Now available in MELPA! Install with package-install
If you use use-package
, you can do the below instead:
(use-package ox-report
(ox-report-logo "your/logo/path/not/png"))
C-c C-e r o
- Export as PDF and Open
C-c C-e C-s r o
- Export as PDF and open (subtree only)
C-c C-e r m
- Export to PDF and attach to mail
To configure the export we use the header of the org file
#+title:Readme ox-report
#+author: Matthias David
#+options: toc:nil
#+options: toc:1
#+when: 20/2/2021
#+quand: 20/2/2021
#+project: ox-minutes
#+projet: ox-minutes
it is necessary to separate the names by commas for a good formatting
#+absent: C. Robert,T. tartanpion
#+present: K. Soulet,I. Payet
#+excuse:Sophie Fonsec,Karine Soulet
if there is no absentee and / or no apologized absentee, it suffices to delete the corresponding line.
#+language: fr
#+language: en
if you want to export only a subtree, just use the PROPERTIES
drawer and put EXPORT_
in front of each key.
:EXPORT_DATE: 01/01/2020
:EXPORT_PRESENT: Mireille tonlonto, Legros Robert
:EXPORT_PROJET: Secret project
- look vincent demeester’s blog for meeting template
# -*- mode: snippet -*-
# name: report
# uuid:
# key: report
# condition: t
# --
#+title: ${1:Titre}
#+author: ${2:Auteur}
#+options: toc:nil
#+where: ${3:Ou}
#+when: ${4:Date}
#+present: ${5:Sophie Fonsec}
#+initiator: ${6:Matthias DAVID}
#+project: ${7:Secret project}
#+duration: ${8:2H}
#+logo: logo.png
#+BEGIN: columnview :id global :match "/TODO|DONE" :format "%ITEM(What) %TAGS(Who) %DEADLINE(When) %TODO(State)"
| What | Who | When | State |
#+BEGIN: columnview :id global :match "Decision" :format "%ITEM(Decisions)"
| Decisions |
* Notes
,- Use =:Decision:= tag for decision
,- Use entry with =TODO= (or =DONE=) for actions
# -*- mode: snippet -*-
# name: report
# uuid:
# key: report
# condition: t
# --
#+title: ${1:Titre}
#+author: ${2:Auteur}
#+options: toc:nil
#+ou: ${3:Ou}
#+quand: ${4:Date}
#+present: ${5:Sophie Fonsec}
#+initiateur: ${6:Matthias DAVID}
#+projet: ${7:Secret project}
#+dure: ${8:2H}
#+logo: logo.png
- ADD: German language (Thanks to @mbenecke)
- ADD: export to pdf and attach on mail
- CHG: Typography (font montserrat)
- CHG: Template to article (simplified)
- ADD: English language
- ADD: Possibility to put and choose a logo
- ADD:Layout like ‘Tufte’
- ADD:two columns toc
- ADD:margin notes replace footnote
- ADD:table as possible on notes
- ADD:timebox
- ADD:fullpage margin
- Fork it (
- Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b feature/fooBar`)
- Commit your changes (`git commit -am ‘Add some fooBar’`)
- Push to the branch (`git push origin feature/fooBar`)
- Create a new Pull Request