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Widget Documentation

George Sheppard edited this page Oct 29, 2020 · 7 revisions

There are a set of available widgets to be used as building blocks in the directory src/ui/widgets. The table below names the available widgets and the properties available on each are linked in.

Action Button - Checkbox - Display - Drawer - Drop Down - Dynamic Page - Embedded Display - Flex Container - Group Box - Grouping Container - Image - Input - Label - LED - Line - MenuButton - MenuMux - ProgressBar - Readback - Shape - SlideControl - Slideshow - Symbol - Tabs

Feel free to add extra documentation, this page is in no way complete.

The current format of each documented widget is as follows:

Name of folder containing widget

Name of file exporting widget : Name of registered exported widget

Description of the widget

Parameters for the widget

parameter 1: Type of parameter 1 (optional or required)

Explanation of use of parameter 1


actionButton : ActionButton

The action button component is a basic customisable button


text: string (required)

The string to be placed in the button, is only displayed if an image is not passed in (or cannot be displayed for any reason)

onClick: (event) -> void (required)

The function to execute on an event

image: string (optional)

The name of the image file found in the /img directory

backgroundColor: Color (optional)

The background color of the button

foregroundColor: Color (optional)

The foreground color of the button

border: Border (optional)

The border style of the button

font: Font (optional)

The font style of the button

actions: WidgetActions (optional)

The actions object used in the redux reducer, if not passed the onClick function will execute nothing.


checkbox: Checkbox

A checkable box (not currently tied to any output)


label: String (optional: default "")

The text to display on the right of the checkbox

width: Float (optional: default 10)

The width of the checkbox in pixels

height: Float (optional: default 10)

The height of the checkbox in pixels


display : Display

The display is a generic display widget to place other things inside, this is a registered widget.


children: Any renderable object (required)

The children to place einside the display, e.g.


overflow: "scroll", "hidden", "auto", or "visible" (required)

The behaviour for handling overflow in the display, currently choices between "scroll", "hidden", "auto", or "visible"

backgroundColor: Color (optional)

Currently not implemented

border: Border (optional)

Currently not implemented

macros: MacroMap (optional)

The macros to apply to the display

id: String (required)

The value for the ${DID} macro, e.g. ${DID} -> id


drawer : DrawerWidget

The drawer widget is a navigation menu that can be opened and closed.


anchor: "left", "right", "top", or "bottom" (optional: default "left")

The side from which the drawer will appear

drawerWidth: String | Num (optional: default "80vw")

The width of the drawer when opened (from left to right)

drawerMaxWidth: String | Num (optional: default "400px")

The maximum the container div will stretch to when possible, will shrink when required

font: Font (optional)

The font for the drawer button

foregroundColor: Color (optional)

The foreground color of the drawer button

backgroundColor: Color (optional)

The background color of the drawer button

border: Border (optional)

The border style of the drawer button

text: String (optional: default "\u2630")

The text to place in the button

children Renderable objects (required)

Any renderable object, which will be placed inside the drawer div when it opens


dropDown : DropDown

A basic drop down menu


title: String (required)

The text to put in the menu drop down button

open: Bool (optional: default false)

Whether the drop down menu starts open or not

font: Font (optional)

The font to apply to the drop down menu button

border: Border (optional)

The border on the drop down menu button

minHeight: String | Num (optional: default "")

The minimum height of the drop down menu button

foregroundColor: Color (optional: default "")

The foreground color of the drop down menu button

backgroundColor: Color (optional: default "")

The background color of the drop down menu button

children: Any renderable object (required)

The renderable objects that will be placed in the drop down menu


dynamicPage : DynamicPageWidget

A display element used to place pages inside, tied to the use of a json file configuration of a page.


location: String (required)

The name of the file to load into the dynamic page widget

border: Border (optional)

Currently not implemented


embeddedDisplay : EmbeddedDisplay

Creates a page out of a corresponding json file, should use the DynamicPageObject which places the file into an EmbeddedDisplay but wraps it with some extra features.


flexContainer : FlexContainer

A stylised div that expands/shrinks to the size of the text inside


flexFlow: "rowWrap", "column", "row", or "columnWrap" (optional)

children: Any renderable object (required)

Any renderable object, will be placed inside the flex container

backgroundColor: Color (optional)

The background color of the container

border: Border (optional)

The border type of the container


groupBox : GroupBox

Creates a group box that shows the name of the group at the top of the box


name: String (required)

