SwissGeoBundle provide you a clean way to use swiss and liechtensteinian building addresses. If you have the following use cases, this bundle can be useful for you :
- An autocomplete address input without incorrect address entries
- Store addresses locally (offline !)
- "I want to locate my clients on a map offline."
- Create statistics based on addresses:
- "In which locality do I have the majority of my customers?"
- Avoid Google Map services and therefore save money
- Avoid having postal addresses that are no longer valid.
- "How can this customer live here? This building has been destroyed!"
- Get some information about addresses:
- "Is this building partly residential ?"
- "Is this address on a street or a place?"
- "Is this address already built or planned ?"
- ...
SwissGeoBundle requires the following:
- MySQL 8.0 or higher (other RDBMS coming soon...) with this options activated:
- PHP 8.1 or higher
- Symfony components specified in
- Doctrine ORM entities (Doctrine ODM is not supported)
- Meilisearch v1.5 - Necessary for full address search (performance too low otherwise)
version: '3.7' services: meilisearch: hostname: meilisearch image: getmeili/meilisearch:v1.5 environment: - MEILI_ENV=development # set the max payload to 200Mb instead of 100 default one # addresses file is around 170Mb - MEILI_HTTP_PAYLOAD_SIZE_LIMIT=209715200 - MEILI_NO_ANALYTICS=true ports: - '7701:7700' networks: - network volumes: - meilisearch-data:/ restart: unless-stopped
Make sure Composer is installed globally, as explained in the installation chapter of the Composer documentation.
Open a command console, enter your project directory and execute:
composer require crovitche/swiss-geo-bundle
Then make sure the bundle is enabled in registered bundles in
if your application doesn't use Symfony Flex.
Run the following commands and put them in a cron if you want your data to be updated regularly.
namespace App\Entity;
use Crovitche\SwissGeoBundle\Entity\BuildingAddress;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
#[ORM\Entity(CustomerRepository::class), ORM\Table("Customer")]
#[ORM\Index(columns: ["egaid"], name: "IX___Customer___building_address")]
class Customer
#[ORM\JoinColumn("egaid", "egaid", false, true, "SET NULL")]
private ?BuildingAddress $postalAddress = null;
To do this, you have to use DoctrineMigrationBundle.
Generate a migration using Maker bundle.
php bin/console make:migration
This command will automatically generate the SQL you in a migration php file.
Check the created migration and add this piece of code if it does not exist :
public function up(Schema $schema): void
// ...
$this->addSql(/** @lang MySQL */'
ALTER TABLE Building_address
ADD CONSTRAINT CK___Building_address___building_name__xor__address_number
CHECK ((building_name IS NOT NULL XOR address_number IS NOT NULL) OR (building_name IS NULL AND address_number IS NULL));
// ...
public function down(Schema $schema): void
// ...
$this->addSql(/** @lang MySQL */'
ALTER TABLE Building_address DROP CONSTRAINT CK___Building_address___building_name__xor__address_number;
// ...
public function isTransactional(): bool
return false;
php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate -n
Note: you can also run the following commands in a cron job so that your data is regularly updated.
php bin/console swiss-geo-bundle:import:localities --no-debug
php bin/console swiss-geo-bundle:import:streets --no-debug
php bin/console swiss-geo-bundle:import:building-addresses --no-debug
php bin/console swiss-geo-bundle:import:meilisearch:documents:generate --no-debug