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Migration to dash.js 4.0
With the release of 4.0 we also made changes to some of the core functionality in dash.js. In case you encounter any issue with the new version please create an issue or start a new discussion on Github. Moreover, if you are missing something in this migration guide let us know.
Due to a configuration error we had to republish version 4.0.0 to npm.js. Since the 4.0.0 tag could not be reused for this purpose we had to rename the release on npm.js to 4.0.0-npm
When installing dash.js 4.0.0 via npm please make sure to use
npm install [email protected]
This will be fixed with the next release.
In order to make it easy for developers to understand the core functionality of dash.js we reworked the sample section of the player. Various samples on features like player setup, live playback, buffer management, ABR configuration, subtitle management can be found here. The sample section is a very good place to start looking for a specific feature in dash.js.
A good place to test 4.0 is also the reference client. It can be used as a template for the integration of dash.js in your own application.
In order to structure the various settings in dash.js and make it easier for developers to understand the meaning and the scope of a specific setting we restructured the settings object. The complete settings object is depicted below.
As an example, the live delay settings are now grouped in a separate object called delay
Before migrating from dash.js version 3.x to version 4.0 please make sure that your current player settings reflect the new structure of the settings object.
const defaultSettings = {
debug: {
logLevel: Debug.LOG_LEVEL_WARNING,
dispatchEvent: false
streaming: {
abandonLoadTimeout: 10000,
wallclockTimeUpdateInterval: 100,
lowLatencyEnabled: false,
manifestUpdateRetryInterval: 100,
cacheInitSegments: false,
eventControllerRefreshDelay: 150,
capabilities: {
filterUnsupportedEssentialProperties: true,
useMediaCapabilitiesApi: false
timeShiftBuffer: {
calcFromSegmentTimeline: false,
fallbackToSegmentTimeline: true
metrics: {
maxListDepth: 100
delay: {
liveDelayFragmentCount: NaN,
liveDelay: NaN,
useSuggestedPresentationDelay: true,
applyServiceDescription: true
protection: {
keepProtectionMediaKeys: false
buffer: {
fastSwitchEnabled: true,
flushBufferAtTrackSwitch: false,
reuseExistingSourceBuffers: true,
bufferPruningInterval: 10,
bufferToKeep: 20,
bufferTimeAtTopQuality: 30,
bufferTimeAtTopQualityLongForm: 60,
initialBufferLevel: NaN,
stableBufferTime: 12,
longFormContentDurationThreshold: 600,
stallThreshold: 0.3,
useAppendWindow: true,
setStallState: true
gaps: {
jumpGaps: true,
jumpLargeGaps: true,
smallGapLimit: 1.5,
threshold: 0.3
utcSynchronization: {
useManifestDateHeaderTimeSource: true,
backgroundAttempts: 2,
timeBetweenSyncAttempts: 30,
maximumTimeBetweenSyncAttempts: 600,
minimumTimeBetweenSyncAttempts: 2,
timeBetweenSyncAttemptsAdjustmentFactor: 2,
maximumAllowedDrift: 100,
enableBackgroundSyncAfterSegmentDownloadError: true,
defaultTimingSource: {
scheme: 'urn:mpeg:dash:utc:http-xsdate:2014',
value: 'https://time.akamai.com/?iso&ms'
scheduling: {
defaultTimeout: 500,
lowLatencyTimeout: 0,
scheduleWhilePaused: true
text: {
defaultEnabled: true
liveCatchup: {
minDrift: 0.02,
maxDrift: 0,
playbackRate: 0.5,
latencyThreshold: 60,
playbackBufferMin: 0.5,
enabled: false,
lastBitrateCachingInfo: {
enabled: true,
ttl: 360000
lastMediaSettingsCachingInfo: {
enabled: true,
ttl: 360000
cacheLoadThresholds: {
video: 50,
audio: 5
trackSwitchMode: {
selectionModeForInitialTrack: Constants.TRACK_SELECTION_MODE_HIGHEST_BITRATE,
fragmentRequestTimeout: 0,
retryIntervals: {
[HTTPRequest.MPD_TYPE]: 500,
[HTTPRequest.LICENSE]: 1000,
[HTTPRequest.OTHER_TYPE]: 1000,
lowLatencyReductionFactor: 10
retryAttempts: {
[HTTPRequest.MPD_TYPE]: 3,
[HTTPRequest.LICENSE]: 3,
[HTTPRequest.OTHER_TYPE]: 3,
lowLatencyMultiplyFactor: 5
abr: {
movingAverageMethod: Constants.MOVING_AVERAGE_SLIDING_WINDOW,
additionalAbrRules: {
insufficientBufferRule: true,
switchHistoryRule: true,
droppedFramesRule: true,
abandonRequestsRule: false
bandwidthSafetyFactor: 0.9,
useDefaultABRRules: true,
useDeadTimeLatency: true,
limitBitrateByPortal: false,
usePixelRatioInLimitBitrateByPortal: false,
maxBitrate: {
audio: -1,
video: -1
minBitrate: {
audio: -1,
video: -1
maxRepresentationRatio: {
audio: 1,
video: 1
initialBitrate: {
audio: -1,
video: -1
initialRepresentationRatio: {
audio: -1,
video: -1
autoSwitchBitrate: {
audio: true,
video: true
cmcd: {
enabled: false,
sid: null,
cid: null,
rtp: null,
rtpSafetyFactor: 5,
mode: Constants.CMCD_MODE_QUERY
All Mediaplayer events are now documented (JSDoc). Please check carefully for the required type of event needed by your application. Make sure that the events you are using in your application are included in the list of available events depicted below:
* Triggered when playback will not start yet
* as the MPD's availabilityStartTime is in the future.
