BeagleBone Black based Cryptocurrency node
- BeagleBone Black x1
- Case bb100 x1
- 64GB Class 10 microSD card x1
- Small Heatsink x1
- Thermal Paste x1
- Attach the Heatsink to the CPU, and any other nearby chips you can cover.
- Place the board into the case.
- Insert the SD card.
- Attach network and power cables.
Ubuntu for BeagleBone Black, flashed to eMMC - Instructions
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install build-essential libtool autotools-dev autoconf pkg-config libssl-dev
sudo mkdir /sd
sudo mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 /sd
sudo echo /dev/mmcblk0p1 /sd ext4 defaults 0 0 >> /etc/fstab
sudo fallocate -l 2G /sd/swapfile
sudo chmod 0600 /sd/swapfile
sudo mkswap /sd/swapfile
sudo swapon /sd/swapfile
sudo echo /sd/swapfile none swap sw 0 0 >> /etc/fstab
sudo mkdir /sd/bitcoind
sudo mkdir /sd/bitcoind/src
sudo chown ubuntu:ubuntu /sd/bitcoind/src
cd /sd/bitcoind/src
wget # Check for a newer version
cd bitcoin-0.10.0
./configure --disable-wallet --with-incompatible-bdb
make # This will take a long time!
cd src
strip bitcoind
strip bitcoin-cli
sudo mv bitcoind /usr/bin/
sudo mv bitcoin-cli /usr/bin/
sudo useradd -m bitcoind
sudo mkdir /etc/bitcoind
sudo mkdir /sd/bitcoind/data
sudo chown bitcoind:bitcoind /sd/bitcoind/data
sudo wget > /etc/bitcoind.conf
sudo wget > /etc/init/bitcoind.conf
sudo nano /etc/bitcoind.conf # Edit the password to a secure one i.e. generated by bash -c 'tr -dc a-zA-Z0-9 < /dev/urandom | head -c32 && echo'
Download the Blockchain bootstrap.dat file from torrent bootstrap.dat and place it in /sd/bitcoind/data
sudo service bitcoind start
sudo tail -f /var/log/upstart/bitcoind.log # Check the service starts
sudo tail -f /sd/bitcoind/data/debug.log # Check startup and progress - will take several hours/days to fully sync!
Install BTCnDash by following the instructions in /doc/installation.rst