A very basic, simple, 2D, hopefully pretty, multiplayer game; which is controlled by your mobile phone's ACCELEROMETER and GESTURES We bring to you, the wizarding world of HARDLY PONDERED. And exactly like the world that you are gonna be playing I advise you to hardly ponder and get on with the game. So for all you folks who ignore gym, we bring to you a game that might make your arms sore because you wont just get enough of this ;D We promise to give you the opportunity to swipe right, thrush and push, and believe me the other person wants to do the same to you.
- Node JS
- Socket.io
- P5.js
- P5.Play.js
- P5.Sound.js
- HTML, CSS (pretty obvious)
- HEROKU (near future)
You need to just clone the repository and cd into the folder and perform
npm install
node index.js
Open localhost:3000 on your PC's browser. Check the IP of your host on the web page and open (localhostip):3000/player on your mobile phone to connect. Click on PLAY GAME and start playing with your phone as the controller.
The pink part of the control screen moves the player forward and the green part is meant for rotation. Thrusting your controller in the FORWARD direction shoots, moving it towards the SIDE makes the power shot, and the UP direction makes a shield.
The host keyboard can also be used to play the game with the arrow keys to control player one, and WASD to control player two. The keys T,Y,U are used for the Power shot, Normal shot, and Shield, respectively, of player one and the keys Z,X,C serving the same purpose for player two.
We have 4 routes
- Home (at root)
- Testing (at /test)
- Player/Controller (at /player)
- Game (at /game)
[ ] Upload the test route on heroku so that it can be used by anybody on various projects
[ ] Incorporate room system to allow multiple players playing across the world over internet
[ ] Have tons of fun
Coming Soon