* Check delay property in payload to determine time before playback will start.
* @event MediaPlayerEvents#AST_IN_FUTURE
this.AST_IN_FUTURE = 'astInFuture';
* Triggered when the video element's buffer state changes to stalled.
* Check mediaType in payload to determine type (Video, Audio, FragmentedText).
* @event MediaPlayerEvents#BUFFER_EMPTY
this.BUFFER_EMPTY = 'bufferStalled';
* Triggered when the video element's buffer state changes to loaded.
* Check mediaType in payload to determine type (Video, Audio, FragmentedText).
* @event MediaPlayerEvents#BUFFER_LOADED
this.BUFFER_LOADED = 'bufferLoaded';
* Triggered when the video element's buffer state changes, either stalled or loaded. Check payload for state.
* @event MediaPlayerEvents#BUFFER_LEVEL_STATE_CHANGED
this.BUFFER_LEVEL_STATE_CHANGED = 'bufferStateChanged';
* Triggered when the buffer level of a media type has been updated
* @event MediaPlayerEvents#BUFFER_LEVEL_UPDATED
this.BUFFER_LEVEL_UPDATED = 'bufferLevelUpdated';
* Triggered when a dynamic stream changed to static (transition phase between Live and On-Demand).
* @event MediaPlayerEvents#DYNAMIC_TO_STATIC
this.DYNAMIC_TO_STATIC = 'dynamicToStatic';
* Triggered when there is an error from the element or MSE source buffer.
* @event MediaPlayerEvents#ERROR
this.ERROR = 'error';
* Triggered when a fragment download has completed.
this.FRAGMENT_LOADING_COMPLETED = 'fragmentLoadingCompleted';
* Triggered when a partial fragment download has completed.
* @event MediaPlayerEvents#FRAGMENT_LOADING_PROGRESS
this.FRAGMENT_LOADING_PROGRESS = 'fragmentLoadingProgress';
* Triggered when a fragment download has started.
* @event MediaPlayerEvents#FRAGMENT_LOADING_STARTED
this.FRAGMENT_LOADING_STARTED = 'fragmentLoadingStarted';
* Triggered when a fragment download is abandoned due to detection of slow download base on the ABR abandon rule..
this.FRAGMENT_LOADING_ABANDONED = 'fragmentLoadingAbandoned';
* Triggered when {@link module:Debug} logger methods are called.
* @event MediaPlayerEvents#LOG
this.LOG = 'log';
* Triggered when the manifest load is complete
* @event MediaPlayerEvents#MANIFEST_LOADED
this.MANIFEST_LOADED = 'manifestLoaded';
* Triggered anytime there is a change to the overall metrics.
* @event MediaPlayerEvents#METRICS_CHANGED
this.METRICS_CHANGED = 'metricsChanged';
* Triggered when an individual metric is added, updated or cleared.
* @event MediaPlayerEvents#METRIC_CHANGED
this.METRIC_CHANGED = 'metricChanged';
* Triggered every time a new metric is added.
* @event MediaPlayerEvents#METRIC_ADDED
this.METRIC_ADDED = 'metricAdded';
* Triggered every time a metric is updated.
