A python manager to deploy and run headless factorio servers. By: Brian Ballsun-Stanton, Andrew Ardill, and James Zhao
Released under the GPL v3 License, 2016. No warranty of any kind, folks.
sudo apt update && sudo apt install python3-pip -y && echo /opt/factorio > $HOME/.factorioPath && sudo pip3 install factotum && factotum fulldeploy && source $HOME/.bashrc
sudo pip3 install factotum
factotum --help
- This provides all Factory Factotum commands.
factotum COMMAND --help
- This provides help for each Factory Factotum command.
factotum fulldeploy
- Runs install, authenticate, newmap, setup.
factotum install
- Installs factorio (default /opt/factorio, override with a new path in ~/.factorioPath)
factotum authenticate --username <Username>
- Gets your authentication token from factorio servers so your password isn't stored in plaintext.
factotum newmap
- Generates a new map from a config file in FACTORIOHOME/config/mapsettings.json
factotum setup --servername "Server Name Here" --description "Server Description Here" --tag "Tag 1" --tag "Tag n"
- Configures the settings.json file including setting a password of 4 diceware words.
factotum factorio start
- This starts the factorio headless server in daemon mode with latest save.
factotum factorio stop
- This asks the headless server to stop. Politely. It will take some time and will likely report failed.
factotum factorio status
- This reports on the status of the server.
factotum rcon /help
- This sends commands into an already running server started by factotum.