This repository holds the MC Terra Workspace Manager (WSM) service, client, and integration test projects.
- Overview
- WSM Client
- Deployment
- Setup
- Running
- Code walk-through
- Tests
- Adding a new flight
- Logging During Test Runs
- Update custom IAM role permissions for GCP projects.
- Tips
WSM provides workspaces; contexts for holding the work of individuals and teams. A workspace has members that are granted some role on the workspace (OWNER, READER, WRITER). The members can create and manage resources in the workspace. There are two types of resources:
- controlled resources are cloud resources (e.g., buckets) whose attributes, permissions, and lifecycle are controlled by the Workspace Manager. Controlled resources are created and managed using Workspace Manager APIs.
- referenced resources are cloud resources that are independent of the Workspace Manager. A workspace may hold a reference to such a resource. The Workspace Manager has no role in managing the resource’s lifecycle or attributes.
Resources have unique names within the workspace, allowing users of the workspace to locate and refer to them in a consistent way, whether they are controlled or referenced.
The resources in a workspace may reside on different clouds. Users may create one cloud context for each cloud platform where they have controlled or referenced resources.
Workspace Manager provides the minimum interface to allow it to control permissions and lifecycle of controlled resources. All other access, in particular data reading and writing, are done using the native cloud APIs.
Controlled resources may be shared or private. Shared resources are accessible to workspace members with their workspace role. That is, if you have READER on the workspace, then you can read the resource (however that is defined for the specific resource); if you have WRITER on the workspace, then you can write the resource.
Private resources are available to a single member of the workspace. At the present time, a private resource is available only to its creator.
WSM has latent support for applications. Leonardo is the only supported application at this time. The concept is that an application is a distinguished service account. Owners of the workspace can control which applications are allowed access to the workspace. If an application is given access, then it can create application-owned resources. The goal is to allow applications to create constellations of resources that support the application, and not let them be messed with by workspace READERS and WRITERS.
Workspace Manager publishes an API client library generated from its OpenAPI Spec v3 interface definition.
Include the Broad Artifactory repositories:
repositories {
maven {
url ""
Add a dependency like
implementation(group: 'bio.terra', name: 'workspace-manager-client', version: 'x.x.x')
See settings.gradle for the latest version information.
New versions of the WSM client library are automatically published with each merge to the main branch. Since we publish very frequently, and Broad Dev Ops needs specific versions to track through the release process, we use a variation of semantic versioning.
By default, the patch version is incremented after each merge to main. You can cause other parts of the version to be changed as follows.
- To bump the minor version, put the string
in your commit message. The minor version will be incremented and the patch version will be set to 0:major.minor.0
- To bump the major version, put the string
in your commit message. The minor and patch versions will be set to 0:major.0.0
In addition, you can manually trigger the tag-publish
github action and specify the part
of the version to change.
We should bump the minor version number when releasing significant features that are backward compatible.
Incompatible changes require incrementing the major version number. In our current state
of development, we are allowing for some incompatible API changes in the feature-locked
parts of the API without releasing a version 1.0.0
- New commit is merged to main
- The tag-publish workflow is triggered. It builds the image, tags the image & commit, and pushes the image to GCR. It then sends a dispatch with the new version for the service to the terra-helmfile repo.
- This updates the default version mapping for the app in question.
- Our deployment of ArgoCD monitors the above repo, and any environments in which the app is set to auto-sync will immediately pick up the new version of the image. If the app is not set to auto-sync in an environment, it can be manually synced via the ArgoCD UI or API.
WSM follows standards for deployment via DSP DevOps services (Beehive).
For more information on how to release WSM to upper environments (including on demand via independent release), please see Releasing our Code in Confluence.
We use the Adoptium JDK version 17. (At this writing, the Mac x86 version is 17.0.2+8). You learn about it at Adoptium.
The recommended process for installing on Mac is to first install jEnv to manage the active version:
brew install jenv
# follow postinstall instructions to activate jenv...
# to add previously installed versions of Java to jEnv, list them:
# /usr/libexec/java_home -V
# and then add them:
# jenv add /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/<JAVA VERSION HERE>/Contents/Home
You can install the JDK from IntelliJ::
- File menu
- Project Structure...
- Under Project Settings select Project
- Select Project SDK
- Select Download SDK...
