This example shows how to use the Radial Gauge control to create a dashboard panel in a .NET MAUI app. In this example, the dashboard panel shows a set of gauges used to monitor sensors in a smart home.
DXStackLayout: Orientation, ItemSpacing, ItemsSource, ItemTemplate
DXWrapLayout: ItemAlignment, IsClippedToBounds, Wrap, LineAlignment, ItemSpacing, LineSpacing, Orientation
To add circular gauges to the dashboard page, use the RadialGauge component. Add different visual indicators (MarkerIndicator, NeedleIndicator, and RangeIndicator) to a gauge scale (RadialScale) to track sensor value changes. A gauge can contain multiple scales.
<dxga:RadialGauge Style="{StaticResource PrimaryGauge}"> <dxga:RadialScale StartAngle="-90" SweepAngle="360" Fill="#E1E8D8" Style="{StaticResource NestedScale}" Offset="0" StrokeCap="Round" EndValue="{Binding MaxLivingRoomPowerConsumption, Mode=OneTime}"> <dxga:RangeIndicator EndValue="{Binding LivingRoomPowerLevel}" Fill="{Binding LivingRoomPowerLevelBrush}" StrokeCap="Round"/> </dxga:RadialScale> <dxga:RadialScale> ... </dxga:RadialScale> <dxga:RadialScale> ... </dxga:RadialScale> </dxga:RadialGauge>
To add a text label to the center of a gauge, you can define the RadialGauge.Content property.
Use the OnDisplaySize extension to set the font size value depending on the current display size.
<dxga:RadialGauge Style="{StaticResource PrimaryGauge}"> <dxga:RadialGauge.Content> <Label Style="{StaticResource PrimaryText}" Text="{Binding TotalPowerLevel, StringFormat='{0:F1}'}" FontSize="{dxcr:OnDisplaySize ExtraSmall=14, Small=24}" HorizontalTextAlignment="Center" HorizontalOptions="Center" VerticalOptions="Center" Padding="0"/> </dxga:RadialGauge.Content> </dxga:RadialGauge>
Use DXStackLayout and DXDockLayout components to align gauges on the page.
This example uses the DXBorder control to implement a card styled background for gauges.
<Style TargetType="dxcr:DXBorder" ApplyToDerivedTypes="False"> <Setter Property="BackgroundColor" Value="{dxcr:ThemeColor Key=SurfaceContainerLowest}" /> <Setter Property="CornerRadius" Value="7" /> <Setter Property="Padding" Value="{dxcr:OnDisplaySize Medium=5, Large=10}" /> <Setter Property="IsClippedToBounds" Value="False" /> <Setter Property="Shadow"> <OnPlatform x:TypeArguments="Shadow"> <On Platform="iOS"> <On.Value> <Shadow Brush="{dxcr:ThemeColor Shadow}" Offset="0,2" Radius="2" Opacity="0.22" /> </On.Value> </On> <On Platform="Android" > <On.Value> <Shadow Brush="{dxcr:ThemeColor Shadow}" Offset="0,4" Radius="2" Opacity="0.15" /> </On.Value> </On> </OnPlatform> </Setter> </Style>
To create a legend that lists rooms, this example utilizes the DXStackLayout component. To populate the layout with items, specify the ItemsSource property. The ItemTemplate property defines item appearance.
<ContentPage.Resources> <ResourceDictionary> <DataTemplate x:Key="LegendItem" x:DataType="local:RoomInfo"> <dxcr:DXStackLayout Orientation="Horizontal" ItemSpacing="8"> <dxcr:DXBorder BackgroundColor="{Binding Color}" WidthRequest="8" Margin="0" CornerRadius="4"/> <dxcr:DXStackLayout VerticalOptions="Center" ItemSpacing="-2"> <Label Text="{Binding Value, StringFormat='{0:F1}'}" TextColor="{Binding Color}" FontAttributes="Bold" FontSize="20" /> <Label Style="{StaticResource SecondaryText}" FontSize="12" Text="{Binding Room}" /> </dxcr:DXStackLayout> </dxcr:DXStackLayout> </DataTemplate> </ResourceDictionary> </ContentPage.Resources> <!--...--> <dxcr:DXStackLayout ItemsSource="{Binding Rooms}" ItemTemplate="{StaticResource LegendItem}" ItemSpacing="16" />
- DevExpress .NET MAUI Demo Center
- Stocks App
- Data Grid
- Data Form
- Data Editors
- Charts
- Scheduler
- Tab Page
- Tab View
- Drawer Page
- Drawer View
- Collection View
- Popup
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