Name: Moderation Actions Preview
Author: Destroy666
Version: 1.1
Plugin for MyBB forum software, coded for versions 1.8.x (may also work in 1.6.x/1.4.x after some changes).
It displays moderation actions sorted by date in posts/announcements/profiles/User CP (github-like).
7 new templates, 6 template edits, 6 new settings
Released under GNU GPL v3, 29 June 2007. Read the file for more information.
Support: official MyBB forum - (don't PM me, post on forums)
Bug reports: my github -
Note 1: this plugin entirely depends on MyBB logs displayed in MyBB, so many of them may be missing (for example forumdisplay.php inline thread moderation actions). They won't be displayed as long as MyBB doesn't correct that. So reports about them will be ignored in places connected with the plugin, feel free to post them here though:
Note 2: avatar maximal dimensions settings won't work until this MyBB bug gets fixed (most likely in 1.8.5): Reports for it also will be ignored.
Note 3: moderation actions are displayed for users in groups with Moderator CP -> Can view moderator logs? option ticked. You can enable it together with the Yes, users of this group can access the moderator CP option disabled if you don't want users to be able to access logs in Mod CP.
1.1 - added logs connected with user to view in User CP (and a setting to display them regardless of group permission) - thanks to prings for suggestion, fixed wrong variable for announcement avatar max size, added some padding to the postbit row template. Reinstallation is required.
1.0 - initial release
Plugin Library is required for template installation.
You can download it here:
Installation guide:
After uploading it ignore the compatibility warning.
- Get Plugin Library (check Requirements section for more info).
- Upload everything from upload folder to your forum root (where index.php, forumdisplay.php etc. are located).
- Install and activate plugin in ACP -> Configuration -> Plugins.
- Configure it.
- Postbit - add {$post['moderation_actions_bef']} at the beginning and {$post['moderation_actions_aft']} at the end of postbit and postbit_classic templates
- Profile - add {$moderation_actions} to any profile template (member_profile by default)
- User CP - add {$moderation_actions} to the usercp template
Feel free to submit translations to github in Pull Requests. Also, if you want them to be included on the MyBB mods site, ask me to provide you the contributor status for my project.
Donations will motivate me to work on further MyBB plugins. Feel free to use the button in the ACP Plugins section anytime.
Thanks in advance for any input.