necessary. var x=2+2*65/2 < var x = 2 + 2 * 65 / 2.

Parenthesis in equations

  • Keep in mind that parenthesis might help future programmers read your equations. Let's take the above example, but add in some more bits. var x = 2 + 2 * 65 / 2^3 + 65 / 3 is a bit of an eyeful (maybe not the best case, but it can get the point across). Try simplifying it for the reader like: var x = 2 + ((2 * 65) / 2^3) + (65 / 3).

Function spacing

  • Put a double space in between function declarations.

Variable naming

  • The rest are in camelCase.

jQuery selector caching

  • Duplicated selectors can and often should be cached for efficiency. var circleObject = $("#circle");

Function naming

  • camelCase.
  • Imperative voice (Things such as makeNode())

Line breaking

var x = 1 + 2 + 3 + 

is preferred over

var x = 1 + 2 + 3
  + 4;


if (i === "i" ||
    i === "j") {

is preferred over

if (i === "i"
    || i === "j") {

Quotation marks

  • ' is necessary.