- Select version 17
- Select Eclipse Temurin
If you use homebrew, you can do this instead:
brew tap homebrew/cask-versions
brew install --cask temurin17
# If ~/.jenv/versions directory doesn't exist:
mkdir -p ~/.jenv/versions
jenv add /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/temurin-17.jdk/Contents/Home
You may want to use jenv to set this JDK as your global setting to avoid surprises.
To switch between jdk versions, modify .bash_profile
and run jenv
as described here.
You will need to configure IntelliJ to use a particular SDK. Here are settings you may need to make:
- IntelliJIdea | Preferences... | Build, Execution, Deployment | Build Tools | Gradle - set Gradle JVM to your JDK 17
- File | Project Structure... | Project Settings | Project | Project SDK
- set Project SDK to your JDK 17 SDK
- set Project Language Level to 17
We are currently using Python 3.9.10
The build and the integration tests assume python3
and its built-in module venv
are available. The
build of openapi creates a python virtual environment and activates it to run the script to merge
the various YAML files comprising the REST API.
The recommended practice is to install pyenv
and use that to install and manage your versions
of python. Follow the instructions here to
install pyenv.
Then use pyenv
to install the right version of python like so:
pyenv install 3.9.10
In the automation, we use the venv
to make virtual environments. The advantage of using venv
is that it is built in so does not require extra installation steps.
However, it is not so useful as a developer tools because it has no way to de-activate a virtual
environment. Consider installing virtualenv
for your developer use. It can be installed using
like so:
python3 -m pip install virtualenv
is required and used to parse JSON-responses while running various shell scripts in this repo.
If you are using homebrew, you can install jq
with the following:
brew install jq
If you are not using homebrew, jq
's site lists a variety of ways to
install the tool as well.
Workspace Manager Service relies on a Postgresql database server containing two databases: one for the service itself, and one for Stairway. For unit and connected tests, this will default to using a Docker container. As long as you can run a container, you do not need to do any setup to run unit or connected tests.
For running WSM locally, Docker is the preferred method for running the database.
To start a postgres container configured with the necessary databases:
./service/local-dev/ start
To stop the container:
./service/local-dev/ stop
Note that the contents of the database is not saved between container runs.
Use psql
to connect to databases within the started database container. For database wsm_db
use user dbuser
password dbpwd
like this:
PGPASSWORD=dbpwd psql postgresql:// -U dbuser
For the Stairway database wsm_stairway
use user stairwayuser
with password stairwaypwd
- Open the repo normally (File -> Open)
- In project structure (the folder icon with a little tetromino over it in the upper right corner), make sure the project SDK is set to Java 17. If not, IntelliJ should detect it on your system in the dropdown, otherwise click "Add JDK..." and navigate to the folder from the last step.
- Set up google-java-format. We use the spotless checker to force code to a standard format. Installing the IntelliJ plug-in and library makes it easier to get it in the right format from the start.
- See some optional tips below in the "Tips" section.
Running WSM and the Test Runner integration tests requires many service accounts and database coordinates. That information is stored in Broad's Vault server. We do not want the main code to directly depend on Vault. So the code depends on files that hold the information.
The scripts/
script is used to collect all of the needed data from vault and
store it in files in the gradle ${rootDir}
in the directory config/
. Having a Broad Institute
account is the pre-requisite for fetching data from vault.
One advantage of having the config written in gradle ${rootDir}
is that it is visible to
github actions that run our CI/CD process.
View current usage information for
by entering
./scripts/ help
We use Jacoco to generate code coverage reports. Coverage information is written
to service/build/jacoco/{task_name}.exec
, and the combinedJaCoCoReport
gradle task will generate a single combined report for all test tasks run on
the same machine. This task is run automatically after test tasks and can also
be run manually.
To get coverage from integration tests, start the server under test using
instead of :service:bootRun
. See
Running Workspace Manager Locally for
more information.
To run locally, you'll first need to write configs (if you haven't already) and then launch the application:
./scripts/ # First time only
./gradlew :service:bootRun
Then navigate to the Swagger: http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html
You can also use the :service:jacocoBootRun
task to run the server
instrumented with Jacoco coverage tracking. This is useful for tracking
integration test coverage, but may incur a small performance cost.
A swagger-ui page is available at /swagger-ui.html on any running instance. For local WSM:
For Broad deployment, those are:
- dev:
- staging:
- prod:
If you can't load any of the swagger pages, check that you are on non-split VPN before troubleshooting further.
