The first Bloc API wrapper 🚀🚀🚀 The Bloc-Node library provides convenient access to the Bloc API.
For Yarn
yarn add blochq-node
npm install blochq-node --save
// import the module
const { Bloc } = require("blochq-node");
// set the secret key
const blocClient = new Bloc({
secretKey: "sk_test_xxxxxx",
blocClient.account.getAccounts((err, results) => {
// Handle errors
if (err) {
if (results) {
- Account
- Wallets
- Bills Payment
- Disputes
- Cards
- Checkout
- Customers
- Miscellaneous
- Simulation
- Transactions
- Transfers
- Payment Links
- Beneficiaries
Follow this simple step to get started.
- Fork the repository.
- clone the forked repositery to your local environment.
git clone
- Navigate to the Project Directory :
cd bloc-node
- Install dependencies :
npm install
- Create a branch
git checkout -b branch-name
- Make changes your desired changes.
- Add your changes and commit
git add . git commit -m"your commit message"
- Push your changes
git push -u origin branch-nae
- Submit a pull request: Go to your forked repository on GitHub and create a pull request. This is a formal request to merge your changes into the main codebase. Be sure to provide a clear and informative description of your changes in the pull request description.
Dont forget to Star the repo 🧡
Twitter(X) - Daniel Olabemiwo Github - Daniel Olabemiwo Linkedin - Daniel Olabemiwo