- Introduction
- Software requirements
- User requirements
- Obtaining the code
- Compiling the code
- Demonstration cases
- Inflows and outflows
- PETSc solvers
- Benchmark cases
T-Flows is a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) program for simulation of turbulent, single and multiphase flows. Numerical method is based on collocated finite volume method on unstructured arbitrary grids and turbulence models include a range of Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) models, large eddy simulations (LES), as well as hybrid RANS-LES approach. A more comprehensive list of turbulence models is here.
Multiphase models include an algebraic volume of fluid (VOF) method and Lagrangian particle tracking model. Three-phase flows situations (two fluid phases with VOF and one solid phase as particles) are also supported.
Note: In T-Flows, the Navier-Stokes equations are discretized in their incompressible form, meaning only that pressure and temperatures are not linked through an equation of state. All physical properties in T-Flows can be variable, but you should keep in mind that variable density does not mean compressibility.
The bare minimum to get T-Flows running entails:
- make utility
- Fortran 2008 compiler
- standard C compiler
T-Flows is almost entirely written in Fortran 2008 (only one function is written in C) and the compilation is controlled by makefiles. So, the the requirements listed above are a bare minimum for you to start using the code.
Although there is, in principle, no restriction on the operating system on which you can use T-Flows, its natural habitat is Linux. We develop test T-Flows on Linux, and Linux meets the minimum software requirements either out of the box, or with small installation effort.
Note: We do not specify the minimum version for any of the required or recommended software. We believe that if you are reading these pages, you do have access to a relatively recent hardware which also implies an up to date operating system and the associated tools.
Although without meeting the minimum software requirements listed above you will not get anywhere, they alone will not get you very far either. To make a practical use of T-Flows, it is highly desirable that you also have the following:
- any other free or commercial mesh generator exporting ANSYS'
format (double-check for .cas) - visualization software which can read
file format such as ParaView or VisIt, or any tool which can read.vtu
file format - OpenMPI installation (mpif90 for compilation and mpirun for parallel processing)
T-Flows is, in essence, a fluid flow solver without any graphical user interface (GUI).
Although it comes with its own grid generator, it is very rudimentary, and an
external grid generation software would be highly desirable for meshing complex
computational domains. We regularly use GMSH and would highly recommend it for
its inherent scripting ability, but if you have access to any commercial grid
generator which can export meshes in ANSYS' .msh
(and .cas
, this should
be checked) format, that would just fine.
Having no GUI, T-Flows relies on
external tools for visualization of results. The results are saved in .vtu
ParaView's unstructured data format, and any visualization software which can
read that format is highly desirable for post-processing of results.
From its beginnings, T-Flows was developed for parallel execution with Message Passing Interface (MPI). If you intend to run it on parallel computational platforms, you will also need an installation of OpenMPI on your system.
The following packages are not essential to T-Flows, but could prove to be very useful if you become and experienced user, or even developer:
T-Flows resides on GitHub platform, and its development is
controlled by git
commands. Although you can download T-Flows from
GitHub as a .zip
file and use it locally from there on, the connection
to GitHub repository gives you the possibility to pull updates, report issues,
track your own developments, and even share with them rest of community by
pushing your changes.
Even though T-Flows comes with its own suite of linear solvers based on Krylov sub-space family of methods (Incomplete Cholesky and Jacobi preconditioned conjugate gradient (CG), bi-conjugate gradient (BiCG) and conjugate gradient squared (CGS)), you might want to have more choice or even want to use algebraic multigrid preconditioners for better scaling with problem size. To that end, we linked T-Flows with PETSc. If PETSc is installed on your system, T-Flows' makefiles will recognize, link with PETSc libraries and you will have all PETSc solvers at your disposal.
Visualization tools such as ParaView and VisIt are powerful, self-contained
and sufficient for all sorts of post-processing, but occasionally you might want
to extract profiles from your solution fields and compare them against
experiments or direct numerical simulation (DNS) results, so a two-dimensional
plotting software might come handy. We find Grace light particularly suitable
for that purpose and many test cases which come with T-Flows, already have
benchmark cases compared in Grace's format (.agr
Note: During its lifespan, Grace went through a number of transitions and is known under different names. It used to be called xmgr, xmgrace, ace and currently grace. It is possible that, with installation of Grace, its other names become available on your system as aliases.
There is no point in denying that successful use of a software package depends on the quality, robustness and intuitiveness of the software itself, but also on the user's previous experience. This is even more true for open source software, particularly open source scientific software such as T-Flows. In this section we list some background knowledge required from you in
The bare minimum you need to get T-Flows running is:
- you are able to download T-Flows sources as a .zip file from GitHub
- you don't have to click icons in a file manager to reach your files or execute commands, because you can use your operating system (OS) from a terminal.
- you know that your operating system has
command, Fortran and C compiler, and if not, you know who to ask to install these facilities for you
If you are not even on this level, T-Flows is not for you and you are just wasting your time with it. You are better of venturing into CFD with some commercial package featuring fully fledged GUI.
Just like in software requirements section, the minimum will only get you so far. In order to take a better advantage of T-Flows, your background knowledge should also entail as many of the following:
- prudence in using Linux operating system from a terminal
- understanding of the
command - ability to install third-party software on your computer, such as GMSH, ParaView or maybe even build PETSc from the sources
- one of the high-level programming languages such as C/C++, Fortran 2003+, Python, Julia or alike
- understanding of fluid mechanics
- essence of finite volume method and how conservation equations are numerically solved and linked
- the basic approaches in turbulence modeling, relative merits of RANS and LES and reasons why hybrid RANS/LES are being used
- approaches to multiphase flows description, in particular VOF for flows with resolved interfaces and Lagrangian particle tracking for flows laden with particles
Ideally, when opting for open-source CFD code such as T-Flows, you should also be:
- eager to see how all components of a CFD program, hence the numerical methods, physical models and linear solvers, are implemented in an unstructured finite volume solver
- able to understand the essence of object-oriented code architecture
- familiar with single-program multiple-data (SPMD) programming paradigm and related MPI commands
- acquainted with version control system with
command - interested to modify the sources of the program you are using, either in an attempt to improve it or to implement new features be it physical models or numerical methods and algorithms
- ready to adhere to coding standards laid down by T-Flows core development team
- willing to share your developments with the rest of the scientific community through GitHub platform
This set of desirable user background knowledge is a bit on the exhaustive side and all the items must not met. In full openness, not even all members of T-Flows core development team are experts in all of these fields, but through organized team work we are covering them all. Last, but maybe the most import, we hope that the usage of T-Flows will broaden your knowledge in as many of these fields as possible, and that you will find this journey exciting.
The code resides on Github, more precisely here: T-Flows. You can either download just the zipped sources (from the "Code" drop-down menu, or use git in your terminal to retrieve the sources under the git version control system:
git clone https://github.com/DelNov/T-Flows
Tip 1: We strongly recommend the latter approach as
will track all the changes you do to the code and give you access to all possibilities offered by git suite of commands.
Tip 2: If you are not familiar with version control system (such as
, you are better of learning it soon as possible since it is an indispensable tool in software development and maintenance.
If you are using the git
command, you might also specify the name of the
local directory where you want all the sources to be retrieved, for example:
git clone https://github.com/DelNov/T-Flows T-Flows-Let-Me-Check-If-It-Works
In any case, the local directory to which all the sources have been retrieved,
will be referred to as [root]
from this point in the manual on.
To cover this section, we assume that you have an open terminal and that you
have retrieved the sources with one of the two options described in section
Obtaining the code. The [root]
directory has the following
├── Binaries
├── Documentation
├── license
├── readme.md
├── Sources
└── Tests
Note: Remember, [root] is the name of the directory to which you cloned or unzipped the sources. It is not
in Linux orC:\
on Windows.
The sub-directories have rather self-explanatory names and we believe that it is
only worth mentioning that the directory Binaries
will contain executable
files. If you check the contents of the Sources
sub-directory, it will reveal
the following structure:
├── Convert
├── Divide
├── Generate
├── Libraries
├── Process
├── Shared
└── Utilities
which needs a bit more attention. T-Flows entails four sub-programs called:
Generate, Convert, Divide and Process, whose sources lie in corresponding
sub-directory names. Directory Shared
contains sources (by end large Fortran
2008 classes) which are shared by all the sub-programs mentioned above.
Directory Libraries
contains third party libraries and, at the time of writing
this manual, contains only METIS
libraries for domain decomposition with Divide. Directory Utilities
small utilities and prototype procedures used to test some basic concepts or help
with some menial tasks and we will explain some of them when the need occurs.
Process, as the name implies, has all the functionality needed to process (discretize and solve) flow equations on a given numerical grid, but it is not a grid generator on its own. To provide a grid to Process, you can either use the built-in program Generate, which is quite rudimentary and useful for very simple geometries only, or convert a mesh from an external mesh generator.
Note: As third-party grid generator we would recommend GMSH, although any other software producing the files in Fluent's
format will do)
So, as a bare minimum, you have to compile:
- Generate or Convert and
- Process
Should you want to run your simulations in parallel, you will have to decompose the grids obtained from Generate or Convert with the program Divide. The parallel processing is not covered here, we dedicate a separate section Parallel processing for it. Here, we will only compile the program Divide.
The compilation of each of the sub-programs is performed in their directories
, [root]/Sources/Convert
, [root]/Sources/Divide
and [root]/Sources/Process
by simply issuing command make
in each
of them. When compiling Convert, for example, command make
in its
directory prints the following lines on the terminal:
# Compiling Convert with compiler gnu
# Usage:
# make <FORTRAN=gnu/intel/nvidia> <DEBUG=no/yes> OPENMP=<no/yes>
# <REAL=double/single>
# Note: The first item, for each of the options above, is the default.
# Examples:
# make - compile with gnu compiler
# make FORTAN=intel - compile with intel compiler
# make DEBUG=yes - compile with gnu compiler in debug mode
# make OPENMP=yes - compile with gnu compiler for parallel Convert
gfortran ../Shared/Const_Mod.f90
gfortran ../Shared/Comm_Mod_Seq.f90
gfortran ../Shared/Math_Mod.f90
gfortran ../Shared/File_Mod.f90
gfortran Load_Fluent.f90
gfortran Load_Gmsh.f90
gfortran Main_Con.f90
Linking ../Libraries/Metis_5.1.0_Linux_64/libmetis_i32_r64.a ../../Binaries/Convert
At each invocation of the command make
for any of the four sub-program's
directories, makefile
will print a header with possible options which can be
passed to make
. In the above you can see that you can specify which
compiler you want to use (we use almost exclusively gnu), whether you want
debugging information in the executable and, probably most important of all,
the precision of the floating point numbers. If you specify make REAL=single
will compile the program with 32-bit representation of floating
point numbers and if you define make REAL=double
, it will use the 64-bit
The command make clean
will clean all object and module files from the local directory.
Note 1: You don't really have to specify
since these are the default options, as described in the header written by themakefile
Note 2: Although the provided
take care of the dependencies of the sources, if you change precision in-between two compilations, you will have to run amake clean
in between to make sure that objects with 32-bit and 64-bit representation of floating points mix up.
Warning: All sub-programs should be compiled with the same precision. At the time of writing these pages, Process compiled with double precision will not be able to read files created by Convert in single precision. So, decide on a precision and stick with it for all sub-programs.
After you visit all four sub-directories with sources and run the make
command in each, the sub-directory [root]/Binaries
will contain the following
├── Convert
├── Divide
├── Generate
├── Process
└── readme
and you are ready to start your first simulations.
The cases presented in this chapter serve only to show the basic usage of T-Flows. They are by no means adhering to best practice guidelines, nor is their aim to be used as verification against experiments, DNS or other published results. The following chapter, Benchmark cases, is dedicated to benchmarking and rigorous CFD practices.
It is hard to imagine a problem in CFD simpler than a lid-driven flow in a cavity:
The flow occurs in a cavity with square cross section, in which all the walls are static except the top one which is moving. The cavity is long enough in the spanwise direction that an assumption of two-dimensionality can be made. The simplicity of this case is hard to beat as it occurs in one of the simplest possible domain geometries (a cube or a square in two dimensions), the fact that there are no inflow and outflow boundaries, and that there are steady laminar solutions for a range of Reynolds numbers. Owing to its simplicity, it is well documented, often used to benchmark CFD codes and quite often the first test case one ever considers with a new CFD code.
We will use this case to introduce a few new concepts in T-Flows:
- conversion of a grid from GMSH with Convert
- specification of periodic boundary conditions
- setting up a control file for Process
- running a simulation and adjusting the control file
- visualization of results
- typical workflow in T-Flows
We show how to solve this example with two grids with different topologies; a hexahedral grid and a polyhedral grid.
We start with a grid built from hexahedral cell. In order to run this case,
please go to the directory [root]/Tests/Manual/Lid_Driven_Cavity/Hexa/
There you will find the following files:
├── lid_driven.geo
└── lid_driven_msh.gz
The first file, with the extension .geo
, is the script GMSH uses to
generate a mesh, whereas the second file, lid_driven.msh.gz
, is in this
directory in the case you don't have GMSH installed on your system.
If that is the case, skip directly to Converting the grid.
Although it is beyond the scope of this manual to teach you how to use third
party software, we believe it's interesting to have a look at the
A = 1.0; // length and height of the cavity
B = 0.1; // width of the cavity
NA = 20; // resolution in length and height
NB = 3; // resolution in width (periodic direction)
// Define points
Point(1) = {0, 0, 0}; Point(2) = {A, 0, 0};
Point(3) = {A, 0, A}; Point(4) = {0, 0, A};
// Define lines
Line(1) = {1, 2}; Line(2) = {2, 3};
Line(3) = {3, 4}; Line(4) = {4, 1};
// Define front surface
Curve Loop(1) = {1, 2, 3, 4}; Plane Surface(1) = {1};
// Set lines to transfinite
// (+1 is because GMSH expects number of points here)
Transfinite Curve {1, 2, 3, 4} = NA+1 Using Bump 1.0;
// Set surface to be transfinite and quadrilateral
Transfinite Surface {1} = {1, 2, 3, 4}; Recombine Surface {1};
// Expand in spanwise direction
Extrude {0, B, 0} {Surface{1}; Layers {NB}; Recombine;}
// Define boundary conditions
Physical Surface("upper_wall", 27) = {21};
Physical Surface("side_walls", 28) = {25, 17};
Physical Surface("lower_wall", 29) = {13};
Physical Surface("periodic_y", 30) = {1, 26};
// Define volume condition
Physical Volume("fluid", 31) = {1};
to see that it is very readable and intuitive. Script defines the points,
the lines, a surface, extends that surface to create a volume in third
dimension and finally prescribes the boundary conditions (called Pysical Surface
and set to upper_wall
, side_walls
, lower_wall
and periodicity_y
for this case. The script is wrapped up by specifying a Physical Volume
whose name is simply set to fluid
Note: GMSH comes with a GUI, and you don't have to write a script like that at all - you can create a mesh solely from GUI. That might seem comfortable at first, but it comes with a big disadvantage, particularly for scientific work, that it is not reproducible. However, the main strength of GMSH as we see it is that it automatically creates a script with commands you enter in GUI so that you can use it for reproducing your actions, or tuning the script for more precise adjustments. We usually create grids in GMSH in an iterative fashion: work in the GUI for a few steps, then exit and examine the script it created or updated and make fine tuning as we please. Then we switch back to GUI with updated script and make more steps there. Another advantage of GMSH's scripting is the possibility of parametrization. We introduced variables
to be able to easily change domain dimensions and resolutions.
Warning: It is easy to forget to specify the
Physical Volume
in GMSH which is a pitfall, because if you don't do it, it will only export surface grid blocking T-Flows in discretizing equations through volumes.
Since the script for GMSH is ready, you can run it from command line with this command:
gmsh -3 lid_driven.geo
which will, after a few instances, create the file:
Once you have the mesh in this format, you can use Convert to convert it
into T-Flows native file format. This will take some time and will require your
attention, so we don't recommend you continue with this section unless you are
sure you can have 15 minutes of peace and quietness ahead of you. We assume you
compiled Convert as it was described in the section
Compiling sub-programs. Given that you are in
directory [root]/Tests/Manual/Lid_Driven_Cavity/Hexa
, you can
call Convert with:
which will prompt you with the screen:
# ______________________ ____ ________ __ __ _________
# \__ ___/\_ _____/| | \_____ \/ \ / \/ _____/
# | | | __) | | / | \ \/\/ /\_____ \
# | | | \ | |___/ | \ / / \
# |____| \___ / |_______ \_______ /\__/\ / /_______ /
# \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
# _____ __
# / ___/__ ___ _ _____ ____/ /_
# / /__/ _ \/ _ \ |/ / -_) __/ __/
# \___/\___/_//_/___/\__/_/ \__/
# Double precision mode
# Enter the name of the grid file you are importing (with ext.):
Here you have to type the name of the grid with extension, hence
Note: Both GMSH and Fluent produce grid files with extension
, but the formats are completely different and Convert makes an educated guess which one it is reading based on its contents.
Many messages on the screen will follow outlining the conversion process which we won't cover now, but Convert will stop with the following question:
# Would you like to create a dual grid? (yes/no)
at which point you type no
. Dual grids will be covered in the
Lid-driven cavity on polyhedral grids.
Next question Convert asks you concerns geometric extents:
# Geometric extents:
# X from: 0.000E+00 to: 1.000E+00
# Y from: 0.000E+00 to: 5.000E-01
# Z from: 0.000E+00 to: 1.000E+00
# Enter scaling factor for geometry:
# (or skip to keep as is):
You may wish to scale the entire geometry if, for example, you generated it in
millimeters but you know that T-Flows' Process works in SI units, or if you
want to use scaling to change the non-dimensional numbers (such as Reynolds or
Rayleigh) that way. For this case, we are not doing it, so just answer skip
Next question which Convert will pose you concerns connections of boundary
cells to inside cells:
# Position the boundary cell centres:
# Type 1 for barycentric placement
# Type 2 for orthogonal placement
We noticed that, in some cases, the accuracy of gradient computations with the
least squares method is more accurate if these connections are orthogonal, so
it is safe to answer with 2
Note: For orthogonal grids, these two types of boundary cell center placements coincide, so it hardly matters. It makes a difference on distorted grids.
Next thing Convert will ask you is very important and is about the periodic boundary conditions:
# Grid currently has the following boundary conditions:
# Enter the ordinal number(s) of periodic-boundary condition(s)
# from the boundary condition list (see above)
# Type skip if there is none !
It lists all the boundary conditions specified in the .msh
file and asks
you which of those you want to set to be periodic. In this case, you enter 4
because the periodicity set in GMSH to be called periodic_y
is fourth in
the list. Since you can have periodicity in more than one direction, Convert
will prompt you with the same question again but with a shorter list of boundary
# Grid currently has the following boundary conditions:
# Enter the ordinal number(s) of periodic-boundary condition(s)
# from the boundary condition list (see above)
# Type skip if there is none !
and this time you answer skip
. Finally, Convert asks you about the
distance from the wall calculation:
# Calculating distance from the walls
# Type ordinal number(s) of wall or wall_flux boundary condition(s)
# from the boundary condition list (see above) separated by space.
# Cells' centers distances to the nearest wall will be calculated
# for the listed wall boundary(s).
# This is needed for RANS and HYBRID turbulence models as well as
# for proper initialization with potential pressure-like field.
# Type skip to skip this and set wall distance to -1.0 everywhere.
Distance to the wall is important for many turbulence models as well as for problems with conjugate heat transfer. It can be computed in two ways:
- geometrically from Convert, browsing through all inside cells and searching for nearest boundary cells which is accurate but can be time consuming for large grids, or:
- from a partial differential equation proposed by Spalding which is done from Process in cases the above step is skipped in Convert. Wall distance calculation from partial differential equation is faster for large grids, but less accurate. However, the errors in the near wall regions are rather small, invariantly smaller than 1%.
For this case, let's compute them from here so you answer 1 2
to the
above question to instruct Convert which boundaries can be considered as
solid walls.
Before it ends, Convert will ask you one more thing:
# Creating 1d file with the node
# coordinates in non-homogeneous directions
# Insert non-homogeneous direction
# (x, y, z, rx, ry, rz or skip)
# -------------------------------------------
which is important for computation of turbulent flows and described with some
turbulent benchmark cases RANS computation of a channel flow.
For the time being, feel free to answer with a skip
During the conversion process, Convert creates the following files:
├── lid_driven.cfn
├── lid_driven.dim
├── lid_driven.vtu
├── lid_driven.faces.vtu
├── lid_driven.shadows.vtu
└── control_template_for_lid_driven
which will be described now. Files with extension .cfn
and .dim
are binary files in internal T-Flows format, which can be read by Process
(or Divide for domain decomposition, which is covered in section
Parallel processing. A number of files with extension
is created too. You can visualize them with ParaView or VisIt
for inspection.
The most interesting is the lid_driven.faces.vtu
because it shows
boundary conditions. Once visualized with ParaView, the
shows the following:
which reveals boundary conditions for this case, shown here in different colors. Light blue is for the inside cells (no boundary conditions there) and orange and red are for different boundary conditions.
if you rotate the domain in ParaView, you will see something which may surprise you at first:
The cells in the back seem to be hollow, as if they are missing the faces on periodic boundary. This is done on purpose. Since T-Flows uses face-base data structure (each face stores the two cells around it) the faces are stored on one side of periodic boundary, but still have information about cells on each side of periodicity. It is enough to browse through one copy of the periodic face for almost all numerical algorithms in T-Flows.
Note: The exception is Lagrangian particle tracking which needs the periodic face-pairs not to allow particles escape the computational domain. To visualize those period pairs, one can read the file
. If plotted together withlid_driven.faces.vtu
, they close the domain.
In order to run a simulation, you have to compile Process as explained in
Compiling sub programs. In addition to that, you
need a special
file called control
which controls all the numerical parameters
(by numerical we mean discretization), physical models (turbulence,
multiphase, multiple domains) and linear solver parameters (either for native
or PETSc, if the code was compiled with PETSc) and most importantly sets
boundary condition. Although the amount of options which can be prescribed in
file is rather big, T-Flows' Processs is very flexible and for
all the options which are not specified, it takes default values. At its bare
minimum, control
file needs problem name specified, to know which grids
to read (files .cfn
and .dim
) and boundary conditions.
In order to facilitate the setup of control
files, Convert and Generate
create a control file template for the given grid. In this case, the control
file template is called control_template_for_lid_driven
and it resides in
the current directory. Feel free to open it, because it comes with a lots of
useful information:
# This is a minimum control file for T-Flows for the domain
# "lid_driven"
# One can use it as a staring point for defining entries
# in T-Flows' control file. These files are created at
# the end of each call to Convert or Generate sub-programs.
# Each line starting with a # is, obviously, a comment.
# Lines starting with ! or % are also skipped as comments.
# Problem name must be specified and corresponds to the
# base name (without extensions) of the grid file used.
PROBLEM_NAME lid_driven
# Boundary conditions also must be specified and are
# listed here, for this grid, with some dummy values
# T-Flows neglects what it doesn't need to read, so in
# the lines below, only "wall" will be read as the type of
# boundary conditions, everything in () braces is skipped.
# The same holds for the values listed. If simulation is
# laminar or LES, T-Flows will skip the values for "k",
# "eps", "zeta" and "f22"
TYPE wall (or: inflow / outflow / pressure / convective)
VARIABLES u v w t kin eps zeta f22
VALUES 0.0 0.0 0.0 10 1e-2 1e-3 6.6e-2 1e-3
TYPE wall (or: inflow / outflow / pressure / convective)
VARIABLES u v w t kin eps zeta f22
VALUES 0.0 0.0 0.0 10 1e-2 1e-3 6.6e-2 1e-3
TYPE wall (or: inflow / outflow / pressure / convective)
VARIABLES u v w t kin eps zeta f22
VALUES 0.0 0.0 0.0 10 1e-2 1e-3 6.6e-2 1e-3
# And, that's it, what is listed above is the bare minimum.
# If nothing else is prescribed, T-Flows will take default
# values as documented in Documents/all_control_keywords.
# Clearly, such a simulation wouldn't be very useful, so
# in the following are some of the most essential options
# for the control file. Simply uncomment what you need.
# All the entries (except the sub-entries such as: TYPE,
# can be inserted in any order. T-Flows will take whatever
# it needs, whenever it needs it. The entire boundary
# section may as well be at he end of the file.
# Time stepping
! TIME_STEP 0.001
! RESULTS_SAVE_INTERVAL 300 (how often will it save)
# Physical properties
# Monitoring points
! MONITORING_POINT_001 0.0 0.0 2.0
! MONITORING_POINT_002 0.0 0.0 2.5
! MONITORING_POINT_003 0.0 0.0 3.0
! MONITORING_POINT_004 0.0 0.0 3.5
# Initial condition
# These are very similar to BOUNDARY_CONDITION section above
# and also here sub-entries VARIABLES and VALUES must be
# specified in the given order.
! VARIABLES u v w t kin eps zeta f22
! VALUES 0.0 0.0 0.0 10 1e-2 1e-3 6.6e-2 1e-3
# For flows with inlets and outlets, initialization by a
# pressure-like potential field could prove to be useful
# For more customization, check the file:
# Documents/all_control_keywords.
Please take time to read through it, it gives a lots of explanations which are
probably not necessary to be repeated here again. We will cover different
options in subsequent sections of this manual. For the sake of shortness,
copy the template control file to just control
file with:
cp control_template_for_lid_driven control
remove all non-essential comments and set the velocity of the moving wall to
in the section BOUNDARY_CONDITION moving_wall
until you get this:
# Problem name
PROBLEM_NAME lid_driven
# Boundary conditions
TYPE wall
VALUES 1.0 0.0 0.0
TYPE wall
VALUES 0.0 0.0 0.0
TYPE wall
VALUES 0.0 0.0 0.0
At this point, you are ready to run. Invoke Process by issuing command:
../../../../Binaries/Process > out &
Since Process writes a lot of information on the screen while it is computing,
it is useful to re-direct the output to a log file, here simply called out
We also send the process in the background with an ampersand &
at the end
of the command line. Next, let's analyze the output from Process.
It starts with a header:
# ______________________ ____ ________ __ __ _________
# \__ ___/\_ _____/| | \_____ \/ \ / \/ _____/
# | | | __) | | / | \ \/\/ /\_____ \
# | | | \ | |___/ | \ / / \
# |____| \___ / |_______ \_______ /\__/\ / /_______ /
# \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
# ___
# / _ \_______ _______ ___ ___
# / ___/ __/ _ \/ __/ -_|_-<(_-<
# /_/ /_/ \___/\__/\__/___/___/
# Double precision mode
# Compiled with PETSc solvers
which gives two important pieces of information at the end: that the Process
was compiled in 64-bit representation of floating point numbers (Double precision mode
) and that it was linked with PETSc libraries (Compiled with PETSc solvers
). What follows is a bunch of parameters it reads from
the control
file, and it is generally worth observing the lines such as
these (some are omitted):
# NOTE! Could not find the keyword: NUMBER_OF_TIME_STEPS. Using the default: 1200
# ...
# NOTE! Could not find the keyword: HEAT_TRANSFER. Using the default: no
# ...
# NOTE! Could not find the keyword: TURBULENCE_MODEL. Using the default: none
# NOTE! Could not find the keyword: INTERFACE_TRACKING. Using the default: no
# NOTE! Could not find the keyword: PARTICLE_TRACKING. Using the default: no
# NOTE! Could not find the keyword: TIME_STEP. Using the default: 1.000E-02
At this point, most important is that, because neither the number of time steps i
nor the time step is prescribed in control
file, it sets them to default
values of 1200
and 1.0E-2
Each time step performed by Process prints some information on convergence of solution procedure, and it looks as follows:
# #
# Time step : 131 #
# #
# Simulation time : 1.310E+00 [s] #
# Wall-clock time : 000:00:02 [hhh:mm:ss] #
# #
# Iteration: 1 #
# U : 2 2.966E-08 | V : 0 0.000E+00 | W : 2 4.583E-09 | PP : 14 7.786E-07 | MASS: 1.476E-08 | #
# Iteration: 2 #
# U : 2 1.390E-08 | V : 0 0.000E+00 | W : 2 2.981E-09 | PP : 14 8.401E-07 | MASS: 1.706E-08 | #
# Iteration: 3 #
# U : 2 6.594E-09 | V : 0 0.000E+00 | W : 1 7.434E-07 | PP : 14 7.609E-07 | MASS: 1.528E-08 | #
# Maximum Courant number: 1.602E-01 | Maximum Peclet number: 4.006E+00 #
# Flux x : 0.000E+00 | Flux y : -1.49E-10 | Flux z : 0.00E+00 #
# Pdrop x: 0.000E+00 | Pdrop y: 0.00E+00 | Pdrop z: 0.00E+00 #
In the time step's header, it shows the current time step, current simulation
(numerical) time and elapsed wall-clock time. That is followed by information
on achieved convergence within each time step. The equations being solved for
this case are three velocity components (U
, V
and W
) and pressure
correction (PP
). For each of them it shows number of iterations performed
in linear solver (the small integer values), as well as the final residual
achieved (the number written in exponential form). The footer shows the
maximum Courant and Peclet (Pe) number at the end of the time step, as well
as global fluxes and pressure drops in the current time step. For this
simulation, global fluxes and pressure drops are of no relevance, but maximum
Courant number gives us insight about convergence. If it grows beyond a hundred,
we will likely face divergence.
Since we know that this test case reaches a steady solution, we should expect number of iterations to drop to zero. In this case, it is not quite like that. The last performed time step shows:
# #
# Time step : 1200 #
# #
# Simulation time : 1.200E+01 [s] #
# Wall-clock time : 000:00:19 [hhh:mm:ss] #
# #
# Iteration: 1 #
# U : 1 2.462E-08 | V : 0 0.000E+00 | W : 1 1.886E-08 | PP : 2 5.501E-07 | MASS: 1.053E-08 | #
# Iteration: 2 #
# U : 1 1.134E-08 | V : 0 0.000E+00 | W : 1 8.567E-09 | PP : 0 0.000E+00 | MASS: 1.716E-08 | #
# Iteration: 3 #
# U : 1 5.195E-09 | V : 0 0.000E+00 | W : 1 3.848E-09 | PP : 2 5.312E-07 | MASS: 1.184E-08 | #
# Maximum Courant number: 1.672E-01 | Maximum Peclet number: 4.179E+00 #
# Flux x : 0.000E+00 | Flux y : -2.07E-11 | Flux z : 0.00E+00 #
# Pdrop x: 0.000E+00 | Pdrop y: 0.00E+00 | Pdrop z: 0.00E+00 #
Number of iterations are all one or two, but not quite zero yet. So, if we
want to be purists, we can't say we achieved steady state to the tolerance set
by T-Flows. In order to work around it, we could either increase the number
of time steps, or the time step itself. Since CFL is well below unity, let's
re-run the simulation with control
file modified as:
# Problem name
PROBLEM_NAME lid_driven
# Time step
# Boundary conditions
TYPE wall
VALUES 1.0 0.0 0.0
TYPE wall
VALUES 0.0 0.0 0.0
TYPE wall
VALUES 0.0 0.0 0.0
With time step set to 0.1
, convergence is observed after 312 time steps
since all iterations for all computed quantities fell to zero:
# #
# Time step : 312 #
# #
# Simulation time : 3.120E+01 [s] #
# Wall-clock time : 000:00:05 [hhh:mm:ss] #
# #
# Iteration: 1 #
# U : 0 9.789E-07 | V : 0 0.000E+00 | W : 0 9.640E-07 | PP : 0 0.000E+00 | MASS: 1.856E-07 | #
# Iteration: 2 #
# U : 0 9.789E-07 | V : 0 0.000E+00 | W : 0 9.640E-07 | PP : 0 0.000E+00 | MASS: 1.856E-07 | #
# Iteration: 3 #
# U : 0 9.789E-07 | V : 0 0.000E+00 | W : 0 9.640E-07 | PP : 0 0.000E+00 | MASS: 1.856E-07 | #
# Maximum Courant number: 1.672E+00 | Maximum Peclet number: 4.181E+00 #
# Flux x : 0.000E+00 | Flux y : 8.54E-11 | Flux z : 0.00E+00 #
# Pdrop x: 0.000E+00 | Pdrop y: 0.00E+00 | Pdrop z: 0.00E+00 #
That is it, you got your first CFD solutions with T-Flows. You can read the
final results (lid_driven-ts001200.vtu
) in ParaView, and explore different
options for visualization of results. We chose to plot a cut-plane through the
middle of the domain vectors represented glyphs and pressure with a color-map:
but you obviously have the freedom to explore other options in ParaView.
This grid was rather coarse, only 20 x 20 cells in the cross plane, and three
rows of cells in the spanwise direction. Since spanwise direction is periodic,
it doesn't make sense in it, but you can refine in other directions. To that
end, you should modify the lid_driven.geo
file in line which currently reads:
NA = 20; // resolution in length and height
NA = 40; // resolution in length and height
After that, you should:
- Re-run GMSH with:
gmsh -3 lid_driven.geo
- Re-run Convert with the newly created
file - Re-Run Process with
../../../../Binaries/Process > out_finer_mesh &
and see how the results look on a refined mesh. You can carry on my increasing
the parameter NA
to 80, 160, or even higher values.
The sequence outlined above represents a typical workflow in T-Flows, hence:
- Set or modify parameters in
file - Re-run GMSH
- Re-run Convert to get the files in the T-Flows format
- Re-run the simulation
- Check results, go back to step 1, if further improvements are needed.
Since in the workflow outline above, entering values into Convert every
time you run can become tedious, you can speed up the process by creating a
special file, we call it convert.scr
which contains all the answers you
give to Convert. In this particular case, the file convert.scr
would look like:
Once you have this file, you can invoke Convert with:
../../../../Binaries/Convert < convert.scr
and don't have to type anything.
Note: Yes, we know what you might be thinking. Convert might have been written in a way in which these parameters are passed from the command line options, but we prefer to keep it like this because the extra files hold the records on how a particular grid was converted.
The T-Flows directory structure, test cases are many and are categorized in
many directories and their directories. Invoking executables such as
Convert and Process can be tedious and error prone with all those dots and
slashes before the executable name. In order to avoid it, directory [root]/Sources/Utilites
holds a bash script called seek_binaries.sh
. It is an executable script
and if you place it somewhere in your path (say in /usr/local/bin
) every
time you call it from a test directory, it will seek the executables in the
current [root]/Binaries
directory and make soft links in your test
directory. For this particular case it will create links:
├── Convert -> ../../../../Binaries/Convert
└── Process -> ../../../../Binaries/Process
and from there on you can invoke them with simple ./Convert
Better and more elaborate test cases for the lid-driven cavity flow have been
set in [root]/Tests/Laminar/Cavity/Lid_Driven/
. Feel free to explore
them further.
During the conversion process outlined above, you were asked if you wanted to
created a dual grid which we simply skipped. In this section, we will show you
what is behind it. In order to run this case, please go to the directory
where you will find the
following files:
├── convert.scr
├── lid_driven.geo
└── lid_driven.msh.gz
Note: The file
is here for the same reason as explained above: to keep you going even if you don't have GMSH installed.
The .geo
file is almost the same as the one we used for orthogonal grid.
If you run the two .geo
files through diff
diff lid_driven.geo ../Hexa/lid_driven.geo
you will see the following output:
> // Set surface to be transfinite and quadrilateral
> Transfinite Surface {1} = {1, 2, 3, 4}; Recombine Surface {1};
meaning that only the line which instructs GMSH to create quadrilateral grid
on the surface is missing. Since that is the only change and boundary
conditions are exactly the same, the convert.scr
is the same as in
previous case, we can re-use it.
Without being instructed to create quadrilateral cells, GMSH creates triangular. If you run this script:
gmsh -3 lid_driven.geo
and convert it to T-Flows format with:
./Convert < convert.scr
it will creates a computation grid like this:
For a node-base numerical framework this grid looks rather descent, but T-Flows is cell-based and on grids based on triangular prisms (and tertahedra) induce:
- poor accuracy of gradient computation which impacts the accuracy of the overall numerical scheme,
- large false diffusion since most cell faces are crossed by the flow in non-orthogonal direction, and
- large explicit diffusion terms causing slower convergence of pressure-velocity coupling algorithm (SIMPLE or PISO in T-Flows)
The disadvantage of the tetrahedral grids has been recognized long ago, and polyhedral grids have been introduced as their alternative. In mathematical sense, a polyhedral is nothing more than a dual graph of tetrahedral grid, and that's why Convert calls this a dual grid.
Having mentioned the duality of the two grids, it is worth briefly explaining how Convert performs this. It reads a grid with triangular prisms and/or tetrahedra in the usual way, does its conversion (finds the connectivity between cells, faces, nodes and edges it needs) and in the next step creates a graph dual of the first mesh. The only differnce for you as a user is that when prompted by the question:
# Would you like to create a dual grid? (yes/no)
you answer yes
. From that point on, everything is the same as explained
in the Converting the mesh to T-Flows format.
To save you from typing all the answers, the file convert.scr
is also
provided in the current directory. If you created such a file for the case in
Lid-driven cavity on hexaderal cells, it would be
almost the same as this one. If you ran two files through a diff command:
diff convert.scr ../Hexa/convert.scr
you would see only this:
< yes
> no
the only difference between the files is the fact that you answered yes
in this case when aasked whether you want to create a dual grid.
Anyhow, in order to distinguish between the original and the dual grid,
Convert adds extension _dual
to all the file names it creates.
Thus, after running the Convert you will have the following files in the directory:
├── lid_driven_dual.cfn
├── lid_driven_dual.dim
├── lid_driven_dual.edges.vtu
├── lid_driven_dual.faces.vtu
├── lid_driven_dual.shadows.vtu
└── lid_driven_dual.vtu
The first two are T-Flows's native files for further processing, and the
remaining four are for you to explore with Paraview. Opening the
, shows boundary conditions, which are the
same as in the case Lid-driven cavity on hexahedral grid:
To run the case, we have already provided the control
file, derived from
the previous case we ran. Here it is in full:
# Problem
PROBLEM_NAME lid_driven_dual
# Time stepping
# Boundary conditions
TYPE wall
VALUES 1.0 0.0 0.0
TYPE wall
VALUES 0.0 0.0 0.0
TYPE wall
VALUES 0.0 0.0 0.0
The only novelty compared to the previous case is line with the PROBLEM_NAME
which is set to lid_driven_dual
here. In any case, after running the
simulation, a possible representation fo the solution looks like:
Reminder: As mentioned already, this section merely demonstrates the usage of T-Flows. Solutions presented here do not follow the best practices in CFD and should not be used to meassure the accuracy of the code. Section Benchmark cases serves that purpose.
