The AirPort Air Quality (APAQ) Predictor is an API tool that can be used to predict the air quality (particulate matter with diameter less than 10 microns, PM10) in the area near an airport from an aerial image (synthetic or real) of the airport alone.
- Create a virtual environment by executing
in the root. - Activate the virtual environment by executing
. venv/Scripts/activate
(for Windows) or. venv/bin/activate
(for Mac/Linux) also in the root directory. - Run the program by executing
make run
in the root directory.
We use pre-commit hooks and pre-commit
will be installed when you run pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
Run pre-commit install
to ensure pre-commit hook run whenever you make a commit. Check that you are able to run all hooks locally by running pre-commit run --all-files
- Execute:
python -m src.model.main --airports_augmented_dataset DATA_FILE_PATH
where DATA_FILE_PATH is the local path to the training dataset - The trained model will save as a pickle file automatically to ./model/rf_model.pickle.