GRBL controller application with G-Code visualizer written in Qt.
Supported functions:
- Controlling GRBL-based cnc-machine via console commands, buttons on form, numpad.
- Monitoring cnc-machine state.
- Loading, editing, saving and sending of G-code files to cnc-machine.
- Visualizing G-code files.
- Windows/Linux x86
- CPU with SSE2 instruction set support
- Graphics card with OpenGL 2.0 support
- 120 MB free storage space
Qt 5.4.2 with MinGW/GCC compiler
Experimental versions:
For GRBL v1.1 firmware
- Windows:
- Linux: candle_1.1.7.tar.gz
(for GRBL v0.9 and below use Candle 1.0)
Candle works with CNC controlled by GRBL firmware, many problems can be solved by using proper version of GRBL, using proper configuration.
Please read GRBL wiki:
- GRBL v0.9-:
- GRBL v1.1: