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Releases: Derpy-Jacob-903/SallyPokehellHero

Sally 0.7.1-beta

16 Oct 21:06
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Sally 0.7.1-beta Pre-release

+ Updated for SotS v45

= No bug fixes.

- [Bug?] Freezy Frost appears broken? (didn't this get fixed? idk..)

= Re-added Astatine.

Full Changelog: 0.7.0-beta...0.7.1-beta

Sally 0.6.2

16 Oct 21:40
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+ Updated for SotS v45

= Re-added Astatine.

Full Changelog: 0.6.1...0.6.2

Sally 0.7.0-beta

30 Aug 04:24
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Sally 0.7.0-beta Pre-release

- Localization/descriptions may not be accurate.

+ [Bugged] Level 6 gives every Monkey Frozen popping power. (Should only be Tack Shooters.)
+ [Bugged] Level 8 also gives every Monkey Frozen popping power. (Should only be Tack Shooters and Eevee.)
+ [Bugged] Level 15 gives every Monkey Lead popping power. (Should only be Tack Shooters.)
+ [Bugged] Level 15 gives every Monkey Normal damage type. (Should only be Tack Shooters.)
+ Most bug fixes from 0.6.1 are present.

Full Changelog: 0.6.0...0.7.0-beta

Sally 0.6.1

30 Aug 04:16
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+ Localization! Now usable in 19 more languages!
= More small changes to level descriptions.
= Updated Sally's Icon and Portrait (should not get stretched)
= Updated both buff icons. (the outline is no longer hand-drawn)
+ [Bug Fix] Projectiles now display when Sizzly Shots is active.

+ Fixed Bloon Bleed!!! 🎊

+ Level 12 Bloon Bleed now applies every 10th attack.
+ Level 16 Bloon Bleed now applies every 5th attack.
+ Level 20 Bloon Bleed now applies every 4th attack.

+ At Level 20, every 4th attack deals even more damage to MOAB-class (+9 → +19)

+ Fixed the ModHelperData!

Full Changelog: 0.6.0...0.6.1

Sally 0.6.0

29 Aug 04:20
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+ Fixed #2
= Small changes to some level descriptions.
+ Level 13+ Sizzly Shots now gives Normal damage type to nearby Tack Shooters. (from Plasma)
- [Bug] Projectiles don't display when Sizzly Shots is active. (Should match 3-X-X Tack Shooter/Level 13+ Sally)

! Note: Bloon Bleed appears to be bugged. ☹️

The following notes assume Bloon Bleed was working in both this and the last update.
= Level 12 Bloon Bleed now applies every 10th attack. (From every attack, but not on MOAB-class.)
- Level 14 Bloon Bleed is no longer changed from Level 12 Bloon Bleed. (From every attack to every 10th attack. )
- Level 16 Bloon Bleed now applies every 5th attack. (From every attack.)
- Level 20 Bloon Bleed now applies every 4th attack (From every attack.)

+ At Level 20, every 4th attack deals double damage.
- Level 20 Freezy Frost is now one-shot again
+ Level 20 deals more damage to MOAB-class (+4 → +9)
+ Level 20 Freezy Frost cooldown decreased 35.5s → 21.675s (0.85x+10 → 0.852x)
+ Level 20 Sizzly Shots cooldown decreased: 38.25s → 32.5125s (0.85x → 0.852x)

  • Todo: Use BTD-Mod-Helper 3.2.0's new Localization stuff.
  • Todo: Fix Bloon Bleed. 😭
  • Todo: I fucked up the ModHelperData again 😭

Full Changelog: 0.5.0...0.6.0

Sally 0.5.1

15 Jun 17:50
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+ Updated for v43

= Re-added Astatine.