Thermally-driven cavity flow bears many similarities with the Lid-driven cavity flow. Both of these flows occur in enclosures with square cross-section, both are without inflows and outflows facilitating prescription of boundary conditions, both are occuring in ddomains which are long enough in spanwise direction so that the assumption of two-dimsionality or periodicity can be made. Owing to their simplicity, both of these cases have widely been used by CFD community for benchmarking and verification of CFD codes and both are well documented.
The biggest differences between the cases is the driving force. Whereas the lid-driven cavity flow is driven by shear created by top moving wall, thermally-driven cavity is driven by the buoyancy forces occurring on vertical opposing sides of the problem domain:
In the figure above the left (red) wall is kept at higher temperature than the right wall (blue), which creates clockwise motion of the fluid.
We will cover the thermall-driven cavity flow in two modelling ways: with Boussinesq approximation, and with variable physical properties.
We will use this case to introduce a few new concepts in T-Flows:
- instruct Process to solve energy equation (temperature)
- specify different boundary conditions for temperature (Dirichlet or Neumann)
- changing from default under-relaxation parameters
- setting the linear solver tolerances
- setting the initial condition
To solve this case, please go to the directory: [root]/Tests/Manual/Thermally_Driven/Direct
where you can find the following files:
├── convert.scr
├── therm_driven.geo
└── therm_driven.msh.gz
The .geo
file is the GMSH script. Since the geometries for the Lid-driven
cavity flow and this case are almost the same, the
similarity in the .geo
shouldn't be a suprise. You can find the
following differences:
A = 1.0; // length and height of the cavity
B = 0.1; // width of the cavity
NA = 60; // resolution in length and height
NB = 3; // resolution in width (periodic direction)
BUMP = 0.1; // control clustering towards the walls
// Set lines to transfinite
// (+1 is because GMSH expects number of points here)
Transfinite Curve {1, 2, 3, 4} = NA+1 Using Bump BUMP;
// Define boundary conditions
Physical Surface("upper_wall", 27) = {21};
Physical Surface("left_wall", 28) = {17};
Physical Surface("right_wall", 29) = {25};
Physical Surface("lower_wall", 30) = {13};
Physical Surface("periodic_y", 31) = {1, 26};
The differences include:
- increased resolution
- new parameter
which ... - controls the clustering of the lines towards the walls in the
- call to
Transfinite Curve
- boundary condition names have changed;
are new, theside_walls
has been dropped.
First thing would be to generate the mesh with:
gmsh -3 therm_driven.geo
which will create therm_driven.msh
Note: For those without GMSH, the file
is provided.
We advise to run seek_binaries.sh
next to get all executables to current
directory, after which you can call Convert with provided script:
./Convert < convert.scr
Note: The script
is also almost the same as in the case of the lid-driven cavity. You can explore it yourself to check that only the input file name is different (therm_driven.msh
instead oflid_driven.msh
), and that periodic boundary is listed under different number (5
, not4
If you visualize the file therm_driven.faces.vtu
created by Convert you
will see this:
A grid with cells clustered towards the walls for better resolution of boundary layers. It is not a waste of time to visualize grids created by Convert to make sure that no anomalities are present.
With grids converted, we should set up the control
file. To that end,
lets' consider the section related to boundary conditions created by Convert
, with all variables which are not solved
removed for the sake of clarity:
TYPE wall
VALUES 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
TYPE wall
VALUES 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
TYPE wall
VALUES 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
TYPE wall
VALUES 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
In the above, we left velocities at all walls to zero, we set temperature at
the left wall to 1.0
, temperature at the right_wall
to 0.0
but in order to specify that upper_wall
and lower_wall
are with
prescribed heat flux rather than temperature, we change letter t
to q
(as a usual symbol for heat flux). We also set it to zero, because these walls
are insulated.
We should also instruct Process to solve for temperature, which is obtained with the line:
Given that the temperatures at the boundaries are zero and one, and since there are no internal energy sources or sinks, we may expect final average temperature to be around 0.5. Hence, it makes sense to set initial temperature to be 0.5 everywhere:
VALUES 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5
Next, we should also specify physical properties. The conservation equations which describe this case read:
If we recall the defintion for Prandtl (Pr) and Rayleigh (Ra) non-dimensional numbers:
we can write the conservation equations in their non-dimensional form:
from which we can see that the flow is fully characterized with
Ra and Pr numbers. Process doesn't know about these numbers, it works
with physical properties set in the control
file, so we set physical
properties which do not (in general case) correspond to a real fluid, but are
set to meet Ra and Pr. If we want to solve this case for:
- Ra = 1.0e+6
- Pr = 0.71
physical properties section in the control file should read:
# Properties based on Pr and Ra numbers:
# Pr = 0.71
# Ra = 1.0e+6
# mu = sqrt(Pr / Ra) = 0.000842614977
# lambda = 1.0 / sqrt(Pr * Ra) = 0.001186781658
DYNAMIC_VISCOSITY 0.000842614977
Mass density, heat capacity and thermal expansion coefficient are not prescribed, but we know that Process will set them to their default values of 1.0.
Note: Be reminded that default values for all parameters needed by Process are listed in the file:
We should also instruct Process that we want to use Boussinesq approximation to solve the system, which is obtained with the line:
BUOYANCY thermal
This line tells Process that forces in the momentum equations due to buoyancy are calculated only as functions of temperature, as the one given above.
Process also needs to know the direction and magnitude of the gravitational vector which is set by:
which is again chosen to fit the desired Ra number and doesn't reflect the reality (on Earth).
Since we know in advance that the velocities in this case are rather small we can increase the time step to 1.0:
and, since we seek a steady solution, we can reduce the saving frequency as:
Process, by default, links velocities and pressure through the SIMPLE algorith. (The other option in the code is PISO.) An important aspect of the pressure-velocity algorithms are the under-relaxation factors, which may be fiddled with in order to improve convergence of the solution procedure. If not specified, Process sets very conservative (read: small) values to make sure that equations converge. For this case, given that it's relativelly simple, laminar, and that we have to make sure that temperatures reach final stratification, we may want to set them explicitly. From simulations we conducted beforehand, we found these values to work for this case:
Note 1: The first line is optional, since default pressure-velocity coupling in T-Flows is SIMPLE.
Note 2: For SIMPLE algorith, the usual rule of thumb is that the sum of under-relaxation parameters for velocity and pressure equals roughly one. In this case, we follow this rule.
Another thing worth noting for this case is that the default linear solver parameters might not be the best ones (for all variables solved, it is 1.0e-6). This may be too tight for velocities and temperature, and a bit too loose for pressure. We therefore set them as following:
First line tells Process to use its owen (native) solvers, whereas the remaining three lines are self-explanatory, we trully believe.
With all this in place, the entire control file may read like this:
# Problem name
PROBLEM_NAME therm_driven
# Related to temperature
BUOYANCY thermal
# Time stepping
# Properties based on Pr and Ra numbers:
# Pr = 0.71
# Ra = 1.0e+6
# mu = 1.0 / sqrt(Pr * Ra) = 0.001186781658
# lambda = sqrt(Pr / Ra) = 0.000842614977
DYNAMIC_VISCOSITY 0.001186781658
# Initial conditions
VALUES 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5
# Numerical parameters
# Linear solver parameters
# Initial condition
VALUES 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5
# Boundary conditions
TYPE wall
VALUES 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
TYPE wall
VALUES 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
TYPE wall
VALUES 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
TYPE wall
VALUES 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
We say "may" because, as mentioned above, the order of individual entries
doesn't matter. Feel free to copy the above contents to control
file and
launch the simulation with:
./Process > out &
given that you created soft links to executables in this directory with
With these settings in the control file, you will reach convergence in about 1000 time step, as obvious from the output:
# #
# Time step : 1000 #
# #
# Simulation time : 1.000E+03 [s] #
# Wall-clock time : 000:01:39 [hhh:mm:ss] #
# #
# Iteration: 1 #
# U : 0 9.044E-04 | V : 0 0.000E+00 | W : 0 8.232E-04 | PP : 0 0.000E+00 | MASS: 9.222E-07 | T : 0 9.996E-04 #
# Iteration: 2 #
# U : 0 9.044E-04 | V : 0 0.000E+00 | W : 0 8.232E-04 | PP : 0 0.000E+00 | MASS: 9.222E-07 | T : 0 9.996E-04 #
# Iteration: 3 #
# U : 0 9.044E-04 | V : 0 0.000E+00 | W : 0 8.232E-04 | PP : 0 0.000E+00 | MASS: 9.222E-07 | T : 0 9.996E-04 #
# Maximum Courant number: 7.483E+00 | Maximum Peclet number: 5.288E+00 #
# Flux x : 0.000E+00 | Flux y : 1.91E-12 | Flux z : 0.00E+00 #
# Pdrop x: 0.000E+00 | Pdrop y: 0.00E+00 | Pdrop z: 0.00E+00 #
Having obtained steady solution for this case, you may visualise some results
in ParaView by opening the file: therm_driven-ts001200.vtu
. Here we show
solutions for temperature with velocity vectors scaled by their magitude:
Temperature stratification is obvious (warmer fluid, red, is on top of the colder, blue) and velocity vectory show that fluid goes up close to warm, and down close to cold wall.
Better and more elaborate test cases for the thermall-driven cavity flow have
been placed in [root]/Tests/Laminar/Cavity/Thermally_Driven/Direct
, for a
range of Ra numbers. Feel free to explore them further.
Using Boussinesq hypotehsis is not the only way we can deal with buoyancy driven flows. The alternative would be to be to change air density as the function of temperature, and impose a gravitational vector, Process would work out buoyancy forces acting on momentum equations. Dependency of density on temperature has to be imposed in some way and we see it as a look-up table. We would have to use a user function at each time step to update the values of physical properties.
With this case we want to demonstrate:
- how to run a buoyancy driven flows without Boussinesq approximation
- how to write user functions.
A case which demonstrates how it is done resides in
The directory contains the following files:
├── air.geo
├── air_properties_at_1_bar.dat
├── control
├── convert.scr
├── readme
└── User_Mod/
├── Beginning_Of_Simulation.f90
├── Beginning_Of_Time_Step.f90
└── Types.f90
The purpose of files air.geo
, control
and convert.scr
should be clear by now. If not, refer to previous sections on lid- and
thermally-driven cavities.
What is new is the look-up table in file air_properties_at_1_bar.dat
If you open it, you can see that it lists air properties for a range of
temperatures from -20 to 125 in increments of 5 degrees.
In addition to these, there is a sub-directory called User_Mod
with three
functions. The way T-Flows handles user functions is as follows. In the
directory which holds sources for Process, there is also a sub-directory called
holding a number of functions user can modify. They are:
├── Before_Exit.f90
├── Beginning_Of_Compute_Energy.f90
├── Beginning_Of_Compute_Momentum.f90
├── Beginning_Of_Compute_Pressure.f90
├── Beginning_Of_Compute_Scalar.f90
├── Beginning_Of_Compute_Vof.f90
├── Beginning_Of_Correct_Velocity.f90
├── Beginning_Of_Iteration.f90
├── Beginning_Of_Simulation.f90
├── Beginning_Of_Time_Step.f90
├── Calculate_Mean.f90
├── End_Of_Compute_Energy.f90
├── End_Of_Compute_Momentum.f90
├── End_Of_Compute_Pressure.f90
├── End_Of_Compute_Scalar.f90
├── End_Of_Compute_Vof.f90
├── End_Of_Correct_Velocity.f90
├── End_Of_Iteration.f90
├── End_Of_Simulation.f90
├── End_Of_Time_Step.f90
├── Force.f90
├── Initialize_Variables.f90
├── Insert_Particles.f90
├── Interface_Exchange.f90
├── Save_Results.f90
├── Save_Swarm.f90
├── Source.f90
└── Types.f90
Their names are self-explanatory, as their names correspond to places in
Processs from which they are called. When Process is compiled with plain
command, the functions from the [root]/Sources/Process/User_Mod
will be called and they, in essence, do nothing. They are empty hooks so to
speak. If Process is compiled with DIR_CASE=full_or_relative_path_to_case
sources (empty hooks) from [root]/Sources/Process/User_Mod
will be
replaced by the links to User_Mod
directory residing with the case.
Try to see it in action. Change the current directory to
and issue the commands:
make clean
make DIR_CASE=../../Tests/Manual/Thermally_Driven/Varible/
Tip: When dealing with user functions, it is not a bad idea to conduct
make clean
every once in a while. It is possible, and often the case, that objects from the last compilation of the Process are newer than user function specified in the case.
When the compilation completes, the contents of the User_Mod
will read:
├── Before_Exit.f90
├── Beginning_Of_Compute_Energy.f90
├── Beginning_Of_Compute_Momentum.f90
├── Beginning_Of_Compute_Pressure.f90
├── Beginning_Of_Compute_Scalar.f90
├── Beginning_Of_Compute_Vof.f90
├── Beginning_Of_Correct_Velocity.f90
├── Beginning_Of_Iteration.f90
├── Beginning_Of_Simulation.f90 -> ../../../Tests/Manual/Thermally_Driven/Varible/User_Mod/Beginning_Of_Simulation.f90
├── Beginning_Of_Time_Step.f90 -> ../../../Tests/Manual/Thermally_Driven/Varible/User_Mod/Beginning_Of_Time_Step.f90
├── Calculate_Mean.f90
├── End_Of_Compute_Energy.f90
├── End_Of_Compute_Momentum.f90
├── End_Of_Compute_Pressure.f90
├── End_Of_Compute_Scalar.f90
├── End_Of_Compute_Vof.f90
├── End_Of_Correct_Velocity.f90
├── End_Of_Iteration.f90
├── End_Of_Simulation.f90
├── End_Of_Time_Step.f90
├── Force.f90
├── Initialize_Variables.f90
├── Insert_Particles.f90
├── Interface_Exchange.f90
├── Save_Results.f90
├── Save_Swarm.f90
├── Source.f90
└── Types.f90 -> ../../../Tests/Manual/Thermally_Driven/Varible/User_Mod/Types.f90
The three files which are defined in the case's User_Mod
are now linked
to the Process' User_Mod
. That means they are not empty hooks any
longer, but do whatever user modified them to do.
Having described the mechanism by which Process deals with user functions, we can describe each of them more closely.
The source Types.f90
holds definion of new types which might be used with
user functions. It is not always necessary to define new types for user
functions, but in this particular case we want to store look-up tables with
variable air properties in memory. Types.f90
1 !==============================================================================!
2 ! Introduce new types to be used with User_Mod !
3 !==============================================================================!
5 integer, parameter :: N_ITEMS = 30
7 real :: air_t (N_ITEMS)
8 real :: air_rho (N_ITEMS)
9 real :: air_mu (N_ITEMS)
10 real :: air_cp (N_ITEMS)
11 real :: air_lambda(N_ITEMS)
We know that there are 30 entries in the file air_properties_at_a_bar.dat
and we therefore introduce a parameter called N_ITEMS
in line 5 and set
it to 30
. Arrays holding phyiscal properties are statically allocated
with that size in lines 7 - 11.
The source Beginning_Of_Simulation
is, clearly enough, called at the
beginning of simulation, and we wrote it in a way to read physical properties:
1 !==============================================================================!
2 subroutine User_Mod_Beginning_Of_Simulation(Flow, Turb, Vof, Swarm, n, time)
3 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
4 ! This function is called at the beginning of simulation. !
5 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
6 implicit none
7 !---------------------------------[Arguments]----------------------------------!
8 type(Field_Type), target :: Flow
9 type(Turb_Type), target :: Turb
10 type(Vof_Type), target :: Vof
11 type(Swarm_Type), target :: Swarm
12 integer, intent(in) :: n ! time step
13 real, intent(in) :: time ! physical time
14 !-----------------------------------[Locals]-----------------------------------!
15 type(Grid_Type), pointer :: Grid
16 integer :: i, fu
17 !==============================================================================!
19 ! Take aliases
20 Grid => Flow % pnt_grid
22 !----------------------------------------!
23 ! Open file with physical properties !
24 !----------------------------------------!
25 call File % Open_For_Reading_Ascii("air_properties_at_1_bar.dat", fu)
27 !-----------------------------!
28 ! Read all the properties !
29 !-----------------------------!
30 do i = 1, N_ITEMS
31 call File % Read_Line(fu)
33 ! Read desired properties
34 read(line % tokens(1), *) air_t(i)
35 read(line % tokens(2), *) air_rho(i)
36 read(line % tokens(3), *) air_mu(i)
37 read(line % tokens(5), *) air_cp(i)
38 read(line % tokens(6), *) air_lambda(i)
40 ! Fix units where needed (check the values in the table)
41 air_cp(i) = air_cp(i) * 1.0e3
42 air_mu(i) = air_mu(i) / 1.0e5
43 end do
45 close(fu)
47 if(this_proc < 2) then
48 print '(a)', ' #============================================'
49 print '(a)', ' # Output from user function, read properties!'
50 print '(a)', ' #--------------------------------------------'
51 end if
This probalby needs some explanation. As arguments to this function, Process
sends a number of its classes which are used to model different aspects of numerical
simulation. Class Field_Type
holds velocities, temperatures and other variables
describing a flow field. Class Turb_Type
holds variables describing the state
of turbulence; turbulent kinetic energy (k), its dissipation (ε), individial
Reynolds stresses for second moment closures or turbulent statistics. Multiphase
flows with interface tracking are described by class Vof_Type
and Lagrangian
particle tracking with Swarm_Type
. In addition to these classes, Process
also sends current time step (n
) and physical time of simulation (time
Note: It may sound counter-intuitive to send the last two variables to a procedure called at the beginning of simulation, but think of a restart. This procedure is also called after a restart, but time step and time of simulation are not zero in such a case.
All the classes outlined above hold a pointer to a grid (pnt_grid
) for which
are they defined. The grid and its entities could be accessed as Flow % pnt_grid
but we make sytnax shorter by introducing local pointer:
15 type(Grid_Type), pointer :: Grid
and assingning it a value:
20 Grid => Flow % pnt_grid
Line 20 calls T-Flows's class File_Type
member function
whose purpose is clear from the name.
The function returns a handle to file it openned called fu
From lines 30 to 43 we read the look-up table from the file, and store it into
memory defined in Types.f90
. Note that in lines 41 and 42 we convert
units from the table to plain SI units for compatibility with T-Flows.
While reading the files we use another procedure from File_Type
which reads a line from ASCII file and splits it into individual
tokens. Tokens are stored in the fields line % token(:)
Note: The procedure
not only tokenizes a line from input, it also skips all the lines beginning with#
, considering such lines as comments.
Finally, in the lines 47 to 51 we print a message that physical properties
have been read. Here we use global variable this_proc
to make sure we
print the message only from first processor in parallel runs.