* @event MediaPlayerEvents#METRIC_UPDATED
this.METRIC_UPDATED = 'metricUpdated';
* Triggered at the stream end of a period.
* @event MediaPlayerEvents#PERIOD_SWITCH_COMPLETED
this.PERIOD_SWITCH_COMPLETED = 'periodSwitchCompleted';
* Triggered when a new stream (period) starts.
* @event MediaPlayerEvents#STREAM_SWITCH_STARTED
this.STREAM_SWITCH_STARTED = 'streamSwitchStarted';
* Triggered when an ABR up /down switch is initiated; either by user in manual mode or auto mode via ABR rules.
* @event MediaPlayerEvents#QUALITY_CHANGE_REQUESTED
this.QUALITY_CHANGE_REQUESTED = 'qualityChangeRequested';
* Triggered when the new ABR quality is being rendered on-screen.
* @event MediaPlayerEvents#QUALITY_CHANGE_RENDERED
this.QUALITY_CHANGE_RENDERED = 'qualityChangeRendered';
* Triggered when the new track is being rendered.
* @event MediaPlayerEvents#TRACK_CHANGE_RENDERED
this.TRACK_CHANGE_RENDERED = 'trackChangeRendered';
* Triggered when a stream (period) is being loaded
* @event MediaPlayerEvents#STREAM_INITIALIZING
this.STREAM_INITIALIZING = 'streamInitializing';
* Triggered when a stream (period) is loaded
* @event MediaPlayerEvents#STREAM_UPDATED
this.STREAM_UPDATED = 'streamUpdated';
* Triggered when a stream (period) is activated
* @event MediaPlayerEvents#STREAM_ACTIVATED
this.STREAM_ACTIVATED = 'streamActivated';
* Triggered when a stream (period) is deactivated
* @event MediaPlayerEvents#STREAM_DEACTIVATED
this.STREAM_DEACTIVATED = 'streamDeactivated';
* Triggered when a stream (period) is activated
* @event MediaPlayerEvents#STREAM_INITIALIZED
this.STREAM_INITIALIZED = 'streamInitialized';
* Triggered when the player has been reset.
* @event MediaPlayerEvents#STREAM_TEARDOWN_COMPLETE
this.STREAM_TEARDOWN_COMPLETE = 'streamTeardownComplete';
* Triggered once all text tracks detected in the MPD are added to the video element.
* @event MediaPlayerEvents#TEXT_TRACKS_ADDED
this.TEXT_TRACKS_ADDED = 'allTextTracksAdded';
* Triggered when a text track is added to the video element's TextTrackList
* @event MediaPlayerEvents#TEXT_TRACK_ADDED
this.TEXT_TRACK_ADDED = 'textTrackAdded';
* Triggered when a ttml chunk is parsed.
* @event MediaPlayerEvents#TTML_PARSED
this.TTML_PARSED = 'ttmlParsed';
* Triggered when a ttml chunk has to be parsed.
* @event MediaPlayerEvents#TTML_TO_PARSE
this.TTML_TO_PARSE = 'ttmlToParse';
* Triggered when a caption is rendered.
* @event MediaPlayerEvents#CAPTION_RENDERED
this.CAPTION_RENDERED = 'captionRendered';
* Triggered when the caption container is resized.
* @event MediaPlayerEvents#CAPTION_CONTAINER_RESIZE
this.CAPTION_CONTAINER_RESIZE = 'captionContainerResize';
* Sent when enough data is available that the media can be played,
* at least for a couple of frames. This corresponds to the
* HAVE_ENOUGH_DATA readyState.
* @event MediaPlayerEvents#CAN_PLAY
this.CAN_PLAY = 'canPlay';
* This corresponds to the CAN_PLAY_THROUGH readyState.
* @event MediaPlayerEvents#CAN_PLAY_THROUGH
this.CAN_PLAY_THROUGH = 'canPlayThrough';
* Sent when playback completes.
* @event MediaPlayerEvents#PLAYBACK_ENDED
this.PLAYBACK_ENDED = 'playbackEnded';
* Sent when an error occurs. The element's error
* attribute contains more information.
* @event MediaPlayerEvents#PLAYBACK_ERROR
this.PLAYBACK_ERROR = 'playbackError';
* Sent when playback is not allowed (for example if user gesture is needed).
