Welcome to this multi-day Faust workshop. We'll focus on applications of the Faust programming language for digital audio signal processing and synthesis. No prior experience with Faust is required, and beginner programmers are welcome. Each day is about 2 hours of content.
For all days, bring a laptop. For days 1-2, any operating system will work. However, for deploying code to the Daisy and guitar pedals, we have tested macOS more than Windows/Linux.
If you're already familiar with git
, make a repository containing this code (public or private), and track any changes you make. You should commit your code often because any changes to your browser cache could accidentally delete code from the online IDE. We also recommend using Visual Studio Code and installing Faust syntax highlighting.
Let's learn about the syntax of Faust. You won't need to install anything because this day will take place entirely in the online Faust Interactive Development Environment (IDE). We recommend Chrome. Firefox works too, but Safari may have issues.
Let's learn about deploying Faust code into plugins for DAWs such as Ableton Live/Logic Pro. We'll install Faust locally in order to have access to all of its tools and scripts.
Let's learn about making physical instruments with Faust. We'll use both the Daisy platform and the Cleveland Music Co. DIY Guitar Pedal. On the Daisy, we'll start with a basic synthesizer using knobs and buttons. Then we'll discuss how to add analog sensors. Then we'll put some effects on the Cleveland Guitar Pedal.
Let's hack on projects together. Participants will work alone or in groups to create novel instruments and effects, applying the concepts they've learned so far. We can also teach more advanced examples and address any topics.
Show and Tell! Take a few minutes to talk about your project and show us how it sounds 🔊!
Ready to get started? Go to DAY1.md!