This is an open source Ethernet library for interfacing ARDUINO / ESP8266 / ESP32 natively with Siemens S7 PLCs. The CPUs 1200/1500 and S7-200 are also supported.
Full PLC memory access.
PDU independence, i.e. the data that you can transfer in a single call depends only on the Arduino memory availability.
Helper functions for data conversion (Big Endian --> Little endian)
Three memory models for footprint optimization.
Uses standard Arduino Ethernet library i.e. it can coexist with other clients/servers in the same sketch.
3 ms to read a PDU into the internal buffer, 24 ms for 1024 bytes into the external.
An Arduino with an Ethernet Shield (with W5500) in which to load the examples
Alternatively, a NodeMCU board or Esp32 board
A Siemens PLC equipped with Ethernet port or Communication Processor.
Or if you don't have access to one then you can use PLC Sim for testing.
For more Information click here