Interactive data visualization tool for Facebook Messages.
- install all required modules - pip install -r requirements.txt
- compile python script to Windows executable with compile_exe.bat
- compile HReader (GUI) in Visual Studio
To use this app you can:
- download and run the latest release which you can find here
- build and run binary bin/hreader.exe
- run the python script with the arguments described in argument_example.txt
- Log in to your account on facebook
- Navigate through Settings -> your Facebook Information -> Download your Information
- Media quality doesn't matter for this application
- This program works for both formats, but JSON is way faster and HTML still has some bugs and lacks some features
- After you make a request to create a file, it usually takes ~1-2 days until you can download it
- After downloading the files, unzip them somewhere - this will be your "Conversation directory"
Inspired by r/dataisbeautiful, I decided to make my own data visualization tool to visualize Facebook Messages using the data you can download.
To make it, I used Python for all the data reading and calculations with Dash library for making the graphs and BeautifulSoup library for parsing HTML files. To create a simple UI, I made a C# program using WPF to display the inputs and the informations, and interact with the Python script that I converted to an exacutable using PyInstaller to work on machines without Python.
The user is presented with an interactive dashboard, which shows many interesing graphs and updates them in real-time after selecting a timeframe on a main graph. The customization includes: changing colors for each person, enabling/disabling certain features and modifying graph parameters.
Tips, criticism or any feedback is most welcome.
App icon made by Kiranshastry from
© Dawid Pietrykowski
Licensed under the MIT LICENSE