Not the official version but probably will be (maybe) if I ever get around to finishing it!
- Cheetah
- Image
- pyexif
- Jekyll
- rdiscount
- gsl
The site uses Jekyll for transforming the source into the live site
To add stuff into the _posts folder, use ./ --new <title> so the created file is correctly formatted. Once the file is added you may edit it as usual, the only required part is the header is as follows:
layout: post
title: <new post title>
author: <authors name>
tags: <list of post tags>
The header is YAML formatted.
We build the gallery from the dir structure, some helpful notes are as follows:
See the templates/ folder - we use cheetah to build the templates for jekyll to transform.
By default the album name is the album folder with "_" substituted for " " If you want to display a different name then add it into a file called ALBUM_DESCRIPTION in the albums folder
To add a description to images add stuff into a file called $image_file_name-DESCRIPTION
To add author info add stuff into $image_file_name-DESCRIPTION