This section describes the nuts and bolts of developing on WSM in the Broad environment. Processes here rely on access to the Broad Vault server to get secrets and to the Broad Artifactory server to read and write libraries. There are dependencies on Broad Dev Ops github repositories and practices. Some of those are locked down, because the Broad deployment of Terra needs to maintain a FedRamp approval level in order to host US Government data.
We use gradle as our build tool. The repository is organized as a composite build, with common build logic pulled into convention plugins. There are three mostly independent projects:
- service - the Workspace Manager Service
- client - the OpenAPI-generated client
- integration - the TestRunner-based integration test project
The build structure is:
+ settings.gradle
+ build.gradle
+-- buildSrc/src/main/groovy (convention plugins)
| |
| +
| + terra-workspace-manager.library-conventions.gradle
+-- service
| |
| + build.gradle (service build; test dependency on client)
+–- client
| |
| + build.gradle
+-- integration (formerly clienttest)
+ build.gradle (dependency on client)
This build, and others in MC Terra require access to the Broad Institute's Artifactory server. That is where supporting libraries are published and where we publish the WSM client
The bulk of the code is in the service
project. This section describes that project.
Workspace Manager's logic for handling requests is broken into several layers. From highest to lowest:
- Controllers (
): this layer performs access checks, validates input, invokes services to do the work, and packages the service output into the response. Every controller endpoint should perform an authorization check as one of the first steps, or else clearly document why it isn't doing so. - Services (
): this layer is where most work is done. Each Service class wraps an external service or a collection of related internal functions. These functions may launch Stairway Flights to perform work as a transaction. See [README]( Code Structure) for a more detailed description of each service. - Flights (
): collections of Stairway individual logical steps which are performed in order as a transaction. Individual steps may call service or DAO methods. - Data Access Objects (DAOs) (
): wrappers around the WSM database. Methods that interact with the database directly live here, and Services call DAO methods rather than the database directly.
In general, API class objects are converted to and from internal WSM objects in the Controller layer. There are two exceptions to this rule.
First, we use API objects directly to pass cloud resource object parameters through create and update methods. There is little utility in copying the API structure into an identical internal structure, simply to make the cloud call and discard the object.
Second, we create API response objects within flight steps. That allows the JobService to implement a generic job response.
The service project uses Spring Boot as the framework for REST servers. The objective is to use a minimal set of Spring features; there are many ways to do the same thing and we would like to constrain ourselves to a common set of techniques.
We only use YAML configuration. We never use XML or .properties files.
In general, we use type-safe configuration parameters as shown here:
Type-safe Configuration Properties.
That allows proper typing of parameters read from property files or environment variables. Parameters are
then accessed with normal accessor methods. You should never need to use an @Value
Be aware that environment variables will override values in our YAML configuration. This should not be used for configuration as it makes the source of values harder to track, but it may be useful for debugging unexpected configurations. See Spring Boot's Externalized Configuration documentation for the exact priority order of configurations.
When the applications starts, Spring wires up the components based on the profiles in place. Setting different profiles allows different components to be included. This technique is used as the way to choose the cloud platform (Google, Azure, AWS) code to include.
We use the Spring idiom of the postSetupInitialization
, found in,
to perform initialization of the application between the point of having the entire application initialized and
the point of opening the port to start accepting REST requests.
The typical pattern when using Spring is to make singleton classes for each service, controller, and DAO. You do not have to write the class with its own singleton support. Instead, annotate the class with the appropriate Spring annotation. Here are ones we use:
Regular singleton class, like a service.@Repository
DAO component@Controller
REST Controller@Configuration
Definition of properties
There are other annotations that are handy to know about.
Use @Nullable
to mark method interface and return parameters that can be null.
Spring wires up the singletons and other beans when the application is launched. That allows us to use Spring profiles to control the collection of code that is run for different environments. Perhaps obviously, you can only autowire singletons to each other. You cannot autowire dynamically created objects.
There are two styles for declaring autowiring. The preferred method of autowiring, is to put the annotation on the constructor of the class. Spring will autowire all the inputs to the constructor.
public class Foo {
private final Bar bar;
private Fribble fribble;
public Foo(Bar bar, Fribble fribble) { = bar; = foo;
Spring will pass in the instances of Bar and Fribble into the constructor. It is possible to autowire a specific class member, but that is rarely necessary:
public class Foo {
private Bar bar;
Marks the controller input parameter receiving the body of the request@PathVariable("x")
Marks the controller input parameter receiving the parameterx
Marks the controller input parameter receiving the query parametery
We use the Jackson JSON library for serializing objects to and from JSON. Most of the time, you don't need to use JSON annotations. It is sufficient to provide setter/getter methods for class members and let Jackson figure things out with introspection. There are cases where it needs help and you have to be specific.
The common JSON annotations are:
Marks a class member as data that should be (de)serialized to(from) JSON. You can specify a name as a parameter to specify the JSON name for the member.@JsonIgnore
Marks a class member that should not be (de)serialized@JsonCreator
Marks a constructor to be used to create an object from JSON.
For more details see Jackson JSON Documentation
This section explains the code structure of the template. Here is the directory structure:
For the top of the application, including Main and the StartupInitializerapp/configuration/
For all of the bean and property definitionsapp/controller/
For the REST controllers. The controllers typically do very little. They perform access checks and validate input, invoke a service to do the work, and package the service output into the response. The controller package also defines the global exception handling.common/
For common models, exceptions, and utilities. shared by more than one service.common/exception/
A set of common abstract base classes that support the ErrorReport REST API return structure live in the Terra Common Library . All WSM exceptions derive from those. Exceptions common across services live here.service/
Each service gets a package within. We handle cloud-platform specializations within each service.service/buffer/
Thin interface to access the Resource Buffer Service for allocating GCP projects: the cloud context for Google cloud.service/crl/
Thin interface to access the Terra Cloud Resource Library used for allocating cloud resources.service/datarepo
Thin interface to access the Terra Data Repository for making referenced resources pointing to TDR snapshots.service/iam
Methods for accessing Sam for authorization definition and checking. This service provides retries and specific methods for the WSM operations on Sam.service/job
Methods for launching Stairway flights, waiting on completion, and getting flight resultsservice/resource
One of the main services in WSM. Manages controlled and referenced resources.service/spendprofile
Temporary methods to use fake spend profiles. Eventually, it will become a thin layer accessing the Spend Profile Manager when that arrives.service/stage
Feature locking serviceservice/status
Implementation of the /status endpointservice/workspace
The other main service in WSM. Manages CRUD for workspaces and cloud contexts.resources/
Properties definitions, database schema definitions, and the REST API definition
We currently have these workflows:
Workflow | Triggers | Work |
test | on PR and merge to dev | runs the unit, connected and azure tests |
pr-integration | on PR and merge to dev | runs the TestRunner-based integration test suite from the GHA host VM |
nightly-tests | nightly at 2am | runs the TestRunner-based integration, perf, and resiliency test suites on the wsmtest personal environment |
tag-publish | on merge to dev | tags, version bumps, publishes client to artifactory, pushes image to GCR |
# Unit tests
./gradlew :service:unitTest
# Connected tests
./gradlew :service:connectedTest
# ConnectedPlus tests
./gradlew :service:connectedPlusTest
For integration tests, see Integration README.
The unit tests are written using JUnit. The implementations are in
Some unit tests depend on the availability of a running Postgresql server.
Here are common annotations that may be used when setting up a unit test suite:
- custom annotation to set active profiles used for all tests (including human-readable logging)@Unit
- custom annotation to set tags and active profiles used for all unit tests@ExtendWith(MockitoExtension.class)
- extension to use mocks in tests with strict stubbing by default@SpringBootTest(classes = {ClassToLoad.class, ...})
- annotation to run Spring Boot tests, limiting the ApplicationContext to the component classes under test
Historically, we have used @SpringBootTest
to load a full ApplicationContext for our application to use in testing.
But overusing this initialization when we only need to facilitate pure unit tests, mocking, and/or a small subset of
context configuration leads to long-running test suites and disincentivizes writing unit-testable code.
When adding new unit tests, consider the narrowest required slice of initialization. If the code you are testing is difficult to unit test, it would likely benefit from modification.
Every combination of @MockBean
creates a distinct Spring application context. Each context holds several
database connection pools: (WSM db, WSM Stairway db, and any amalgam connection pools). We have run out of
database connections due to cached application contexts.
To reduce the number of unique combinations, we have put ALL @MockBean
into test base classes. That helps
limit the unique combinations. You should NEVER code a naked @MockBean
in a test. They should always be
specified in these bases. That helps us control the number of unique combinations we have.
The test base classes can be found in src/test/java/bio/terra/workspace/common/
The current inheritance for Spring Boot unit test base classes looks like this:
- the base class for Spring Boot unit and connected testsBaseSpringBootUnitTestMocks
- the base set of mocks shared by all Spring Boot unit testsBaseSpringBootUnitTest
- enables the right test tags and profiles for Spring Boot unit testsBaseSpringBootUnitTestMockDataRepoService
- adds one more mock; used by several testsBaseSpringBootUnitTestMockGcpCloudContextService
- adds one more mock; used by several tests
- adds mocks shared by azure Spring Boot unit tests and enables the right test tags and profiles
We keep the Azure tests separated from the general tests, because the Azure feature is not live in all environments. Those tests will not successfully run in those environments.
The connected tests are also written using JUnit.
The implementations are mixed in with the unit tests in
. Connected tests derive from common/
Connected tests depend on the availability of a running Postgresql server. They also rely
on a populated "config" directory containing service accounts and keys that allows the tests
to use dependent services such as Sam, Buffer, and TDR. The config collecting process relies on
secrets maintained in Vault in the Broad Institute environment.
In general, developers writing new endpoints should add MockMVC-based unit or connected tests to test their code ( example: WorkspaceApiControllerTest). These tests let us act as if we're making HTTP calls against a local server and validate the full request lifecycle through all the layers of WSM, whereas the previous style of service-only tests did not cover code in the controller layer.
Some connected tests are tagged as connectedPlus
tests primarily to control
the subset of tests required to be run for pull requests. Typically,
connectedTests are run as part of PR checks and connectedPlus tests run longer
and executed as part of nightly sanity tests.
Integration testing is done using
Test Runner.
The integration tests live in the integration
project. Consult the integration
README for more details.
In the early days of the project, there were JUnit-based integration tests. We are in process of migrating them to Test Runner.
Pact testing ensures workspace manager's APIs are compatible with the assumptions made by its clients and that workspace manager's assumptions about its dependency APIs are also correct.
Pact testing involves interacting with Pact Broker which requires a little setup.
To run pact tests locally:
# Get Pact Broker credentials
# Reload your environment variables, e.g. src ~/.zshrc
# Pact contract test settings
export PACT_BROKER_USERNAME=$(cat /tmp/pact-ro-username.key)
export PACT_BROKER_PASSWORD=$(cat /tmp/pact-ro-password.key)
./gradlew verifyPacts
If you're working on adding new pacts and making local changes to them, it might be helpful to use a local Pact Broker instead. To set up a local Pact Broker, see: Contract Test Local Development.
Once you have a local Pact Broker, you can override the PACT_BROKER_URL
environment variable:
PACT_BROKER_URL=http://localhost:9292 ./gradlew verifyPacts
For connected tests, creating workspace/context is slow. Use @BeforeAll
to create one workspace/context that every
test in the test file can use. Example PR.
If your test changes the workspace, just undo the changes at the end of the test. For example, if your test sets workspace properties, delete the properties at the end of your test.
Similarly, if a resource is used by multiple tests, initialize it in setup()
For example,
has many
tests that clone a BQ dataset. The source BQ dataset is initialized once in
, and reused for many tests.
This section is optional. For local development, it's useful to run tests against existing workspaces/contexts, so you don't have to wait for workspace/context creation. These changes should not be merged.
- Comment out these lines When test starts postgres, DB won't be wiped.
- Comment
in your test, so workspaces aren't deleted at the end of the test. - Run a test so that
creates workspace(s). Get workspace ID from DB:PGPASSWORD=dbpwd psql postgresql:// -U dbuser wsm_db=> select workspace_id from cloud_context; # If you need projectId wsm_db=> select workspace_id, context->>'gcpProjectId' from cloud_context;
- In
, comment out workspace initialization and add:workspaceId = UUID.fromString("workspace-id");
- Your test must store
, notworkspace
. - Your test must be able to run more than once on the same workspace. For example,
instead of creating a resource named
, call itTestUtils.appendRandomNumber("resource-name")
We have 2 ways of cleaning up resources (WSM workspace, SAM workspace, GCP project):
- Connected tests use Janitor. Janitor deletes GCP project and not SAM workspace (see here for details).
- Tests call WSM
. This deletes WSM workspace + SAM workspace + GCP project.
Connected tests that use mock SamService: Tests don't need to call
because there is no SAM workspace to clean up.
