In config/database.yml
, you can change the name of the database from db/cats.sqlite3
to whatever reflects your project. For example: db/notes.sqlite3
. Doesn't really matter what you call the db.
These common ActiveRecord methods will help you interact with your database. Please refer to the ActiveRecord docs for what they do and how to use them. (If the docs talk about Rails, that is ok! ActiveRecord works very similar with or without Rails.)
.create (.new, .save)
Remember, any model that will have a corresponding table in the database needs to inherit from ActiveRecord::Base
class Cat < ActiveRecord::Base
# customer methods defined here
- To view database, you can run
sqlite3 db/cats.db
, then can run.schema
and can run any SQL commands. (Don't need to do this anymore though! ActiveRecord gives us a schema file!)
(New for ActiveRecord 6.0)
- In root of project, run
bundle init
- Add gems:
bundle add activerecord pry sinatra, sinatra-activerecord rake sqlite3 require_all
runbundle install
- mkdir config and lib
- mkdir lib/models
- touch config/environment.rb config/database.yml
- Create your model files and models (make sure to have your models inherit from ActiveRecord::Base)
- In config/environment.rb:
require 'bundler/setup'
require_all 'lib'
- In config/database.yml:
adapter: sqlite3
database: db/cats.sqlite3
- Touch Rakefile - require ‘config/environment.rb’ and require_relative ‘sinatra/activerecord/rake’
- Run rake -T to make sure we have access to raketasks
- Run
rake db:create_migration NAME=create_cats_table
(will create the db folder if it doesn’t already exist) and will add the migration file to db/migration - Write migration file, then run
rake db:migrate
- Then can see schema in file structure, can also drop into sqlite3 cats.db to see the tables and schema, but don’t really need to do that anymore. Review rollback here
- Create seeds in db/seeds.rb and run
rake db:seed
- Now can put a pry in environment.rb to run .all and see your seeds.
Make sure your models inherit from ActiveRecord::Base