Full Changelog: 0.4.0...0.5.1

Sally 0.5.0

28 May 07:05
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= Sally's Title was changed from "Big goofball that wants to become a rap star!" to "Eevee"
= Added "[...], while supporting other Monkeys, particularly Tack Shooters." to Sally's description.
- Base attack speed decreased 0.66s/attack → 0.99s/attack
+ Level 1 Sally now gives more range to nearby Tack Shooters.
- Sizzly Shots cooldown increased 30 → 45
+ Sizzly Shots uptime increased 10 → 12
+ Sizzly Shots now gives normal damage type to nearby Tack Shooters.
+ Level 5+ Sally now gives Camo detection to nearby Tack Shooters.
+ Level 13+ Sally now has the Normal damage type (from Shatter)
- Level 13+ Sizzly Shots now gives Plasma damage type to nearby Tack Shooters. (from Normal)
- Level 13+ Sizzly Shots SHOULD give double fire rate to nearby Tack Shooters, but I don't think it's working???
- Level 15 Sally's ability cooldowns increased 0.75x → 0.85x (Post-Nerf Sizzly Shots: 33.75s → 38.25s; Freezy Frost: 22.5s → 25.5s)
- Level 16 Laser Shock removed, the replacement is unimplemented 💀
+ Level 18+ damage increased 2 → 4 (?)
+ Level 20 Freezy Frost now fires icicles for 10 seconds. (instead of one-shot)
- Level 20 Freezy Frost cooldown increased 25.5s → 35.5s

Screenshot 2024-05-27 233525

Sally 0.4.0

03 May 01:48
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+ Updated ModHelperData
= Changes to level descriptions.
- Added 3 more levels, for a total of 20.

3 of these Levels have no effect, however.

= "Spicy Pins" renamed to "Sizzly Shots"
= "Minty Icicle" renamed to "Freezy Frost"

= "Sally can detect Camo Bloons." moved from Level 5 to Level 6.
= "Pins can pop Frozen Bloons." moved from Level 6 to Level 5.
- Level 12+ attack cooldown increased 0.56 → 0.66 (Replacement was not implemented.)

- Some levels were moved up a level.

- "Pins do +4 damage to MOAB-Class Bloons." from 13 to 14.
- "Ability cooldowns reduced by 25%." from 14 to 15.
- "Plus 3 pierce per pin. All towers in range get +1 damage" from 15 to 16.
- "Throws X pins at a time." from 17 to 19.

= Level 18+ damage increased 2 → 4 (Not Implemented)
+ Level 8-16 projectile count increased 4 → 5
+ Level 19+ projectile count increased 5 → 8

= Level 17-18 projectile count wasn't changed technically 🤓

= Level 20 has no effect. (Not Implemented)

Full Changelog: 0.3.0...0.4.0

Sally 0.3.1

05 Jun 05:51
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+ Fixed ModHelperData.cs (Mod Browser should display the right version number)
+ now links to the download correctly.
from 0.3.0:
+ Added 1 more level, for a total of 17.
+ Level 15 works as intended.
= "Plus 3 pierce per pin. All towers in range get +1 damage" moved from Level 13 to Level 16.
= "Throws 5 pins at a time." moved from Level 16 to Level 17.
+ Minty Icicle now ricochets off of Bloons. (like Quincy's arrows)
- Minty Icicle's pierce reduced from 1000 to 100.
! Level 13's description has "Pins do +4 damage to MOAB-Class Bloons." written twice.
! Spicy Pins don't burn bloons at Level 15+.

Full Changelog: 0.2.0...0.3.1

Sally 0.3.0

05 Jun 05:34
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+ Added 1 more level, for a total of 17.
+ Level 15 works as intended.
= "Plus 3 pierce per pin. All towers in range get +1 damage" moved from Level 13 to Level 16.
= "Throws 5 pins at a time." moved from Level 16 to Level 17.
+ Minty Icicle now ricochets off of Bloons. (like Quincy's arrows)
- Minty Icicle's pierce reduced from 1000 to 100.
! Level 13's description has "Pins do +4 damage to MOAB-Class Bloons." written twice.
! Spicy Pins don't burn bloons at Level 15+.

Full Changelog: 0.2.0...0.3.0