Connected tests that use real SamService: Tests should call deleteWorkspace()
to clean up SAM workspaces. Why not just call deleteWorkspace()
and not use
janitor? Janitor is useful in case test fails (or deleteWorkspace()
Integration tests: Tests should call deleteWorkspace()
because integration
tests don't use janitor. Most tests don't need to worry about this because
deletes the workspace it creates. If
your test creates a workspace, it must delete the workspace.
SourceClear is a static analysis tool that scans a project's Java dependencies for known vulnerabilities. If you are working on addressing dependency vulnerabilities in response to a SourceClear finding, you may want to run a scan off of a feature branch and/or local code.
You can trigger WSM's SCA scan on demand via its
Github Action,
and optionally specify a Github ref (branch, tag, or SHA) to check out from the repo to scan. By default,
the scan is run off of WSM's main
High-level results are outputted in the Github Actions run.
You will need to get the API token from Vault before running the Gradle srcclr
export SRCCLR_API_TOKEN=$(vault read -field=api_token secret/secops/ci/srcclr/gradle-agent)
./gradlew srcclr
High-level results are outputted to the terminal.
Full results including dependency graphs are uploaded to Veracode (if running off of a feature branch, navigate to Project Details > Selected Branch > Change to select your feature branch). You can request a Veracode account to view full results from #dsp-infosec-champions.
Refer to for implementing a stairway flight. When a new flight is added, add a new Enum entry in service/src/main/java/bio/terra/workspace/common/logging/model/
If the flight has OperationType
, a flight might fail while the target
is still deleted from the database. Check whether the target is deleted
in the database and log a DELETE
activity in WorkspaceActivityLogHook
The default logging set in the build.gradle
file does not show the log messages written
to the console. The default setup is:
testLogging {
events = ["passed", "failed", "skipped", "started"]
You can add events to the logging so that you see the log details:
events = ["passed", "failed", "skipped", "started", "standard_error", "standard_out"]
The default log format is a JSON format that presents well in Log Explorer, but is not so
easy to read. You get human readable logging by setting the human-readable-logging
Spring profile.
You can do this in any of the many ways to provide properties to Spring. A simple way is by setting the environment variable as:
export spring_profiles_include=human-readable-logging
By default logging at INFO level and above are displayed. You can change the logging level by setting yet another Spring property. For example, you can set all things terra to log at debug level by adding this to a property YAML file (such as application.yaml): debug
# Print SQL queries trace
# Print SQL transactions
You can be more precise by putting more of the path in. You can use YAML syntax to include multiple entries, something like (but I did not test this):
ControlledGcsBucketResource: debug
ControlledBigQueryDatasetResource: warn
And you can use an environment variable instead of editing a property file.
If you are also using human readable logging, then you can create the file
and put the logging property in there.
Spring auto-magically searches for properties files for the active profiles.
For project level permissions, update CloudSyncRoleMapping
. For resource
level permissions, update CustomGcpIamRoleMapping
When the PR with new permissions is merged and released, it will only be applied
to the workspace created after the WSM with the new release version. To
allow existing workspaces to contains the new permissions, a SAM admin must
run the Admin
api syncIamRoles
For each environment:
- dry run, check GCP logs to confirm new permissions/GCP projects as expected.
- wet run.
Check out gdub, it'll save you typing
over and over, and also takes care of knowing when you're not in the root directory, so you don't have to figure out the appropriate number of../
s. -
In IntelliJ, instead of running the local server with
, use theMain
Spring Boot configuration shared in
directory. This allows you to debug service code while running integration tests or using Swagger UI. To edit it, click on it (in the upper right of the window), and clickEdit Configurations
.- The environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS must be set to the path to wsm-sa.json
in the
directory. If this variable is missing, you may get a mysterious Oauth2 error when setting up a spending profile (or have other undefined behavior). - The Working Directory should be set to the full path to the
directory - For readable logs, put
in theActive Profiles
field. - You can get live-ish reloading of for the local Swagger UI by adding the following
override parameter:
. It's not true live reloading, you still have to refresh the browser, but at least you don't have to restart the server.
- The environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS must be set to the path to wsm-sa.json
in the
To run unit and connected tests with a local DB (which can be helpful for examining DB contents after testing), set the
environment variable to point to a local postgres URI, e.gexport TEST_LOCAL_DB='postgresql://'
. See above for setting up a local DB.- Note that parallel tests using a shared database may interfere with each
other - you can set the
env var to restrict tests to a single thread.
- Note that parallel tests using a shared database may interfere with each
other - you can set the