Once the look-up table is properly read into memory, we can use it at the
beginning of each time step with procedure Beginning_Of_Time_Step
which reads:
1 !==============================================================================!
2 subroutine User_Mod_Beginning_Of_Time_Step(Flow, Turb, Vof, Swarm, n, time)
3 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
4 ! This function is called at the beginning of time step. !
5 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
6 implicit none
7 !---------------------------------[Arguments]----------------------------------!
8 type(Field_Type), target :: Flow
9 type(Turb_Type), target :: Turb
10 type(Vof_Type), target :: Vof
11 type(Swarm_Type), target :: Swarm
12 integer, intent(in) :: n ! time step
13 real, intent(in) :: time ! physical time
14 !-----------------------------------[Locals]-----------------------------------!
15 type(Grid_Type), pointer :: Grid
16 type(Var_Type), pointer :: u, v, w, t, phi
17 integer :: c, i
18 real :: wi, wip
19 !==============================================================================!
21 ! Take aliases
22 Grid => Flow % pnt_grid
24 !------------------------------!
25 ! Browse through all cells !
26 !------------------------------!
27 do c = -Grid % n_bnd_cells, Grid % n_cells
29 ! Browse through all table entries
30 do i = 1, N_ITEMS - 1
32 ! Did you find the right interval
33 if(Flow % t % n(c) >= air_t(i) .and. &
34 Flow % t % n(c) < air_t(i+1)) then
36 ! If so, calculate interpolation factors ...
37 wi = (air_t(i+1) - Flow % t % n(c)) / (air_t(i+1) - air_t(i))
38 wip = 1.0 - wi
40 ! ... and interpolate physical properties
41 Flow % density(c) = wi * air_rho (i) + wip * air_rho (i+1)
42 Flow % viscosity(c) = wi * air_mu (i) + wip * air_mu (i+1)
43 Flow % conductivity(c) = wi * air_lambda(i) + wip * air_lambda(i+1)
44 Flow % capacity(c) = wi * air_cp (i) + wip * air_cp (i+1)
45 end if
47 end do
48 end do
50 end subroutine
Arguments are the same as in the call to previous procedure and don't need explanation.
What is new here are the fields n_bnd_cells
and n_cells
from class
.. They hold number of boundary cells and number of inside cells
respectivelly. As you can see from the beginning of the loop in line 27,
boundary cells are stored with negative indices.
Anyhow, for each of the cells in the grid, the entire look-up table is browsed
through in lines 30 - 47, and for temperature in that cell (Flow % t % n(c)
the interval for interpolation is searched in lines 33 and 34. Once found,
the interpolation factors are calculated in lines 37 and 38, and physical
properties interpolated in lines 41 - 44.
The only novelty in the present control
file is that we set the time step
and the total number of time steps as:
TIME_STEP 1.0e-2
resulting in a total physical time of simulation of 0.6 seconds.
Note: You might have noticed that we usuall set the number of time steps and saving frequencies, to be multiples of 60. We acknowledged that time steps are usually set to be round in decimal values, such as 1.0e-3, 5e-4, ... and so forth. If one combines such values of time steps with number of time steps which are multiples of 60, it is highly likely that simulation time and saving frequency will easy to convert in minutes, maybe hours, which is easier to comprehend than thousands of seconds.
There is nothing else particularly interseting in the control
file for this case,
except the fact that physical properties are not defined. It is because they are
set from user functions.
With all this explained, grid can be generated and converted with:
gmsh -3 air.geo
./Convert < convert.scr
./Process > out
Note: Here we assume that you created soft links to executables with script
and that you have compiled Process with user functions, i.e. with command:make DIR_CASE=../../Tests/Manual/Thermally_Driven/Varible
In the case of thermally-driven cavity with Boussinesq approximation, we were
setting physical properties and gravitational vector in a way to meet the
desired Ra number. Here, physical properties are physical, dependent on
temperature, as meassured and reported here.
So, one way to achive the desired Ra would be to change boundary temperaures,
but that could put us out of the range of the look-up table we have. The other
way, which was used here, was to change the charactersitic length and we do it
by setting a scaling factor in convert.scr
. Please chech the readme
file in the local directory for details and convert.scr
in line 3 to see
the scaling factor used.
The final velocity vector imposed over the temperature fields look like this:
whereas the same velocity vectors over pressure, look like:
The cases considered in section Demonstration cases were all on very small grids an no parallel processing was needed. As the grids we use grow bigger and number of time steps we want to perform grow, the need for parallel runs become imminent.
In this chapter, we will teach you:
- how to divide a computational grid over into a number of sub-domains
- how to conduct a parallel simulation
and, irrespective of parallel run or not:
- how to set up periodic cases with prescribed mass flux and pressure drops in periodic direction
- how to request from Process to save results unplanned
- how to instruct Process to exit prematurely.
Before you go any further, please make sure you have MPI installed on your system.
The easiest way to check it is to try to run commands: mpirun
and mpif90
If these commands exist, you are good to continue. If not, you should install
MPI on your system.
Note: At the time of writing this manual, we did all developments and testing with OpenMPI flavor of MPI, so it is a safer option. Working with MPICH shouldn't be an issue, either, but we are not sure at this moment. Should you encounter problems with MPICH, feel free to contact the development team.
If you are here, we believe that MPI is installed on your system and are ready to continue. Before starting a parallel run, you have to build the executables. The minimum you are going to need now, is:
- Generate or Convert,
- Divide
- Process
The Generate or Convert and Divide are compiled in the usual way, that is
just by issuing command make
in each of their sub-directory:
├── Convert
├── Divide
├── Generate
└── Process
For the process, you still go to its directory but you should also tell make
that you are building a parallel version of the code, hence command make MPI=yes
If you were compiling sequential version of the Process before, you might
still have sequentially built objects in the local directory, so the safest
thing to do would be to issue these two commands in [root]/Sources/Process
make clean
make MPI=yes
Warning: Please be reminded that you should compile them all of the sub-programs with the same precision (
) option passed tomake
We will use the case in [root]/Tests/Manual/Parallel
to show you how to
set up a parallel run. Please change to that directory and check the contents.
They should read:
├── control
├── convert.scr
└── rod_tet.geo
The purpose of these files should be clear to you by now. If not, re-visit Demonstration cases. The creation of the mesh is as usual:
gmsh -3 rod_tet.geo
followed by conversion process:
./Convert < convert.scr
After these steps, you should have the following files additional files in the directory:
├── ...
├── rod_tet.cfn
├── rod_tet.dim
├── rod_tet_dual.cfn
├── rod_tet_dual.dim
├── rod_tet_dual.edges.vtu
├── rod_tet_dual.faces.vtu
├── rod_tet_dual.shadows.vtu
├── rod_tet_dual.vtu
├── rod_tet.faces.vtu
├── ...
├── rod_tet.msh
├── ...
└── rod_tet.vtu
Note: Only new files are shown here. Old are represented with dots.
It should be clear to you by now that files .cfn
and .dim
is the grid
in internal T-Flows format. The .vtu
files come in two variants. Without
insertion of _dual
and with it, like we had in the section
Lid-driven cavity on polyhedral_grids
above. That should tell you that the grid is polyhedral. If you visualize
or rod_tet_dual.vtu
, the overall domain will look like
It is a segment from a bundle of rods arranged in a hexagonal matrix. We will
study a flow across this matrix with LES. The details of the mesh for
or rod_tet_dual.vtu
are different, as shown here for the former:
and here for the latter:
Next step is to divide the mesh using the Divide. The fastest is to invoke Divide from the command line as this:
./Divide rod_tet_dual 6
by which we tell Divide the name of the grid we want to divide, and number of sub-divisions. If the command is successful, your directory structure, showing only new files, looks like this:
├── ...
├── rod_tet_dual.pvtu
├── ...
├── Sub-00001
│ ├── rod_tet_dual.cfn
│ ├── rod_tet_dual.dim
│ └── rod_tet_dual.vtu
├── Sub-00002
│ ├── rod_tet_dual.cfn
│ ├── rod_tet_dual.dim
│ └── rod_tet_dual.vtu
├── Sub-00003
│ ├── rod_tet_dual.cfn
│ ├── rod_tet_dual.dim
│ └── rod_tet_dual.vtu
├── Sub-00004
│ ├── rod_tet_dual.cfn
│ ├── rod_tet_dual.dim
│ └── rod_tet_dual.vtu
├── Sub-00005
│ ├── rod_tet_dual.cfn
│ ├── rod_tet_dual.dim
│ └── rod_tet_dual.vtu
└── Sub-00006
├── rod_tet_dual.cfn
├── rod_tet_dual.dim
└── rod_tet_dual.vtu
Divide has created a number of sub-directory in the working directory called:
to Sub-0000N
, where N is the number of processors (here
6 because that's what we requested. Each of this sub-directory contains its
portion of the grid in T-Flows' format (the .cfn
and .dim
and its portion of the .vtu
file for visualization with ParaView.
Additional novelty is the file called rod_tet_dual.pvtu
, with extension
instead of .vtu
, where additional p
is for parallel.
This file re-directs ParaView to read the partial .vtu
files from the
new directory, and if you visualize the rod_tet_dual.pvtu
it will show you
the domain decomposition obtained by Divide:
We are ready for parallel run. Provided that you compiled the Process with
option, you can start the parallel run with mpirun
as follows:
mpirun -np 6 ./Process > out_6_proc &
where -np 6
tells mpirun
how many processors you want to use. And
that is it, the code should be running now.
While the process is running, we should spare a few words on a couple of new
concepts introduced in the control
file. The flow across these rod
bundle is driven by a pressure drop in x direction, which is re-computed
by T-Flows at every time step to give the desired mass flux in x direction.
This is achieved with following two lines:
PRESSURE_DROPS 3.6 0.0 0.0
MASS_FLOW_RATES 0.5 0.0 0.0
If only first (PRESSURE_DROPS
) was applied, T-Flows would keep it constant.
With second line (MASS_FLOW_RATES
) it re-adjusts the pressure drop to
keep mass flux at the desired rate.
Note: The first option only tends to lead to a rather slow flow development.
The mass flow rates and the pressure drops are printed by Process at the end
of each time step, see the excerpt from the log file out_6_proc
focus on the fields Flux x
and Pdrop x
# Iteration: 2 #
# U : 1 4.883E-04 | V : 1 3.292E-04 | W : 1 2.223E-06 | PP : 58 8.465E-07 | MASS: 3.230E-08 | #
# Iteration: 3 #
# U : 1 2.440E-04 | V : 1 1.513E-04 | W : 1 1.432E-06 | PP : 58 8.293E-07 | MASS: 2.242E-08 | #
# Maximum Courant number: 6.114E-01 | Maximum Peclet number: 2.062E+03 #
# Flux x : 5.000E-01 | Flux y : -1.15E-05 | Flux z : -2.19E-09 #
# Pdrop x: 3.601E-02 | Pdrop y: 0.00E+00 | Pdrop z: 0.00E+00 #
The mass fluxes in question are computed in three characteristic planes (orthogonal to x, y and z axis at the point defined in the control file as:
For flows with prescribed mass fluxes in periodic direction such as this one, it is a good practice to define this point.
For this case, we set the desired number of time steps to 6000, and we set ssaving interval to each 1200 time steps. We know it is a big grid, and we don't want to overfill the disk. Now imagine that you curious to see the results before time step reaches the prescribed interval. (That is, in essence, not a bad idea, as you can use to make sure results are not marred with numerical instabilities.)
In order to achieve that, you should create a file called save_now
the directory where the simulation is running. The easiest way to do it on
Linux is to issue the touch
command like this:
touch save_now
If Process finds this file in the working directory, it will save the results
immediately, delete the file save_now
and continue the simulation.
If we do it now, at the time of writing this manual, Process will save results
at the time step of ... 357. File rod_tet_dual-ts000357.pvtu
has been
created and we can visualize it to show current velocity field in x direction:
This actually happened to be a lucky moment, because we can observe recirculation zones behind each of the rods (blue areas). A more detailed view of the recirculation zones shown as vector imposed over pressure looks like:
Next time we touched save_now
happened to be time step 1061, at which the
flow start to exhibit three-dimensional patterns:
Fine, maybe the simulation doesn't need to continue. You have hopefully grasped how to launch a parallel simulation. Before we end, let's just stop the simulation which is running. We could do it with a command:
pkill Process
which is a rather abrupt way to stop, but we may also direct Process to end
gracefully, saving the last results and backup files before it stops. To do
that, we create a file called exit_now
in the running directory. If
Process finds this file, it will save results and backup, and exit. Before
exiting, it will delete the exit_now
file to prevent interfering with the
next run in the same directory.
Parallel runs, almost invariantly, create a huge amount of data on the file
system. If you want to clear a certain directory in which a parallel simulation
was running in order to free some disk space, deleting .pvtu
alone will be of much benefit. The sub-directories holding sub-domains
- Sub-0000N
) are the biggest in volume. So, in order
to get rid of .vtu
files, you should delete like this:
rm -f Sub-0*/*.vtu
Another interesting feature of this case is that it has no less than four periodic direction. Instead of converting the grid obtaing from GMSH with:
./Convert < convert.scr
try to do it without the script, simply by:
For this case, it is interestng to see how the periodic directions are dealt with.
The information on prescribing inflows and outflows in T-Flows might end up somewhat scattereed over this manual, and we believe that a dedicated section is needed to outline all the option you have to prescribe them. Like the section Demonstration cases, what we present here is neither a benchmark, nor is it rigorously following best practices in fluid flow modeling, it is a mere demonstration of options you have to prescribe inflow and, to a lesser extent, outflow.
To demonstrate it, we picked the flow around a cylinder, using the computational domain as described by John and Matthies. We do not solve the same case as the authors did. We increase the domain size by a factor of ten, and the Re number by a factor of 250. In spite of the similarity with the computational domain used in John and Matthies, the flow we will be solving here will neither be two-dimensional, nor steady. A sketch of the computational domain is presented here:
The case resides in the directory: [root]/Tests/Manual/Inflows/
. Please
go there and check the contensts. It should read:
├── convert.cylinder.scr
├── convert.precursor.scr
├── cylinder.geo
├── precursor.geo
├── Option_1
│ └── control
├── Option_2
│ └── control
├── Option_3
│ └── control
└── Option_4
├── control
├── control.1
├── control.2
└── User_Mod
├── End_Of_Time_Step.f90
└── Interface_Exchange.f90
Please compile the sources as explained in Compiling the code and create links to executables as explained here. After that, generate the mesh with:
gmsh -3 cylinder.geo
and convert it to T-Flows format with:
./Convert < convert.cylinder.scr
If you visualize the mesh you obtain with ParaView, you should see something like this (only a detail around the cylinder is shown):
As you can see, we took care that the grid around the cylinder is a hexahedral O-grid. We didn't take much care about the channel walls as the main purpose of this section is to show you the concepts of prescribing inflow, rather than benchmarking the code.
Should you want to run the simulations from this section in parallel, which we would recommend, you should also decompose the grid with:
./Divide cylinder 4
Note: Don't go overboard with number of processors as you will end up communicating between processors more than computing. A useful rule of thumb is to have around a hundred thousand cells per processor. This grid has approximatelly 300'000 cells, so four is a reasonable choice.
First option is to prescribe a flat velocity profile. To do that, use the
control file in sub-directory Option_1
. We believe the best way to do
it is to make a link to control
file in Option_1
directory with:
ln -i -s Option_1/control .
If you open it, you can see the couple of choices we made. Time step is 0.01 and the number of time steps 6000, resulting in a total physical simulation time of 60 s or one minute.
Note: A clear example why it is handy to specify number of time steps which are multiples of 30. It is more likely that final simulation times would be in units more amenable to humans.
Viscosity is 2.0e-4, resulting in Re number of 5000, which might not be quite turbulent, but is certainly not steady either. We do, nonetheless, set the turbulence model to be LES with Smagorinsky:
TURBULENCE_MODEL les_smagorinsky
Being an LES, the simulation will be more efficient with PISO algorithm, so we set that next. with necessary adjustments to under-relaxation parameters:
and we also increase the order of accuracy of time integration to parabolic:
For cases with inflow and outflow, it is often useful to start from initial
velocity field obtained from a solution to inviscid flow, which is set in
file with:
The most important for this section are the inflow and the outflow. They are
set with following entries in control
TYPE inflow
VALUES 1.0 0.0 0.0
TYPE convective
VALUES 0.0 0.0 0.0
For inflow (called in
in .geo
file) we set the type to inflow
and specify velocity in x direction to be constant and equal to one. For
outflow (called out
in .geo
file) we set the condition to be of
type convective
, which is described by Bottaro
and it should allow eddies to leave computational domain without disrupting
the flow field inside.
Other options for outflow include outflow
which is a simple vanishing
derivative condition and pressure
which sets pressure at zero at the
outflow. For this case, given that we can expect some eddies leaving the
domain, convective
is the preferred choice.
With all that explained, you can either launch the simulation with (provided you decomposed the grid):
mpirun -np 4 ./Process > out_01
Soon after the launch, it is useful to check how the initial condition looked
like, which you can do if you visualize the file cylinder-ts000000.pvtu
The solution after one minute of physical time looks like this:
We can see vortex shedding, which is fine, but having flat profile at the inlet is hardly physical. We can do better than that, which is the subject of the following sections.
Next option we can easily implement in T-Flows, is to prescribe the
inlet velocity profile, specified in external file. To try that, make a link
to the control
file in the sub-directory Option_2
ln -i -s Option_2/control .
The only section in which this control file differs from the previous one is the section regarding inflow boundary conditions, and in this case it reads:
TYPE inflow
FILE profile.dat
Instead of keyword VALUES
under the VARIABLES
we have FILE
telling Process to read the values from a file, rather than giving them
constant values. The file is ASCII, and it lists the values in columns,
first of which is the coordinate, and the rest can be any variables Process
might need. In this case, it is only one velocity component, u
. What
is to be read from the file, is given in line VARIABLES
. In this case,
it will be y coordinate, followed by u velocities.
To facilitate the prescription of this file, we placed a small utility in
for prescribing parabolic
velocity profile, which should be compiled with, say:
gfortran -o Parabolic Parabolic.f90
and can be invoked from command line with:
./Parabolic x_start x_end bulk_velocity n_points
Here, first and second parameter are starting and ending coordinates (not necessarily x), the desired bulk velocity and number of points over which you want to describe the profile. Since we want to span the parabolic profile over y, and we know that our y ranges from 0 to 4.1, we know that the desired bulk velocity is one, we can invoke Parabolic with:
./Parabolic 0 4.1 1 31
to get:
# Number of points
# Coordinate Velocity
0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00
1.36667E-01 1.93333E-01
2.73333E-01 3.73333E-01
4.10000E-01 5.40000E-01
5.46667E-01 6.93333E-01
6.83333E-01 8.33333E-01
8.20000E-01 9.60000E-01
9.56667E-01 1.07333E+00
1.09333E+00 1.17333E+00
1.23000E+00 1.26000E+00
1.36667E+00 1.33333E+00
1.50333E+00 1.39333E+00
1.64000E+00 1.44000E+00
1.77667E+00 1.47333E+00
1.91333E+00 1.49333E+00
2.05000E+00 1.50000E+00
2.18667E+00 1.49333E+00
2.32333E+00 1.47333E+00
2.46000E+00 1.44000E+00
2.59667E+00 1.39333E+00
2.73333E+00 1.33333E+00
2.87000E+00 1.26000E+00
3.00667E+00 1.17333E+00
3.14333E+00 1.07333E+00
3.28000E+00 9.60000E-01
3.41667E+00 8.33333E-01
3.55333E+00 6.93333E-01
3.69000E+00 5.40000E-01
3.82667E+00 3.73333E-01
3.96333E+00 1.93333E-01
4.10000E+00 0.00000E+00
which you should copy to file profile.dat
Note: The centerline velocity, at y is 2.05 is 1.5. This is what you expect from parabolic velocity profile. Centerline velocity is 3/2 times the bulk velocity.