* @event MediaPlayerEvents#PLAYBACK_NOT_ALLOWED
this.PLAYBACK_NOT_ALLOWED = 'playbackNotAllowed';
* The media's metadata has finished loading; all attributes now
* contain as much useful information as they're going to.
* @event MediaPlayerEvents#PLAYBACK_METADATA_LOADED
this.PLAYBACK_METADATA_LOADED = 'playbackMetaDataLoaded';
* The media's metadata has finished loading; all attributes now
* contain as much useful information as they're going to.
* @event MediaPlayerEvents#PLAYBACK_METADATA_LOADED
this.PLAYBACK_LOADED_DATA = 'playbackLoadedData';
* Sent when playback is paused.
* @event MediaPlayerEvents#PLAYBACK_PAUSED
this.PLAYBACK_PAUSED = 'playbackPaused';
* Sent when the media begins to play (either for the first time, after having been paused,
* or after ending and then restarting).
* @event MediaPlayerEvents#PLAYBACK_PLAYING
this.PLAYBACK_PLAYING = 'playbackPlaying';
* Sent periodically to inform interested parties of progress downloading
* the media. Information about the current amount of the media that has
* been downloaded is available in the media element's buffered attribute.
* @event MediaPlayerEvents#PLAYBACK_PROGRESS
this.PLAYBACK_PROGRESS = 'playbackProgress';
* Sent when the playback speed changes.
* @event MediaPlayerEvents#PLAYBACK_RATE_CHANGED
this.PLAYBACK_RATE_CHANGED = 'playbackRateChanged';
* Sent when a seek operation completes.
* @event MediaPlayerEvents#PLAYBACK_SEEKED
this.PLAYBACK_SEEKED = 'playbackSeeked';
* Sent when a seek operation begins.
* @event MediaPlayerEvents#PLAYBACK_SEEKING
this.PLAYBACK_SEEKING = 'playbackSeeking';
* Sent when a seek operation has been asked.
* @event MediaPlayerEvents#PLAYBACK_SEEK_ASKED
this.PLAYBACK_SEEK_ASKED = 'playbackSeekAsked';
* Sent when the video element reports stalled
* @event MediaPlayerEvents#PLAYBACK_STALLED
this.PLAYBACK_STALLED = 'playbackStalled';
* Sent when playback of the media starts after having been paused;
* that is, when playback is resumed after a prior pause event.
* @event MediaPlayerEvents#PLAYBACK_STARTED
this.PLAYBACK_STARTED = 'playbackStarted';
* The time indicated by the element's currentTime attribute has changed.
* @event MediaPlayerEvents#PLAYBACK_TIME_UPDATED
this.PLAYBACK_TIME_UPDATED = 'playbackTimeUpdated';
* Sent when the media playback has stopped because of a temporary lack of data.
* @event MediaPlayerEvents#PLAYBACK_WAITING
this.PLAYBACK_WAITING = 'playbackWaiting';
* Manifest validity changed - As a result of an MPD validity expiration event.
* @event MediaPlayerEvents#MANIFEST_VALIDITY_CHANGED
this.MANIFEST_VALIDITY_CHANGED = 'manifestValidityChanged';
* Dash events are triggered at their respective start points on the timeline.
* @event MediaPlayerEvents#EVENT_MODE_ON_START
this.EVENT_MODE_ON_START = 'eventModeOnStart';
* Dash events are triggered as soon as they were parsed.
* @event MediaPlayerEvents#EVENT_MODE_ON_RECEIVE
this.EVENT_MODE_ON_RECEIVE = 'eventModeOnReceive';
* Event that is dispatched whenever the player encounters a potential conformance validation that might lead to unexpected/not optimal behavior
* @event MediaPlayerEvents#CONFORMANCE_VIOLATION
this.CONFORMANCE_VIOLATION = 'conformanceViolation';
* Event that is dispatched whenever the player switches to a different representation
* @event MediaPlayerEvents#REPRESENTATION_SWITCH
this.REPRESENTATION_SWITCH = 'representationSwitch';
Only minor changes were applied to the MediaPlayer API.
- There is only one type for all textracks now. For instance:
player.setInitialMediaSettingsFor('text', {
lang: 'eng,
role: 'caption
Details can be found in the sample section in the category "subtitles and captions": Samples
have been removed. UsesetInitialMediaSettingsFor
instead. - Enable text by default using the settings:
text: {
defaultEnabled: true
have been removed. Use the settings instead:
video: mode,
audio: mode