If you were in the case directory ([root]/Tests/Manual/Inflows/
) you
could have also redirect the output from profile with:
../../../Sources/Utilities/Parabolic > profile.dat
Clearly, the profile you prescribe in this ASCII file does not have to be parabolic, nor does it have to be generated with T-Flows' utility Parabolic. You could specify it from experimental or DNS data you have at your disposal. You only have to follow the format:
- first non-comment line specifies the number of points
- all the remaining lines specify values you want to prescribe in columns
- the description of values in columns is given after the keyword
Anyhow, once you have the profile.dat
in the working directory
), you can
launch the simulation in the same way you did for the Flat velocity profile
which could be:
mpirun -np 4 ./Process > out_4 &
The solution after one minute of physical time looks like this:
We hope you can see distribution of velocity magnitude at the inlet, which
was constant in the previous case. THe intensities of velocity magnitude in
this case are higher by some 20% than in the case with flat velocity profile.
For both cases we computed roughly three flow through times and convective
outflow seems to be handling the eddies which are leaving the domain pretty
As we said in , we departed from the benchmark in increasing the Re
number by a factor of 250, so we might expect some turbulence, unsteadiness at
the very least. Since we run simulations in unsteady mode with LES model, why
not adding some unsteadiness at the inlet? Well, that is possible thanks to
Process's class Eddies_Mod
which has the functionality to impose unsteady
eddies at the inflow. The method is heavily based on the work from
Jarin et al.
The control file for the case of synthetic eddies is in sub-directory Option_3
To use it, do the same as for previous cases, link the control
file from
that sub-directory to the current:
ln -i -s Option_3/control .
The only difference in that control file, compared to the one given in Flat velocity profile are these line:
which instruct Process to create synthetic eddies at the boundary called
, to create 40 of them with maximum radius of 0.5 (roughly 1/8 of
the domain size in this case) and with maximum intensity of 0.2. It is
important to add that these eddies are superimposed on whatever was given
for the velocity values in section in
TYPE inflow
VALUES 1.0 0.0 0.0
If we prescribed a logarithmic velocity profile there with the proper file as explained in Prescribed velocity profile, eddies would be imposed over that logarithmic profile. In this case, however, the eddies will be superimposed over the flat velocity profile.
Once the new control file is in the working directory ([root]/Tests/Manual/Inflows/
you can launch it with:
mpirun -np 4 ./Process > out_03 &
After a minute of simulation time, results look like this:
We hope you can see eddies at the inlet plane, they show as orange rings with locally higher velocity magnitueds. To see the evolution of the eddies, it would probably be good to play a movie in ParaView.
A cut through solution:
Shows how eddies from the inlet face (in
) penetrate all the way to the
Synthetic eddies are a neat way to prescribe some unsteadiness at the inflow,
but they are artifical, synthetic, we may want more accurate prescription of
turbulence. To that end, we may use T-Flows' ability to solve equations in
several domains at once, and dedicate one domain to be only the generator of
the inflow for another. In the case directory ([root]/Tests/Manual/Inflows/
in addition to the principal problem domain (cylinder.geo
) we also give the
file precursor.geo
, which serves that purpose - if ran through GMSH, it
will create a precursor domain for the principal domain.
As you were warned in Conjugate heat transfer, for two
domains to be coupled in Process, they must have conforming grids at the
interface. The best way to go about it in GMSH, in our humble opinion, is to
create two grids (precursor and principal) at once, creating the precursor
domain by extruding thse inflow face. This is a very safe way to ensure
grid conformity at the interface. Indeed, if you check the differences between
``cylinder.geo```` and precursor.geo
, you will see they differ in two
lines only:
diff cylinder.geo precursor.geo
which tell GMSH which domain to save. (We hope it is clear that .geo
variables PRECURSOR
tell gmsh whether to save the
mesh for precursor or principal doman.
Since you have already generated and converted the principal domain, now you should do it for the precursor too with:
gmsh -3 precursor.geo
./Convert < convert.precursor.scr
As we said in Flat velocity profile, we are running this case in parallel, so precursor domain should be sub-divided in the same number of processors as principal domain was:
./Divide precursor 4
Note 1: Precursor domain is, in this case, just a channel with two periodic directions, x and z. It doesn't have inflows or outflows, it will be driven by a pressure drop to achieve the desired mass flux like, for example Large eddy simulation over a matrix of cubes.
Note 2: Since precursor domain is usually smaller and its grid is coarser this may seem like an overkill or limitation. But it is not. Process solves one domain after another, so if less processors were used for precursor domain, the remaining ones would be idle. So, it is the only reasonable approach to use the same number of processors for both domains.
If you visuallise both domains in ParaView (that is files cylinder.pvtu
and precursor.pvtu
) and show variable "Processor" it will look something
like this:
showing that, although interface should be conforming, the partitioning does not have to be.
As explained in Conjugate heat transfer, the way Process
goes about simulating in multiple domains, is to have a control file for each
of the domains called control.1
, control.2
and so forth, and one
central control
file with information about coupling. For this particular
case, all control files are in sub-directory Option_4
. To use them,
feel free to remove any existing control files currently residing in the
working directory and make the links:
rm -f control
ln -i -s Option_4/control* .
At this point it might be worth nothing that control.2
is the same as
from Option_1
. The control.1
, for the precursor is
not very different from control.2
. Problem domain is called
PROBLEM_NAME precursor
advection scheme is set to central
to help maintain turbulence in the
precursor domain
and desired mass flux is prescribed in x direction:
MASS_FLOW_RATES 16.4 0.0 0.0
Note: Desired bulk velocity is 1.0, cross sectional area is 4 x 4.1 = 16.4. Density is not prescribed hence Process will set it to 1.0, which makes the desired mass flow rate of 16.4.
Furthermore, the point for monitoring plane has been shifted to be inside the precursor domain:
and initial conditions are not computed from potential field, since there are no inlets and outlets in this periodic domain:
VALUES 1.0 0.0 0.0
The central control
file gives information on the coupling, as described
in detail in Conjugate heat transfer. In this case, it
reads (with comments ommited):
INTERFACE_CONDITION precursor cylinder
where last two lines are important. They tell processor that periodicity in x
direction from domain precursor
are coppied to the face called in
in domain cylinder
However, that is not enough. Since types of couplings between domains in a CFD
simulation are infinite, they are dealt with through a user function. In
Conjugate heat transfer we used the one provided with
Process by default, which couples temperatures, as presumably the most basic
case for coupled simulations. For velocity coupling we need a special version
which is in sub-directory Option_4/User_Mod/Interface_Exchange.f90
It would take us too far to explain this function in detail, but let's just say
that it works in two steps; in the first one it gathers information from all
domains involved and stores them in a special buffer, and in the second step
distributes the information from one step to another.
In the same directory there is another user function whose purpose is to
introduces synthetic eddies in the precursor domain. It is the
. These eddies are introduced to help the
precursor domain to reach turbulent flow regime. The eddies are formed from
initial rigid body rotation velocity field (u=0; v=z-zo; w=y-yo;
where yo and zo are the center of an eddy in the plane normal to streamwise
velocity direction), which are damped by Gaussian distribution as we move
further away from eddies centers (xo, yo and zo). This may sound a bit
fuzzy, so we make an attempt to illustrate our words in the following figure:
The graph on the left (black lines and gray shaded areas) represent rigid body rotation with center at (y=0, z=0). The graph in the middle shows two Gaussuan curves (red lines, pink shades, darker pink the overlap) formed around the eddy center. The graph on the right (blue lines, light blue shades) shows the convolution of the previous two functions and shows a smooth eddy whose center is at (y=0, z=0).
The eddies are placed at random positions, random senses of rotation and random intensities - all within bounds of geometrically meaningful (inside domain) and physically ralizable (limited intensity).
Coming back to the function which introduces eddies (the
), it was used in cases explained above and we
hope we don't have to give each and every detail of it. The header and the
arguments passed to the function in particular, were explained above and we will
focus only on what is important to place eddies in the domain.
The function is invoked at the end of each time step, but line 37 makes sure that eddies are not placed too frequently, only every 120 time steps:
37 if(mod(curr_dt, 120) .ne. 0) return
We hope that after a certain number of time steps turbulence in the precursor domain will be self-sustainable, so we stop introducing the eddies after the time step 1440:
40 if(curr_dt > 1440) return
Also, we want to restrict perturbation with eddies only in precursor domain which is achiveve with this line:
49 ! Impose eddies only in precursor domain
50 if(Grid % name .ne. 'PRECURSOR') return
In order to place the eddies inside the domain, we must find its extents over nodes. This is done in these lines:
57 !--------------------------------------!
58 ! Size of the computational domain !
59 ! !
60 ! This algorithm is not silly. We !
61 ! could have browsed through nodes !
62 ! only, but then we might have en- !
63 ! countered some hanging from GMSH !
64 !--------------------------------------!
65 xmin = HUGE; xmax = -HUGE
66 ymin = HUGE; ymax = -HUGE
67 zmin = HUGE; zmax = -HUGE
68 do c = 1, Grid % n_cells
69 do i_nod = 1, Grid % cells_n_nodes(c)
70 n = Grid % cells_n(i_nod, c)
71 xmin = min(xmin, Grid % xn(n)); xmax = max(xmax, Grid % xn(n))
72 ymin = min(ymin, Grid % yn(n)); ymax = max(ymax, Grid % yn(n))
73 zmin = min(zmin, Grid % zn(n)); zmax = max(zmax, Grid % zn(n))
74 end do
75 end do
76 call Comm_Mod_Global_Min_Real(xmin)
77 call Comm_Mod_Global_Min_Real(ymin)
78 call Comm_Mod_Global_Min_Real(zmin)
79 call Comm_Mod_Global_Max_Real(xmax)
80 call Comm_Mod_Global_Max_Real(ymax)
81 call Comm_Mod_Global_Max_Real(zmax)
82 lx = xmax - xmin
83 ly = ymax - ymin
84 lz = zmax - zmin
In lines 68 - 75, we browse through all the cells, and through individual nodes
of each cell in line 69. Field Grid % cells_n_nodes(c)
holds the number
of nodes for each cell. In line 70, we take the grid node index (i_nod
is just to browse locally through cell) and in lines 71 - 73, we are seeking
for minimum and maximum coordinates in each direction. Lines 76 - 81 ensure
we work with extrema over all processors. Variables lx
, ly
hold global domain dimensions.
Once the domain dimensions are know, we can also set minimum and maximum size of the eddies:
86 ! Minimum and maximum size of eddies
87 rmin = min(ly, lz) / 10.0
88 rmax = min(ly, lz) / 5.0
We only compare eddy radius in plane orthogonal to the streamwise direction (assumed to be x here) and that is why we only use dimension in y and z to correlate eddy sizes.
This function introduces 48 eddies (hard-coded) in line 90:
90 !-------------------------------!
91 ! Browse through all eddies !
92 !-------------------------------!
93 do eddy = 1, 48
95 ! Random direction of the vortex
96 call random_number(sg);
97 if(sg < 0.5) then
98 sg = -1.0
99 else
100 sg = +1.0
101 end if
103 ! Determine random position of a vortex
104 call random_number(ro); ro = rmin + (rmax-rmin)*ro ! rmin -> rmax
105 call random_number(xo(1)); xo(1) = xmin + xo(1) * lx
106 call random_number(zo(1)); zo(1) = zmin + zo(1) * lz
107 call random_number(yo); yo = ro + (ly - 2.0*ro) * yo
109 ! Handle periodicity; that is: copy eddie in periodic directions
110 xo(2:4) = xo(1)
111 zo(2:4) = zo(1)
112 if(xo(1) > lx/2.0) xo(3) = xo(1) - lx
113 if(xo(1) < lx/2.0) xo(3) = xo(1) + lx
114 if(zo(1) > lz/2.0) zo(2) = zo(1) - lz
115 if(zo(1) < lz/2.0) zo(2) = zo(1) + lz
116 xo(4) = xo(3)
117 zo(4) = zo(2)
Their sense of rotation is assigned randomly in lines 96 - 101, and their random positions (inside the domain) in lines 104 - 107. Lines 110 - 117 take care of periodicity, that is, make coppies of eddies in periodic directions (here x and z) depending on their relative position inside the domain.
We set the lenght of each eddy to be six times its radius:
119 ! Length of the eddy is six times the diameter
120 lo = ro * 6.0
We limit eddy extents with Gaussian distribution. The sigma coefficients for Gaussian distribution in direction orthogonal to the flow (y and z) and parallel to the flow (x) is set in lines 119 and 120:
122 sig_yz = ro / 2.0
123 sig_x = lo / 2.0
Note: The
would be the red functions in the figure introduced above.
Finally, in lines 123 - 162 we superimpose sytnthetic eddies over current
velocity field. Lines 125 - 127 take cell center coordinates from the grid
and lines 128 and 129 compute rigid body rotation velocity components (vc
and wc
Note: The
would be the black functions in the figure introduced above.
125 ! Superimpose eddies on the velocity field
126 do dir = 1, 4
127 do c = 1, Grid % n_cells
128 xc = Grid % xc(c)
129 yc = Grid % yc(c)
130 zc = Grid % zc(c)
131 vc = sg * ( (zc-zo(dir))/ro )
132 wc = sg * ( (yo-yc )/ro )
134 !--------------------------------------------+
135 ! Gaussian distribution: !
136 ! - (x-a)^2 !
137 ! 1 ^ --------- !
138 ! f(x) = ------------------ e 2 sigma^2 !
139 ! sqrt(2 PI sigma^2) !
140 ! !
141 ! !
142 ! exp[-(x-a)^2 / (2 sigma^2)] !
143 ! f(x) = --------------------------- !
144 ! sqrt(2 PI sigma^2) !
145 ! !
146 ! exp[-0.5 ((x-a) / sigma)^2] !
147 ! f(x) = --------------------------- !
148 ! sigma sqrt(2 PI) !
149 !--------------------------------------------!
150 vc = vc / (sig_yz*sqrt(PI+PI))*exp(-0.5*((zc-zo(dir))/sig_yz)**2)
151 vc = vc / (sig_yz*sqrt(PI+PI))*exp(-0.5*((yc-yo) /sig_yz)**2)
153 wc = wc / (sig_yz*sqrt(PI+PI))*exp(-0.5*((zc-zo(dir))/sig_yz)**2)
154 wc = wc / (sig_yz*sqrt(PI+PI))*exp(-0.5*((yc-yo) /sig_yz)**2)
156 vc = vc / (sig_x *sqrt(PI+PI))*exp(-0.5*((xc-xo(dir))/sig_x)**2)
157 wc = wc / (sig_x *sqrt(PI+PI))*exp(-0.5*((xc-xo(dir))/sig_x)**2)
159 ! Superimposed those fluctuations on spanwise and normal velocity comp.
160 v % n(c) = v % n(c) + vc
161 v % o(c) = v % o(c) + vc
162 w % n(c) = w % n(c) + wc
163 w % o(c) = w % o(c) + wc
164 end do
165 end do
166 end do
If all this seems a bit complicated to you, don't worry, this same function works for any turbulent channel flow, so you won't be modifying it a lot.
Both of these function reside in sub-directory Option_4/User_Mod/
. To
use them, you will have to re-compile Process by specifying the path to that
directory. More specifically, from [root]/Sources/Process/
run the
make clean
make DIR_CASE=../../Tests/Manual/Inflows/Option_4/ MPI=yes
and then go back to the case directory ([root]/Tests/Manual/Inflows/
and run:
mpirun -np 4 ./Process > out_04 &
After a minute of simulation time, the results in the precursor and in the principal computational domain look like this:
Solution in the precursor domain is periodic in streamwise and spanwise direction, and the leftmost plane from the precursor is coppied to the inlet of the principal computaional domain. This case only demonstrates how to set boundary condidtion from a precursor domain. In real application, the results from the precursor domain should be put under scrutiny themselves; is mesh fine enough, did we use proper physical models, is the domain large enough in periodic directions, are some of the questions which should be seriously addressed.
Citing the official PETSc pages, PETSc, the Portable, Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation, pronounced PET-see (/ˈpɛt-siː/), is a suite of data structures and routines for the scalable (parallel) solution of scientific applications modeled by partial differential equations. It supports MPI, and GPUs through CUDA, HIP or OpenCL, as well as hybrid MPI-GPU parallelism; it also supports the NEC-SX Tsubasa Vector Engine.
From T-Flows' perspective, given that its data structures and discretization techniques are established, PETSc is sought as a library of high performance linear solvers. Yes, T-Flows has its own (native) suite of solvers which work pretty decent with MPI, but the T-Flows' core development team has no capacity to keep up with the latest linear solver algorithms and their ports to ever-emerging computational platforms, in the way the team around PETSc does. We believe that the link we established with PETSC will give us continuous access to state-of-the-art linear solver.
If you are familiar with PETSc, already have it on your system and are ready to start using it in the remainder of this manual, feel free to skip to section Using PETSc
PETSc compilation is explained in enough details in Installation: Configuring, and Building PETSc and we see no need to repeat it all here. However, we believe we might help you if we point out a few details of PETSc installation relevant for use with T-Flows.
One of the first thing PETSc documentation presents you are the options for downloading additional packages with PETSs, like:
./configure --download-mpich --download-fblaslapack
Well, don't get too overwhelmed with it. If you download MPICH (or OpenMPI for that matter) with PETSc, it might not be the same version of MPICH you already have on your system, and you might have clashes in definitions in header files and alike.
We believe you are much better off using the compilers you already have on your system, or have installed trying to meet Highly desirable software requirements to avoid compatibility issues between different compilers. So, we suggest the following options:
--with-cc=mpicc --with-cxx=mpicxx --with-fc=mpif90
which will instruct PETSc to use the compilers you aleady have on your system and have (maybe) even used them to compile T-Flows before.
As we mentioned in a few places in this manual, T-Flows comes with its own suite of linear solvers which work decently. Indeed, if you pick the same solver and the same preconditioner from T-Flows native set and from PETSc suite of solvers you will observe pretty much the same convergence history and performance.
Note: You might even observe that T-Flows' native solvers are faster becuase they avoid the step of copying the matrix from T-Flows' memory space to PETSc memory space.
However, the point where T-Flows solvers will never be able to match PETSc are the algebraic multigrid preconditiores, which are of utmost importance for good scaling with problem size, and we therefore see no reason to use PETSc unless you also download HYPRE preconditioners with it:
We suggest you to also download BLAS and LAPACK with PETSc as we are not aware that it could cause any compatibility issues even if you already have a different BLAS on your system. Hence add also:
to the list of options to compile PETSc.
If you want to run T-Flows+PETSc in parallel, you may be tempted to also download
METIS with PETSc. Well, don't. You don't need it, you won't be using domain
decomposition from any of PETSc functions and T-Flows already has METIS library
in [root]/Sources/Libraries
As far as debugging options in PETSc are concerned, we have set them on during the initial stages of linking T-Flows with PETSc, but believe that they are not needed for productive runs, so we suggest compiling with these options instead:
--with-debugging=no --CFLAGS='-O3' --CXXFLAGS='-O3' --FFLAGS='-O3'
So, all these options combined, we suggest you to use this command to configure PETSc for usage with T-Flows:
./configure --with-debugging=no --CFLAGS='-O3' --CXXFLAGS='-O3' --FFLAGS='-O3' --with-cc=mpicc --with-cxx=mpicxx --with-fc=mpif90 --download-fblaslapack --download-hypre=yes
After that, just follow instructions on the screen.
At the end of compilation process explained in Compiling PETSc
the PETSc configure script will advise you to set two environment variables,
, to PETSc installation directory and
architecture you chose to build for. In our case, with options we suggested
you to use before, these environment variables are set as this in .bashrc
# Opt + Hypre
export PETSC_ARCH=arch-linux-c-opt
export PETSC_DIR=$HOME/petsc-opt-hypre
If these variables are set in the shell in which you compile T-Flows' Process, T-Flows' makefiles will use them to link T-Flows with PETSc. As simple as that. There is nothing else there for you to do.
Note: Only Process can link with PETSc, none of the other T-Flows' sub-programs calls any of the PETSc functions.
If you compile Process with PETSc, it will show it in the header it outputs when a simulation starts, like for example here.
We developed T-Flows' native solvers first and were using them for a couple of
decades before we established a link to PETSc. All the native solvers settings
could be set from the control file with following options (coppied from
Which we believe should be descriptive enough except maybe just to say that all
the options having FOR_TURBULENCE
in the name are applied for all turbulent
quantities computed from partial differential equations, that SOLVER_FOR_
options can be set to bicg
, cg
or cgs
, and that
is applied to all linear systems and
only incomplete_cholesky
makes sense because the other two options stand
little chance to converge.
Note: Don't forget that all of these are optional. As described in the section Lid-driven cavity flow, if any or none of these are not given in the
file, Process will set default values.
For backward compatibility, these options are also read and used by PETSc solvers unless you add a special section in the control file for different/additional tuning for PETSc. For example, in the case of Large eddy simulation over a matrix of cubes, the section dedicated to linear solver for pressure reads:
PREC hypre # asm or hypre
Here we set cg
to be the solver pressure, we direct preconditier to
algebraic multigrid from HYPRE
and we set the tolerance to 1.0e-3. The line with PREC_OPTS
is empty, we
are not sending any options to preconditioner.
Note: If you want to send options to PETSc preconditioner, the syntax from
file is exactly the same as it would be from PETSc command line. For example, if you wanted to change the nodal coarsening for hypre to 4, you would setPREC_OPTS -pc_hypre_boomeramg_nodal_coarsen 4
, exactly as described here
Please be careful. The options passed to PETSc solver are a bit like boundary
condition section in the control
file. All of the four options must be
given, and in the same order as above.
Clearly, PETSc options can be set for all other variables, not just for pressure. All of them are listed here for completness:
By default, Process will use its native solvers. (It is a safer bet if
Process was compiled without PETSc). However, if you wants to use PETSc
solvers, you should include this line in the control
If you set the line above and T-Flows was compiled without PETSc, it will throw an error but also suggest a workaround.
To benchmark conjugate heat transfer, we chose the case introduced by Basak et al. In particular, we focus on the case authors call: Case 3; t1+t2 = 0.2, which is the case with both heated walls represented as solids, whose total thickness is 0.2 of the lenght of the domain. The case is a slight extension of the Thermally-driven cavity flow in the sense that the computational domain for the fluid remains the same, but left and right (hot and cold) boundaries are replaced with two solid regions as illustrated in the following picture:
The case resides in the directory [root]/Tests/Manual/Conjugate/
. If you
check the contents of the file, you can see that it contains the following files:
├── cold_solid.geo
├── control
├── control.1
├── control.2
├── control.3
├── convert.1.scr
├── convert.2.scr
├── convert.3.scr
├── fluid.geo
├── hot_solid.geo
└── User_Mod
└── End_Of_Time_Step.f90
The case entails three computational domains; two solid domains described in
files cold_solid.geo
and hot_solid.geo
and fluid.geo
, whose
purpose should be clear from their names. So, this case not only benchmarks
conjugate heat transfer in T-Flows, but also demonstrates how to set up a
simulation with multiple domains. The case also comes with a user function
for calculating the Nusselt number, but we will come to that later.
The way how T-Flows goes about simulations in multiple domains is as follows.
It still reads the control
file which now has some special infromation.
First, this central control
file specifies the number of domains you
are simultaneously solving with the line:
Then it specifies ceratin parameters which must be the same for all domains, which are include: time step, total number of time steps, saving intervals and tolerance for SIMPLE algorithm:
Finally, it specifies how the domains are linked. In order to explain it better, we also show a picture of three computational domains, with boundary conditions important for the links to be established:
In addition to top, bottom and periodic direction which are not illustrated
here, each grid has boundary conditions called LEFT_WALL
as you can also see in acompanying .geo
files. For completness, we show
an exceprt from cold_solid.geo
showing that:
Physical Surface("LEFT_WALL") = {13};
Physical Surface("RIGHT_WALL", 27) = {21};
Physical Surface("PERIODIC") = {1, 26};
Physical Surface("BOTTOM_WALL") = {25};
Physical Surface("TOP_WALL") = {17};
Physical Volume("COLD_SOLID", 31) = {1};
Knowing how the domains should be coupled to one another, you can finish the
central control
file by specifying the coupling:
# Connection between hot solid and the fluid:
BOUNDARY_CONDITIONS right_wall left_wall
# Connection between fluid and the cold solid
INTERFACE_CONDITION fluid cold_solid
BOUNDARY_CONDITIONS right_wall left_wall
which should literally be read as: interface condition shared between hot_solid
and fluid
is between hot_solid
's right_wall
(underneat it)
and fluid
's left_wall
. Also, interface condition between fluid
and the cold_solid
is shared between fluid
's right_wall
's left_wall
Number of domains, specified above, instructs Process to read three additional
control files, named control.1
, control.2
and control.3
, which
specify domain-specific parameters, such as (sub)problem name, boundary conditions
and all the other parameters not specified in central control
The case comes with three grids which all should be generated with:
gmsh -3 hot_solid.geo
gmsh -3 fluid.geo
gmsh -3 cold_solid.geo
after which, provided you compiled Convert and created necessary links in the current directory, can be done with provided scripts:
./Convert < convert.1.scr
./Convert < convert.2.scr
./Convert < convert.3.scr
Which creates all the necessary files for furhter processing, but let's just
focus on three of them: hot_solid.vtu
, fluid.vtu
and cold_solid.vtu
If you visualise all three of them in Paraview you should see something like this:
What you see are the three domains you will simultenaously solve, with cells clustered towards the walls. What you should also see is that grids are conforming at the interfaces.
Warning: For conjugate heat transfer problems, or any problems where you want to couple several domains, they must have conforming grids at the interfaces. You must ensure it yourself in the grid generator you are using.
As we said above, this case comes with a user function which calculates Nusselt
number at the end of each time step, so Process must be compiled with it.
From [root]/Sources/Process/
make DIR_CASE=../../Tests/Manual/Conjugate
Warning: Make sure you compile the Process with the same precision as you used for Convert as it was outlined in Compiling the code.
You can now go back to the test directory ([root]/Tests/Manual/Conjugate/
and run the simulation with:
./Process > out &
When you are solving multiple domains, Process will print executed iterations and residuals for each of them, one under another like this:
# Iteration: 3 #
# U : 0 0.000E+00 | V : 0 0.000E+00 | W : 0 0.000E+00 | PP : 0 0.000E+00 | MASS: 0.000E+00 | T : 3 2.614E-06 #
# U : 2 2.115E-07 | V : 1 2.176E-09 | W : 2 3.232E-07 | PP : 21 9.666E-07 | MASS: 1.302E-07 | T : 3 1.852E-06 #
# U : 0 0.000E+00 | V : 0 0.000E+00 | W : 0 0.000E+00 | PP : 0 0.000E+00 | MASS: 0.000E+00 | T : 3 1.531E-06 #
# Maximum Courant number: 0.000E+00 | Maximum Peclet number: 0.000E+00 #
# Flux x : 0.000E+00 | Flux y : 0.00E+00 | Flux z : 0.00E+00 #
# Pdrop x: 0.000E+00 | Pdrop y: 0.00E+00 | Pdrop z: 0.00E+00 #
# Maximum Courant number: 5.500E-01 | Maximum Peclet number: 2.109E+00 #
# Flux x : -2.000E-11 | Flux y : 0.00E+00 | Flux z : 6.30E-10 #
# Pdrop x: 0.000E+00 | Pdrop y: 0.00E+00 | Pdrop z: 0.00E+00 #
# Maximum Courant number: 0.000E+00 | Maximum Peclet number: 0.000E+00 #
# Flux x : 0.000E+00 | Flux y : 0.00E+00 | Flux z : 0.00E+00 #
# Pdrop x: 0.000E+00 | Pdrop y: 0.00E+00 | Pdrop z: 0.00E+00 #
The first and the third domains are solids, and iterations and residuals for each of them is zero. The trailer also shows information for each domain individually. Here too you can see that nothing is being solved for momentum as Courant, Peclet numbers and all the fluxes are zero.
What you can also see in the out
log file is the output from the user
function which reads:
# Output from user function, Nusslet number!
# Toral area : 5.000E-01
# Nusselt number : 2.221E+00
An exceprt from the user function End_Of_Time_Step
is given here:
29 !------------------------------------!
30 ! Compute average Nusselt number !
31 !------------------------------------!
32 if(Grid % name(1:6) .eq. 'FLUID') then
34 ! Initialize variables for computing average Nusselt number
35 nu = 0.0
36 area = 0.0
38 do s = 1, Grid % n_faces
39 c1 = Grid % faces_c(1,s)
40 c2 = Grid % faces_c(2,s)
42 if(c2 < 0 .and. Grid % Comm % cell_proc(c1) .eq. this_proc) then
44 if( Var_Mod_Bnd_Cond_Type(t,c2) .eq. WALL ) then
45 area = area + Grid % s(s)
46 nu = nu + Grid % s(s) &
47 * abs(t % n(c2) - t % n(c1)) &
48 / Grid % d(s)
49 end if ! if wall
50 end if ! c2 < 0
51 end do ! through s
53 !-----------------------------------------------!
54 ! Integrate (summ) heated area, and heat up !
55 !-----------------------------------------------!
56 call Comm_Mod_Global_Sum_Real(area)
57 call Comm_Mod_Global_Sum_Real(nu)
59 !-------------------------------------------------!
60 ! Compute averaged Nussel number and print it !
61 !-------------------------------------------------!
62 nu = nu / area
64 if(this_proc < 2) then
65 print '(a)', ' #==========================================='
66 print '(a)', ' # Output from user function, Nusslet number!'
67 print '(a)', ' #-------------------------------------------'
68 print '(a,es12.3)', ' # Toral area : ', area
69 print '(a,es12.3)', ' # Nusselt number : ', nu
70 end if
72 end if ! domain is middle
Line 32 ensures that the code which follows is only executed in the fluid domain.
At line 38 you can see an example of the face-based data structure which is one
of the main features of finite volume based unstructured solvers. We browse
through all faces (Grid % n_faces
) and for each one of them fetch the
cells surrounding it from structure Grid % faces_c(:,s)
. Once both cells
surrounding the face are known and stored in variables c1
and c2
we check if c2
is a boundary face in line 42.
Note: In T-Flows, boundary faces have negative indices.
What we also check in the same line is that c1
is in the current processor,
i.e. it is not in the buffer cells, because otherwise global summs of area
and accumulated Nusselt number in lines 56 and 57, wouldn't be correct for
parallel runs. In line 62 all processors have the same values of nu
and area
and we can compute the average Nusselt number. Lines 64 - 70
print the value of Nuseelt number only from one processor.
The case we solved here corresponds to Ra number of 1.0e+5 and Pr of 0.7. In addition, conductivities in solids are equal to the conductivities in fluid (Basak et al. denote such a case with K=1.) Anyhow, the value of Nusselt number reported by Basak is 0.2233 and our computations show value of 0.2233, meaning we passed this benchmark. We actually nailed it.
In directory [root]/Tests/Laminar/Cavity/Thermally_Driven/Conjugate/
can find the same test case, but with directories defining a range of solid
conductivities and different Ra numbers. Feel free to explore these
cases and benchmark further.
A fully developed turbulent plane channel flow is a standard benchmark for testing turbulence models. It is one of the basic test cases for testing implementation of various RANS and LES models into CFD codes. The flow is well investigated and documented both experimentally and numerically. Direct numerical simulation data are available for moderate and high Reynolds numbers. The DNS data of Kim et al. for Reτ = 590 are used here for comparison with RANS and LES solutions.
The flow is bounded by two parallel flat walls separated by a distance 2h. Fluid flows in x direction and has two homogeneous directions, x and y, meaning that the flow properties change only in the wall-normal direction z. Reynolds number is Re = 13'000 based on the channel’s height, whereas Reynolds number based on the friction velocity is Reτ = 590.
With this benchmark you will see how a turbulence models are defined in T-Flows, how wall is treated, basic setup of RANS and LES approaches and collecting statistics for scale-resolving simulations (LES in this section).
The cases for RANS simulations of the channel flow come in two variants: a
case with cells stretched towards the walls for low-Re number approach
(integration down to the walls) and a case with uniform cells for high-Re
number approach (wall functions). Both cases are located in directory
, which has the following structure:
├── Results
│ ├── re_tau_590_dns.agr
│ └── re_tau_590_tflows.agr
├── Stretched_Mesh
│ ├── chan.dom
│ ├── control
│ ├── generate.scr
│ └── User_Mod
│ └── Save_Results.f90
└── Uniform_Mesh
├── chan.dom
├── control -> ../Stretched_Mesh/control
├── generate.scr
└── User_Mod -> ../Stretched_Mesh/User_Mod
The directory Results
holds bare reference DNS results for this case
) and comparison of T-Flows results agains the DNS
). The other two directories hold the necessary
files to run the case on stretched and uniform grids.
The cases for the channel flow will use T-Flows' own mesh generator
called Generate. The input files for Generate have extension .dom
as an abbreviation for domain. To run it, you first have to compile it
in the way described in section Compiling sub-programs
and then create soft links to executables in sub-directories Stretched_Mesh
and Uniform_Mesh
as it is described here.
When you run Generate in each of the sub-directories with:
./Generate < generate.scr
it will create the .cfn
, .dim
, as well as a few files in .vtu
format which you can use to visualise the grids you just created. Please
observe that files with extension .1d
are also created. Since the channel
flow is essentially a one-dimensional problem, Generate creates this file
with node coordinates in singe non-homogenous direction (z in this case).
The .1d
file is used in user functions explained below.
Note: Although Generate was quite useful in the early stages of development of T-Flows, and although it has some nice features like local grid refinement and smoothing, it doesn't come with a graphical user interface and its usage for generating complex grids is tedious. Moreover, having in mind the availability of free GMSH, the Generate is obsolete and its usage is discouraged. We use it in this section partially for completness, and partially for ease of use for periodic channel flows on orthogonal grids.
The uniform and the stretched grid for RANS simulations of the channel flow created by Generate look like this:
The dimensions of both computational domain were set to 1×1×1 in all directions. Only half of the domain is considered and symmetry condition is imposed on its upper plane.
Since this is a benchmark case, we want to extract data from results in a
special way, from user function User_Mod_Save_Results
, residing in
case's sub-directory User_Mod
. In order to compile Process with this
user function, go to the directory: [root]/Sources/Process/
and issue
make clean
make DIR_CASE=../../Tests/Manual/Channel_Re_Tau_590
Note 1: The way T-Flows deals with user functions was first introduced in this section.
Note 2: The cases in directories
have the same user function. Hence, the entireUser_Mod
is a mere link to its counterpart inStretched_Grid
The compiled user function (User_Mod_Save_Results
) for these cases works
in the following way: it first reads the node coordinates from the .1d
file created during the grid generation, allocates memory for a number of
variables to be defined in homogeneous planes, averages results over cells
which are situated in between consecutive nodes in .1d
non-dimensionalizes the results and writes them in a file with extension
for further processing. All these steps are clearly indicated in
the source file [root]/Tests/Manual/Channel_Re_Tau_590/User_Mod/Save_Results.f90
and we believe they don't need further explanations.
The stretched and the uniform computational mesh obviously differ in resolution in the near-wall region. The stretched mesh has the first near-wall cell within the viscous sub-layer (z+ < 3), whereas the uniform mesh has z+ located in the logarithmic region (z+ ≈ 30).
Although the boundary conditions applied in the control
files for both
cases are the same, T-Flows will automatically switch from wall-integration
to wall-function treatmen based on the local values of z+.
This automatic switching is known as a compound wall treatment, and is
described in detail by Popovac and Hanjalic.
Finally, we must choose a turbulence model. This is one of the most critical decision you have to make when running a CFD simulation. A universal turbulence model, that will perform equally well in all flow configurations and types, still does not exist. In the last three decades a substantial number of turbulence models have developed and proposed. They differ in level of complexity and sophistication, but also in approach to turbulence modeling. Three main approaches are present, the LES, where most of turbulence is resolved (present in solution fields) and only a small fraction of turbulent kinetic energy is modelled, RANS where all turbulence is modelled, and hybrid RANS-LES approach where RANS and LES are combined in a way that ratio of resolved and modelled turbulence varies throughout domain. You should choose turbulence model carefully, balancing between economy of computation (required time and computer power) and accuracy.
On top of the economic reasons, you should also consider flow physics when chosing a turbulence model. Certain flows are inherently unsteady (some flows over blunt bodies, mixed convection flows) and RANS equations would never converge for them, and you should use an unsteady approach, be it LES, unsteady RANS or hybrid RANS-LES. Since the turbulent channel flow does not fall into category of inherently unsteady flows, RANS approach is appropriate.
T-Flows has several turbulence models implemented which differ in complexity
and level of physical description of turbulence. The default RANS model in
T-Flows is the k-ε-ζ-f model proposed by Hanjalic et al..
The model proved to be more accurate and reliable compared to widely used
standard k-ε model, which is also implemented in T-Flows . The k-ε-ζ-f
In the control file, a turbulence model is defined by using a key word
in the control
As mentioned above, the case is homogeneous in streamwise and spanwise direction and driven by a pressure drop. A way to prescribe the point for monitoring plane, pressure drops and mass fluxes in characteristic planes was already described above. For this case, we define monitoring planes in the geometrical center of the computational domain and set the mass flux to 0.2, which gives Re number of roughly 13'000.
MASS_FLOW_RATES 0.2 0.0 0.0
Since we seek a steady solution for this case, we do not care about the accuracy in time. We set a relativelly large time step and enough time steps until a steady solution is reached:
Both of these RANS cases (with stretched and with uniform grid) have a small number of cells and run really fast. Visualization of the streamwise velocity and turbulent kinetic energy in paraview looks like this:
Although it is nice to see such three-dimensional fields in color, for direct
comparison against experiemnts or DNS data, plots of profiles with selected
flow quantities are more useful. For this case, profiles are computed and
saved from a user function and saved in file chan-res-plus-ts003000.dat
When profiles for streamwise velocity, turbulent kinetic energy, uw stress
and turbulent kinetic energy dissipation are extracted from this file and
plotted against DNS data from Kim et al., they look like this:
Both results obtained on uniform grid (blue lines) and stretched grid (red lines) compare well against DNS results.
Note: The version of
used for these two cases was written only for parallel runs, for cases without heat transfer and for k-ε-ζ-f turbulence model. This was done for the sake of simplicity. You can find more elaborate version ofUser_Mod_Save_Results
in following section as well as in other channel flow cases in directory[root]/Tests/...
Impinging jets are challenging cases for RANS turbulence models due to different flow regimes present in the case (free jet region, impingement region, wall-jet region). The scheme of the impinging jet we are going to solve in this section, is shown here:
In the stagnation region, the occurrence of negative production of the turbulent kinetic energy close to the wall is out of reach of RANS models that are based on the eddy-viscosity concept. Hypothetically, this can be achieved only with the second-moment closure models. In this region, the turbulent kinetic energy is produced by normal straining rather than by shear as is the case in wall-parallel flows. The convective transport of turbulent kinetic energy is important, whereas in wall-parallel flows, it is usually insignificant. The near-wall turbulence scales are strongly affected by the jet turbulence and cannot be determined in terms of the wall distance. Because of all these effects, the impinging jets are well suited for testing the performance of turbulence models. Craft et al have tested k-ε and second-moment closures models for impinging jets with moderate success. The k-ε model significantly overpredicted the level of turbulent kinetic energy in the stagnation region, which caused an overprediction of the Nusselt number in the same region. Second-moment closure could improve the results, depending on the model sophistication. However, none of the models were entirely successful. Craft et al oncluded that the main difficulty to accurately predict the Nusselt number came from the usage of the two-equation eddy-viscosity scheme adopted in all cases to model the near-wall sub-layer.
We will use the
The case for impinging jet resides in the directory [root]/Tests/Manual/Impinging_Jet_2d_Distant_Re_23000
whose contents read:
├── control
├── convert.scr
├── inlet_profile_zeta_re_23000.dat
├── jet.neu.gz
├── rad_coordinate.dat
├── Results
│ ├── nu_2d_baughn_shimizu.agr
│ ├── nu_2d_comparison.agr
│ ├── vel_magnitude_2d_baughn_shimizu.agr
│ └── vel_magnitude_2d_comparison.agr
└── User_Mod
├── Save_Impinging_Jet_Nu.f90
├── Save_Impinging_Jet_Profiles.f90
└── Save_Results.f90
The purpose of files control
and convert.scr
should be clear to you
by now. A thing which you may find novel is the file with extension
. That is the grid file in Fluent's legacy neutral file format,
hence the extension .neu
Note: Grids in neutral file format were created by Fluent's legacy mesh generator called Gambit. Since Fluent got acquired by ANSYS, Gambit was dropped from the package and neutral file format became obsolete. Since, we keep this file here for reproducibility of results.
In addition to these, you can find the file rad_coordinate.dat
which will
be used by user functions, residing in sub-directory User_Mod
during the
execution of the program. Sub-directory Results
holds experimental
measurements from Baughn and Shimizu.
As the first step you should compile Convert and Divide sub-programsn in the way it was described in the section Compiling sub-programs. In addition, you wil have to compile the Process with user functions pointing to case's directory, very similar as it was introduced above. To be more specific, you should issue:
make clean
make DIR_CASE=../../Tests/Manual/Impinging_Jet_2d_Distant_Re_23000 MPI=yes
to compile the Process for this case.
To run this case, in a Linux terminal go to directory [root]/Tests/Manual/Impinging_Jet_2d_Distant_Re_23000
A very practical thing to do is to create links to executables in the working
directory as it was explained here.
Since the grid for this case comes in the gzipped format, you should first decompress it with:
gunzip jet.neu.gz
which will leave the file jet.neu
in the current directory. Once the grid
file is decompressed, you must convert it to T-Flows' file format using the
sub-program Convert and the supplied scritp convert.scr
./Convert < convert.scr
This step should create a number of .vtu
files for visualization of the
grid and, more importantly, computational grid in T-Flows format which are
the files jet.cfn
and jet.dim
Since we will run this case in parallel, using 16 processors, you should also decompose it from the command line with:
./Decompose jet 16
The entire computational domain colored by its decomposition in 16 sub-domains, is shown here:
For this case, the Process is compiled with user functions residing in
directory [root]/Tests/Manual/Impinging_Jet_2d_Distant_Re_23000/User_Mod
There are three user functions, the standard Save_Results
, and two
additional ones: Save_Impinging_Jet_Nu
and Save_Impinging_Jet_Profiles
We call the first one standard becuase it is a part of T-Flows and always
called when T-Flows saves results. In this case, it is a mere interface to
two other functions:
1 include '../User_Mod/Save_Impinging_Jet_Nu.f90'
2 include '../User_Mod/Save_Impinging_Jet_Profiles.f90'
4 !==============================================================================!
5 subroutine User_Mod_Save_Results(Flow, Turb, Vof, Swarm, ts, domain)
6 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
7 ! Calls Save_Impinging_Jet_Nu and Save_Impinging_Jet_Profile functions. !
8 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
9 implicit none
10 !---------------------------------[Arguments]----------------------------------!
11 type(Field_Type) :: Flow
12 type(Turb_Type) :: Turb
13 type(Vof_Type) :: Vof
14 type(Swarm_Type) :: Swarm
15 integer, intent(in) :: ts ! time step
16 integer, optional :: domain
17 !==============================================================================!
19 ! Don't save if this is intial condition, nothing is developed yet
20 if(ts .eq. 0) return
22 call Save_Impinging_Jet_Nu (Turb, ts)
23 call Save_Impinging_Jet_Profiles(Turb, ts)
25 end subroutine
The first of the called functions, reads the radial segments from the file
, averages results over those segments and writes
them in a special file called jet-nu-tsXXXXXX.dat
, where XXXXXX
the time step. Withough going through each and every line of the code, let's
just briefly explain a few sections.
Declaration of local variables which will be used for averaging results in the radial segments, is in lines 18-20:
18 real, allocatable :: u_s(:), v_s(:), w_s(:), t_s(:), tau_s(:), q_s(:)
19 real, allocatable :: z_s(:), r_s(:), rad(:)
20 integer, allocatable :: n_count(:)
Here beginning of names u
, v
, ... stand for velocity components,
temperature, wall friction, heat flux, wall distance, radii and extension
stands for segment.
The function reads the rad_coordinate.dat
in lines 40-68, checking if
file exists (line 40) and issuing a warning message if it doesn't (lines 42-55).
40 inquire(file='rad_coordinate.dat', exist=there)
41 if(.not.there) then
42 if(this_proc < 2) then
43 print *, "#=========================================================="
44 print *, "# In order to extract Nusselt number profile "
54 end if
55 return
56 end if
58 call File % Open_For_Reading_Ascii('rad_coordinate.dat', fu)
60 ! Read the number of searching intervals·
61 read(fu,*) n_prob
62 allocate(rad(n_prob))
64 ! Read the intervals positions
65 do i = 1, n_prob
66 read(fu, *) rad(i)
67 end do
68 close(fu)
Line 58 is the standard way to open files in T-Flows. One could use plain standard Fortran for that, but T-Flows' functions are encouraged because they come with additional checks and customizations.
Lines 60-68 reveal the format and contents of file rad_coordinate.dat
it reads number of readial cooridantes over which to perform averaging, and
actual radial coordinate.
With this data read, we perform averaging in lines 83-107:
83 do i = 1, n_prob - 1
84 do s = 1, Grid % n_faces
85 c1 = Grid % faces_c(1,s)
86 c2 = Grid % faces_c(2,s)
87 if(c2 < 0) then
88 if(Grid % Bnd_Cond_Name(c2) .eq. 'LOWER_WALL') then
89 r = sqrt(Grid % xc(c1)*Grid % xc(c1) + &
90 Grid % yc(c1)*Grid % yc(c1)) + TINY
91 if(r < rad(i+1) .and. r > rad(i)) then
92 r_s(i) = r_s(i) + sqrt(Grid % xc(c1)*Grid % xc(c1) + &
93 Grid % yc(c1)*Grid % yc(c1))
94 u_s(i) = u_s(i) + u % n(c1) * Grid % xc(c1) / r + &
95 v % n(c1) * Grid % yc(c1) / r
103 n_count(i) = n_count(i) + 1
104 end if
105 end if
106 end if
107 end do
We browse through segments (line 83), then faces (line 85), take the cells
which surround each face (lines 85 and 86), check if the face is on a boundary
(lines 87 and 88), and then eventually if that face is
also within the segment we want to average (line 91). If this is all satisfied,
the accumulation of values is performed in lines 92-102, and line 103 counting
the number of faces in the segment.
Since we intend to run this code in parallel, we should also make sure that the accumulation of sums is extended to all processors involved, ensured by lines 113-126:
113 do i = 1, n_prob
114 call Comm_Mod_Global_Sum_Int(n_count(i))
116 call Comm_Mod_Global_Sum_Real(u_s(i))
125 call Comm_Mod_Global_Sum_Real(t_s(i))
126 end do
Once the sums are extend over all processors, averaged values are computed in lines 128-139 (not shown here) and results are eventually save to a file with desired file name in lines 145-167:
145 if(this_proc < 2) then
147 ! Set the file name
148 call File % Set_Name(res_name, time_step=ts, &
149 appendix='-nu-utau', extension='.dat')
150 call File % Open_For_Writing_Ascii(res_name, fu)
152 ! Write the file out
153 write(fu, *) '# 1:Xrad, 2:Nu, 3:Utau, 4:Yplus, 5:Temp, 6:Numb of points '
166 close(fu)
167 end if
Line 145 ensures that the file is written only from one processor, lines 148 and 149 set the file name in standard T-Flows' format. Line 150 shows how to use T-Flows' standar way to open files and the rest is just plain Fortran which doesn't need furhter explanation.
The remaining user function Save_Impinging_Jet_Profiles
has a very
similar structure as the Save_Impinging_Jet_Nu
, but a few differences.
Instead of reading a file with radial coordinates, Save_Impinging_Jet_Profiles
reads a file with coordinates in jet.1d
). Just like its sister it declares local
variables for averaging the results, performs global summs over all processor
for parallel runs, and eventually saves data for post-processing.
As far as the control
file is concerned, there is nothing very special
about this case. By trying different values of time steps and times of time
integration, we learned that the optimum time step is 0.05, and the number
of time steps to reach convergent results is 3600, which in the control
file looks like:
We also observed that we obtain more stable results and more monitonic convergence of the solution procedure if Gauss' theorem is used for calculation of pressure gradients:
The highest under-relaxation factors for the SIMPLE procedure are specified by the following lines:
When specifying boundary conditions, there are two things worth mentioning.
For the nozzle inlet, a profile of wall-normal velocity (inlet_profile_zeta_re_23000.dat
When specifying boundary condition for the inlet, we direct T-Flows to read
this profile file with:
TYPE inflow
VARIABLES rz u v w t kin eps zeta f22
FILE inlet_profile_zeta_re_23000.dat
The line beginning with the keyword VARIABLES
tells T-Flows which
variables are specified in the file. The name of the file is specified in the
line which follows beginning with the keyword FILE
. We believe that
all variable names are self-explanatory, except maybe rz
which stands
for radial coordinate (r
) orthogonal to the z
). More
details on prescribing inlet profiles from files can be found in section
Prescribed velocity profile.
It might worth noting that the upper plane of the computation domain is actually defined as an inflow:
TYPE inflow
VARIABLES u v w t kin eps zeta f22
VALUES 0.0 0.0 -0.01 20.0 1.0E-4 1.0E-5 6.6E-4 1.0e-4
with a velocity magnitude roughly 1% of the velocity comming through the inlet nozzle. The reason for that is based on reasoning that the experiment for this case was conducted over an open plate, and it was innevitable that the jet itself would suck some of the surrounding air into the computational domain as we defined it. This inlet with small intensity has negligible impact on the computed result, but helps the convergence procedure and natural movements of eddies over the lower plate.
The simulation is conducted in parallel, using 16 processors:
mpirun -np 16 ./Process > out_16 &
We set in the control file that results are saved each 600 time steps. A realization of velocity fiel after 1200 time steps (corresponding to one minute of physical time) looks like this:
which illustrates pretty well what is happening througout the simulation. The jet coming from the nozzle impinges at the lower wall, where it creates a big vortex which is gradually moving towards the outflow of the computational domain.
At the time step 3600 (three minutes of physical time), the vortex left the domain, and all variables almost reach a steady solution. It is not fully converged, but pretty close to a converged state. The velocity field after 3600 time steps looks like:
The prominent vortex existing in previous realization has left the domain.
Once the simulation finishes, you should find these files in the working directory:
The first four are a result of user function Save_Impinging_Jet_Profiles
and are used for comparing velocity profiles in the file Results/vel_magnitude_2d_baughn_shimizu.agr
Once the comparison is done, the results should look like this:
The last file is the result of the user function Save_Impinging_Jet_Nu
and is used to compare the computed Nusselt numbers agains experiments as a
function of radial coordinate. Experimental results are stored in the file
. Once plotted together, the results
should look like:
We chose the case of the flow over a surface-mounted matrix of cubes to give you an additional example of setting up and running an LES case, but also to introduce PISO algorithm to link velocities and pressure. The case was studied experimentally by Meinders and Hanjalic and the problen domain is sketched in this figure:
There matrix entailed 16 rows and columns of cubes with the size of 15 x 15 x 15 mm^3, mounted at a bottom wall of a channel 51 mm wide. The pitch between the cubes is 60 mm. Working fluid is air at room temperature, and LDA measurements are reported by Meinders and Hanjalic for comparison against CFD simulations.
Large eddy simulation approach is particularly well suited for this flow because the periodicity can be assumed, meaning that only one segment of the entire matrix can be simulated, with periodic boundary conditions in streamwise and spanwise direction. Furthermore, the Reynolds (Re) number is relativelly low (13000 based on bulk velocity and channel height) meaning that LES without wall functions are amenable for this case. On top of it, due to the fact that the cubes create large coherent structures which are inherently unsteady, RANS approach alone can't yield accurate predictions for this case.
The case resides in the directory [root]/Tests/Manual/Matrix_Of_Cubes/
if you check its contents, you will see that the following files have been
prepared for you there:
├── control
├── convert.scr
└── matrix.geo
The meaning of all these files should be clear to you by now. In addition to these, you will have to compile Convert and Process. For this case, it would be highly beneficial if you also compiled Divide and ran the case in parallel. (Refer to Parallel processing section again if you forgot how to compile Process with MPI.
Once you compile all the sub-programs and create necessary links in the current directory, ganerate, convert and divide the mesh with:
gmsh -3 matrix.geo
./Convert < convert.scr
./Divide matrix 8
Note: We divided the mesh into 8 sub-domains, but you have the freedom to use any other number of sub-domains. Keep in mind, however, that there is a tradeof in what you gain by splitting the work between processors and what you lose in communication. A rule of thumb says that you should try to keep around hundred thousand cells in each processor. In this case, the grid has roughly 800`000 cells and we therefore dividide it in eight sub-grids.
The grid looks like this:
Given that it is possible to cover this domain with hexahedral cells only, we did that. We have also took care to cluster the grid lines towards the walls, both channel walls and cube walls.
Large eddy simulations have to be run in at least two stages. The first stage is for developing the turbulence in the problem domain, and the second stage is for gathering the turbulence statistics for the flow. The control file for the first stage has a few things we would like to turn your attention to.
The time step should be small in order to keep the Courant number around unity, at most. We did some test runs and found out that the time step which satisfies this is 2.0e-5. Given that the number of time steps is so small, we should perform quite a lot of them. For this case we set it 60'000 which, when combined with the time step, gives a physical time of simulation of 1.2 s. So, the time stepping section in the control file looks like:
TIME_STEP 0.00002
With small time steps, SIMPLE is not the most efficient method for coupling velocity and pressure in time. We therefore chose PISO. When PISO is used, the under-relaxation factors should be much higher than in SIMPLE. In fact, for both velocities and pressure, they should be set close to 1.0. For this case, setting them both to 1.0 worked:
We also decreased the minimum number of SIMPLE iterations (PISO is viewed as a sub-step within SIMPLE) to two, from the default three. Since that under-relaxation factors are 1.0, maybe even that it is too much, but we kept it like this to make sure advection don't have a time lag.
Since this stage of computation serves as a turbulence development, we should come up with some indicator on wheather turbulence is fully developed. We could gather the statistics for that and check results against experiments. but there is a faster indicator. We know that, in this case, turbulence will start to develop over and around sharp edges of the cube, and penetratate towards the upper channel wall. To see this development, we defined four monitoring points, spanning from just above the top of the cube, towards the upper channel wall with:
MONITORING_POINT_001 0.0301 0.0301 0.02
MONITORING_POINT_002 0.0301 0.0301 0.03
MONITORING_POINT_003 0.0301 0.0301 0.04
MONITORING_POINT_004 0.0301 0.0301 0.05
Note: The center of the computational domain in x-y plane is at (0.03, 0.03). The top if the cube is at height 0.015, and the upper channel wall at z=0.051. Hence, the points defined above spread from the top of the cube to the upper channel.
The monitoring points are illustrated here:
For LES, it is of utmost importance to keep the accuracy level of the numerical scheme as high as possible. For the cell-centered finite volume method used in T-Flows, the highest we can hope to get is two, provided that advection scheme we use to solve conservation equation is central. We also set time integration scheme to the more accurate parabolic interpolation between the new, old and time step older than old:
Since the all streamwise and spanwise boundary conditions are periodic, we prescribe the desired mass flux through the computational domain with:
# Prescribed mass flow
# Re = 13000
# nu = 1.5112e-5
# h = 0.051
# Re = Ub * h / nu = 13000
# Ub = Re * nu / h = 3.852 [m/s]
# m* = Ub * 1.2047 * 0.051 * 0.06 = 0.0142 [kg/s]
MASS_FLOW_RATES 0.0142 0.0 0.0
With this explained, you can launch a simulation with:
mpirun -np 8 ./Process > out_01_developing_turbulence.
This simulation takes a long time. It depends on the hardware you are using a lot, but you can expect it to run for days. However, it is not a bad practice to visualize results occasionally to make sure your simulations are not marred by numerical instabilities, and they well could be because the central scheme for advection is unstable.
Figure is showing instantaneous solution of the velocity at t=0.48 s. We can see that the velocity field is unstady, but doesn't suffer from any non-physical numerical instabilities (usually detected as check-board solutions):
Note: If initial stages of the turbulence development prove to be unstable, you could use some upwind biased scheme for advection, but such a scheme should not be used in the later stage when you start to gather turbulent statisics.
At time step 30'000 (physical time 0.6 s) we plotted streamwise components of velocity at different elevations:
Here you can see that for the point closes to the cube top (blue, z=0.02) the turbulence develops straight aways. The sharp edges of the cube give rise to it rather quickly, as we expected. The turbulence spreads pretty fast to the upper layers of the cube. Next level (green, z=0.03) starts to show a turbulent history at t=0.05 s. The level above it (orange, z=0.04) starts to rise in a laminar fashion until, roughly, t=0.15 s, but the highest level (red, z=0.05) takes as long as t=0.3 s to start exhibiting turbulent trace. The velocity history we show here is up to 0.6 s. We conducted 0.6 s more to start gathering the statistics.
Note: Keep in mind that observing time histories like this is a bit on the ad-hoc side. If we wanted to be scientifically correct, we would have to perform Fourier analyzis of the signals, but we already know that we don't have enough samples for high quality spectra and we don't even bother at this initial stages of turbulence development.
To compare results against measurements, we wrote a user function and placed
it in User_Mod_Beginning_Of_Simulation
. Its source resides in
. This function will, after Process
starts and reads the backup file, extract profiles in locations specified by
the user and exit. Since the profiles are extracted in the vertical mid-plane
of the computational domain, we decided to extract them at the nodes. Since
Process is cell-centered, we decided to first interpolate results from cells
to nodes, and then extract data from the nodes.
The function works in four stages. In the first stage it checks command line arguments passed to Process:
35 !--------------------------!
36 ! Check the invocation !
37 !--------------------------!
38 if(command_argument_count() .eq. 2) then
40 ! Get x_p and y_p
41 call get_command_argument(1, arg); read(arg, *) x_p
42 call get_command_argument(2, arg); read(arg, *) y_p
43 else
44 print *, '# You failed to invoke the program properly.'
45 print *, '# Correct invocation:'
46 print *, './Process x_probe y_probe'
47 stop
48 end if
In lines 42 and 43 it reads x and y coordinates of the probes you want to extract results from.
In the second stage, it will calculate distance from each grid node to the probe
and store it in work array d_probe
and will also store nodes' z
coordinates in z_probe
array and nodes' indices in node_ind
50 !-----------------------------------------------!
51 ! Find nodes closest to the specified probe !
52 !-----------------------------------------------!
54 ! Store node indices, distances to the probe and nodes' z coordinates
55 d_probe(:) = HUGE
56 do n = 1, Grid % n_nodes
57 node_ind(n) = n
58 d_probe(n) = min(d_probe(n), &
59 sqrt((Grid % xn(n)-x_p)**2 + (Grid % yn(n)-y_p)**2) )
60 z_probe(n) = Grid % zn(n)
61 end do
63 ! Sort nodes by their distance from probe and z coordinate
64 call Sort % Two_Real_Carry_Int(d_probe, z_probe, node_ind)
66 ! Find number of probes (use the z coordinate for that)
67 do n = 1, Grid % n_nodes-1
68 if(z_probe(n+1) < z_probe(n)) then
69 n_probes = n
70 goto 1
71 end if
72 end do
73 1 continue
These arrays d_probe
and z_probe
are sorted in line 65, and carry
node indices along. After this sorting, node indices will be ordered by their
shortest distance to the probe and z coordinate. The z coordinate is
further used in lines 68 - 74 to find out how many probes are worth considering.
In the third stage, we interpolate results we want to compare against the experiments, from cells to nodes:
75 !--------------------------------------------------!
76 ! Interpolate cell-based to node based results !
77 !--------------------------------------------------!
78 call Flow % Interpolate_Cells_To_Nodes(Turb % u_mean, u_mean_n)
79 call Flow % Interpolate_Cells_To_Nodes(Turb % uu_res, uu_res_n)
80 call Flow % Interpolate_Cells_To_Nodes(Turb % vv_res, vv_res_n)
whose syntax is, we belive, rather clear.
Warning: It is generally not a good idea to compare results interpolated in nodes, because they migh mask some numerical instabilities, which we don't want to be masked.
Finally, in the fourth and final stage profiles are printed on the screen:
82 !---------------------------!
83 ! Print the profile out !
84 !---------------------------!
85 print *, '# Profile at (x,y) = ', x_p, y_p
86 do n = 1, n_probes
87 print *, z_probe(n), u_mean_n(node_ind(n)), &
88 uu_res_n(node_ind(n)) - u_mean_n(node_ind(n))**2, &
89 vv_res_n(node_ind(n)) - v_mean_n(node_ind(n))**2
90 end do
Next step would obviously be to recompile Process with this user function. Please note that, in order to make things less complicated, this extraction works only sequentially. Once compiled, run Process with these commands to extract profiles in the spanwise midplane, at x locations of 0.018, 0.027 and 0.042:
./Process 0.018 0.03
./Process 0.027 0.03
./Process 0.042 0.03
Clearly, output from these files should be stored in text files, preferably
with extension .dat
, for comparison with experimental measurements
from Meinders. The raw measurements from Meinders at all are in the directory
. but one of the core developers
renamed the files and gave them names corresponding to the grid we used for
this case. These data are in [root]/Tests/Manual/Matrix/Data/Niceno
Note: Lengths in experimental data are in milimeters, don't forget to scale them properly to match numerical results.
After processing results in Grace, this is how computed profiles compare against measurements at x = 0.018:
at x = 0.027:
and x = 0.042:
Except for the spanwise stresses at x = 0.018, the agreement is satisfactory.
To demonstrate the use of VOF in T-Flows, we decided to use the case described by Safi at el.. In this work, the authors are establishing a three-dimensional rising bubble case and compare thier results with lattice-Boltzman simulations, against highly refined finite element results obtained with commercial package COMSOL.
The schematic of the problem is shown in this picture:
The case resides in the directory [root]/Tests/Manual/Rising_Bubble/
. Please go
there and check the contents. They include the following:
├── bubble.geo
├── control
├── convert.scr
├── ellipsoid_parameters.ini
└── User_Mod/
├── End_Of_Time_Step.f90
└── Initialize_Variables.f90
The usage of control
, convert.scr
and bubble.geo
files should
be clear to you by now. If not, revisit the section on
Demonstration cases.
An important characteristic of simulating multiphase flows with VOF, is that
initial conditions can only be defined through user functions. At the time
of writing this manual, we believe that the initial conditions for VOF are very
case dependent, and expanding the control
file, as well as all the
procedures to read them, would be overwhelming.
Because of this, with each case using VOF, you will have a User_Mod
with function to initialize VOF. In this particular case, the subroutine
1 !==============================================================================!
2 subroutine User_Mod_Initialize_Variables(Flow, Turb, Vof, Swarm, Sol)
3 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
4 ! Case-dependent initialization of VOF variable. !
5 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
6 !----------------------------------[Modules]-----------------------------------!
7 use Work_Mod, only: prelim_vof => r_cell_01, &
8 min_dist => r_cell_02, &
9 max_dist => r_cell_03, &
10 dist_node => r_node_01
11 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
12 implicit none
13 !---------------------------------[Arguments]----------------------------------!
14 type(Field_Type), target :: Flow
15 type(Turb_Type), target :: Turb
16 type(Vof_Type), target :: Vof
17 type(Swarm_Type), target :: Swarm
18 type(Solver_Type), target :: Sol
19 !-----------------------------------[Locals]-----------------------------------!
20 type(Grid_Type), pointer :: Grid
21 type(Var_Type), pointer :: fun
22 real, pointer :: dt
23 integer :: c, n, i_nod, e, n_ellipses, fu
24 real :: radius_x, radius_y, radius_z
25 real :: cent_x, cent_y, cent_z, dist_norm
26 !==============================================================================!
28 ! Take aliases
29 Grid => Flow % pnt_grid
30 fun => Vof % fun
31 dt => Flow % dt
33 !---------------------------------!
34 ! Initialize the VOF function !
35 !---------------------------------!
37 ! Initialize the whole domain as 0.0
38 fun % n(:) = 0.0
40 ! Open file to read Ellipsoid parameters:
41 call File % Open_For_Reading_Ascii('ellipsoid_parameters.ini', fu)
43 call File % Read_Line(fu)
44 read(line % tokens(1), *) n_ellipses
46 do e = 1, n_ellipses
48 ! Initialize working arrays
49 prelim_vof(:) = 0.0
51 ! Read line with radii
52 call File % Read_Line(fu)
53 read(line % tokens(1), *) radius_x
54 read(line % tokens(2), *) radius_y
55 read(line % tokens(3), *) radius_z
57 ! Read line with coordinates of the elliposoid's center
58 call File % Read_Line(fu)
59 read(line % tokens(1), *) cent_x
60 read(line % tokens(2), *) cent_y
61 read(line % tokens(3), *) cent_z
63 ! Normalized distance from ellipsoid center in nodes
64 dist_node (:) = 0.0
65 do n = 1, Grid % n_nodes
66 dist_node(n) = sqrt( ((Grid % xn(n) - cent_x) / radius_x)**2 &
67 + ((Grid % yn(n) - cent_y) / radius_y)**2 &
68 + ((Grid % zn(n) - cent_z) / radius_z)**2)
69 end do
71 ! Minimum and maximum normalized distance in cells
72 min_dist(:) = +HUGE
73 max_dist(:) = -HUGE
74 do c = 1, Grid % n_cells
75 do i_nod = 1, Grid % cells_n_nodes(c)
76 n = Grid % cells_n(i_nod, c)
78 min_dist(c)= min(dist_node(n), min_dist(c))
79 max_dist(c)= max(dist_node(n), max_dist(c))
80 end do
81 end do
83 ! Simply interpolate linearly
84 do c = 1, Grid % n_cells
86 ! Since surface is at 1.0 this checks if cell crosses the surface
87 if (min_dist(c) < 1.0 .and. max_dist(c) > 1.0) then
88 prelim_vof(c) = (1.0 - min_dist(c)) &
89 / (max_dist(c)-min_dist(c))
91 else if (max_dist(c) <= 1.0) then
92 prelim_vof(c) = 1.0
93 end if
95 end do
97 ! This is useful if more elliposoids are
98 ! defined and they intersect each other
99 do c = 1, Grid % n_cells
100 Vof % fun % n(c) = max(prelim_vof(c), Vof % fun % n(c))
101 end do
103 end do
105 close(fu)
107 ! Update buffer values
108 call Grid % Exchange_Cells_Real(fun % n)
110 ! Set old values to be the same as new ones
111 fun % o(:) = fun % n(:)
113 end subroutine
In the argument list, you can see a number of Process' classes which were
described above. The only class you didn't
see before is Sol_Type
which is an abstraction of two other classes
for T-Flows' native linear solvers and Pet_Type
PETSc solver. None of them will be used in this function, and we will not
describe them further.
An interesting novelty here is in between lines 7 and 10, the usage of Work_Mod
This module has no functionality, but holds a number of pre-allocated fields of
different types (r_cell_..
, r_node_
, i_cell_
, ...) with sizes
which span over cells, faces or nodes. These pre-allocated memory locations
are used inside Process' functions to avoid frequent allocations and
de-allocations of memory. In this case, we will use three real fields (r_
in the name) spanning over cells (cell_
in the name) and one real field
spanning over nodes (r_node_01
Lines 28 to 31 take different aliases to shorten the syntax in the rest of
this subroutine. It is probably worth noting that VOF's phase indicator function
is stored in Vof % fun
, and the value of VOF function in the new time
step is in the field Vof % fun % n
Line 41 opens the file ellipsoid_parameters.ini
which holds the definition
of ellipsoids we want to define. It reads:
# Number of ellipsoids
# Ellipsoids' characteristic radii in x, y and z direction
0.25 0.25 0.25
# Ellipsoid's center
0.0 0.0 0.0
which, we believe, is self-explanatory. This file will be read by user function in lines 51 - 61.
Note: Remember that procedure
not only tokenizes a line from input, but also skips all the lines beginning with#
, which it considers comments. That is why we can have comments insideellipsoid_parameters.dat
Lines 63 - 69 calculate normalized distance from the ellipsoid in the nodes. It is worth reminding you at this point that T-Flows is cell-centered, nodes are not computational points, cell centers are. Once we have all normalized distances in nodes, we can define them for cells in lines 71 - 81. These lines show how can you access cells' nodes.
74 do c = 1, Grid % n_cells
will start browsing through all the cells,
75 do i_nod = 1, Grid % cells_n_nodes(c)
will browse through local nodes of each cell and
76 n = Grid % cells_n(i_nod, c)
gives you a global number of the cell's node. Lines 78 and 79 compute minimum
and maximuim normalized distance for each cell, which is used in lines 83 to 95
to calculate preliminary VOF in cell centers. We don't put these values straight
into VOF function (Vof % n
) to prevent that, in case we have more than
one ellipsoid defined, they over-write each other, which is achieved in lines
97 - 101.
Line 108 is important for parallel runs since it echanges the values of VOF functions in buffer cells.
Finally, once VOF is set in the entire domain, we also make sure that the
values in the old time step (fun % o
) are the same as new ones in
line 110.
Next step is the compilation of the sources. Convert (and Divide if you
intend to run in parallel) are compiled in the usual way, with make
command in their directories, but for Process you should specify the case
directory, hence from [root]/Sources/Process
make clean
make DIR_CASE=../../Tests/Manual/Rising_Bubble/
Note 1: Every time you run
make clean
for the Processs it will replace the existing links in itsUser_Mod
with empty hooks as explained above. Running make withDIR_CASE
option will establish new links to user's case.
At this point feel free to proceed with generating the grid:
gmsh -3 rising.geo
and converting it to T-Flows format:
./Convert < convert.scr
From this point, you can either decompose the domain with Divide as it was explained in the section Parallel processing or run the simulation straight away with:
./Process > out_coarse &
Since VOF simulations inherently depend on initializing VOF function with user
function, it is of utmost importance to check if we really specified what we
wanted. For that, for checking initial condition, Process creates results
with -ts000000
appended just before the extension (which is either .vtu
or .pvtu
depending if you ran your simulation in sequential or parallel
While the Process is running, and we are sure that initial condition was
properly set, we would like to turn your attenion to a few things in the
file which are characteristic for VOF simulation.
For two-fluid systems, physical properties have to be set for both phases.
In control
file this is achieved with:
where values in the first column correspond to fluid for which VOF function is 1, and the second column corresponds to fluid with VOF function 0.
Surface tension is not a characteristic of one fluid, but depends on combination
of considered fluids. In control
file it is set like this:
Time steps are typically small for VOF, the Courant number should not exceed 0.25 for good accuracy. For such small time steps, PISO algorithm is more efficient than SIMPLE, and this is set with lines:
Note: We did the same in the section Large eddy simulation over a matrix of cubes above. For PISO, under-relaxation factors are either 1.0 or very close to it. The _rule of thumb" for SIMPLE, that sum of under-relaxation factors for velocity and pressure should be close to one, doesn't apply for PISO.
For VOF, gradient method for computation for pressure and VOF function should be the same for consistency of surface tension forces, which is set with:
To make sure that in order for volume forces (buoyancy) surface tension forces to be properly balanced at cell faces during the Rhie and Chow interpolation, we also set Gu's and Choi's correction in the control file:
One of the most serious source of inaccuracies of surface phenomena in VOF is the calculation of curvature and, associated with that, surface normals. In Process, we use a smoothing procedure which is controlled with following parameters:
The final result of rising bubble simulation is shown on this picture, where bubble surface is represented as a wire-frame, superimposed on velocity magnitude field:
But, for this case, we are also checking some quantitative data against the
benchmark solutions proposed in Safi et al. For the sake of shoreness, we
decided to check the bubble position during the simulation and rise velocity.
These data are extracted at the end of each time step, by calling the user
function End_Of_Time_Step
, given here in full:
1 !==============================================================================!
2 subroutine User_Mod_End_Of_Time_Step(Flow, Turb, Vof, Swarm, &
3 n, n_stat_t, n_stat_p, time)
4 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
5 ! This function is computing benchmark for rising bubble. !
6 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
7 implicit none
8 !---------------------------------[Arguments]----------------------------------!
9 type(Field_Type), target :: Flow
10 type(Turb_Type), target :: Turb
11 type(Vof_Type), target :: Vof
12 type(Swarm_Type), target :: Swarm
13 integer :: n ! current time step
14 integer :: n_stat_t ! 1st t.s. statistics turbulence
15 integer :: n_stat_p ! 1st t.s. statistics particles
16 real :: time ! physical time
17 !-----------------------------------[Locals]-----------------------------------!
18 type(Grid_Type), pointer :: Grid
19 type(Var_Type), pointer :: fun
20 integer :: c, fu
21 real :: b_volume, rise_velocity, c_position
22 !==============================================================================!
24 ! Take aliases
25 Grid => Flow % pnt_Grid
26 fun => Vof % fun
28 ! Integrate bubble volume, current position and rise velocity over cells
29 b_volume = 0.0
30 c_position = 0.0
31 rise_velocity = 0.0
33 do c = 1, Grid % n_cells - Grid % Comm % n_buff_cells
34 b_volume = b_volume + Grid % vol(c) * fun % n(c)
35 c_position = c_position + Grid % zc(c) * fun % n(c) * Grid % vol(c)
36 rise_velocity = rise_velocity + Flow % w % n(c) * fun % n(c) * Grid % vol(c)
37 end do
39 call Comm_Mod_Global_Sum_Real(b_volume)
40 call Comm_Mod_Global_Sum_Real(c_position)
41 call Comm_Mod_Global_Sum_Real(rise_velocity)
43 ! Write to file
44 if (this_proc < 2) then
45 call File % Append_For_Writing_Ascii('benchmark.dat', fu)
47 write(fu,'(4(2x,e16.10e2))') time, &
48 b_volume, &
49 c_position/b_volume, &
50 rise_velocity/b_volume
51 close(fu)
52 end if
54 end subroutine
Arguments in lines 9 - 11 have been described above, as well as local aliases
in lines 18 and 19. Arguments which haven't beel explained before are the
staring time step for turbulent and particle statistics, n_stat_t
in lines 14 and 15. These are irrelevant for this case and not
used. Their importance and use is explained in sections describing LES and
simulations of particle-laden flows.
The function integrates bubble position, velocity and volume in lines 33 - 37. One thing worth emphasising here is that we are not browsing over all cells, but rather restrict the loop in line 33 to cells inside the domain, which do not include buffer cells:
33 do c = 1, Grid % n_cells - Grid % Comm % n_buff_cells
Buffer cells are passive cells added to each sub-domain for communication with other processsors and are illustrated here:
Figure shows a possible cell arrangement in processor 1. Dark blue cells belong
to processor 1 and are active for that processor, meaning processor 1 is doing
computations for them. Light blue, pink and red cells are activelly
computed in processors 2 - 4 and processor 1 uses them only to properly
compute gradients, fluxes through cell faces and matrix-vector products in
its active cells. If we integrated over these buffer cells, that is looping
from 1
to Grid % n_cells
, buffer cells would be counted twice
in lines 39 - 41, which perform global sums.
Anyway, lines 43 - 52 update file benchmark.dat
with bubble position and
rise velocity at the end of each time step. We use tool Grace to plot the
results and compare them with benchmark solutions.