The text to place in the group container label at the top

children: Any renderable object (required)

Any objects to place inside the group container


groupingContainer : GroupingContainer

Effectively a GroupBox, but without the name that is placed at the top of the box.


name: String (optional)

Currently not implemented

children: Any renderable object (required)

The objects to place inside the GroupingContainer

border: Border (optional)

Currently not implemented

macros MacroMap (optional: default {})

The macros to apply to the grouping container


image : Image

You guessed it, it's an image with some configurable properties.


src: String (required)

The filename of the image to load, loads from the img/ directory

alt: String (optional)

Alternate text describing the image

fill: Bool (optional: default false)

Whether the image should fill the entire image container, and whether overflow is allowed


input : Input

Configurable input component


pvName: String (required)

The pvName the input is tied to

value: String (required)

The initial value of that pv

readonly: Boolean (optional: default false)

Whether the input is readonly

foregroundColor: Color (optional)

foreground color of the input

backgroundColor: Color (optional)

background color of the input

transparent: Boolean (optional: default false)

Whether the input is transparent

onKeyDown: (event) -> void (required)

Callback function for whenever a key is pressed on the keyboard

onChange: (event) -> void (required)

Callback function for when the value in the input changes

onBlur: (event) -> void (required)

Callback function when elsewhere on the page is clicked (I believe)

onClick: (event) -> (required)

Callback function when the input is clicked

font: Font (optional)

The font of the text in the input

textAlign: "left", "center", and "right" (optional)

How to align the text


label : Label

A div containing the label as text


text: String (required)

Text to display in the label

visible: Boolean (optional)

Not currently implemented

transparent: Boolean (optional)

Whether the background of the label should be transparent

className: String (optional)

The className to label the div containing the label with

textAlign: "left", "center", or "right" (optional)

How to align the text in the label

font: Font (optional)

Font to use in the text

foregroundColor: Color (optional)

Foreground color of the label

backgroundColor: Color (optional)

Background color of the label

border: Border (optional)

Type of border around the label


led : LED

A LED that can use inbuilt alarm levels on a PV or a user defined rule to define the color of the LED. The LED changes colour based on a user rule (if defined), or else uses the alarm tied to the PV (if alarmSensitive is true). User rules take priority over PV alarms.


When defining a user rule for colouring the LED any colour can be returned, in the form of a hexcode or string name. There can commonly be several rules, and an example is:

          "rules": [
              "name": "limits",
              "prop": "userColor",
              "outExp": false,
              "pvs": [
                  "pvName": "sim://sine",
                  "trigger": true
              "expressions": [
                  "boolExp": "pv0 > 0.6",
                  "value": "blue"
                  "boolExp": "pv0 < -0.5",
                  "value": "#ff00ff"

Most of the variables are not important to the user, all that needs to be defined is the pvName to monitor, and a series of "boolExp" and "value" properties that define what to return when the expressions is true. These rules are prioritised top to bottom, and if none of the rules return anything then the LED will be set to green. These rules are therefore rules to determine if the value has errored in some way.


width: Float (optional: default 16)

Diameter of the LED in pixels

alarmSensitive: Boolean (optional: default false)

Whether to use alarm levels on the PV to change the colour (no user rules can be defined for this to work)


menuButton : MenuButton

A drop down list atttached to a button, shows the current value in the button.


connected: Boolean (optional: default false)

Whether the drop down is disabled or not

onChange: (event) -> void (required)

Callback when a new selection from the drop down menu is selected

value: DType (optional)

The value to display in the drop down button

readonly: Boolean (optional: default false)

Whether to disable the button and to disallow the cursor

style: Style object (optional: default {})

How to style the menu button


menuMux : MenuMux

Effectively a menu button but without the user input aspect, just displays the info


onChange: (event) -> void (required)

Callback function when new element is selected

values: { [key: String]: String } (required)

The values to place into menu elements

selected: String (required)

The initially selected value


line: Line

A rectangular object commonly used to represent the beamline.


width: Float (required)

The width of the line

lineWidth: Float (required)

The width of the line, could also be called the height

backgroundColor: Color (optional)

The fill color for the line

visible: Boolean (optional: default true)

Whether to display the line or not

transparent: Boolean (optional: default false)

Whether the line is transparent or not, effectively the same as visible but left for compatibility with CS-Studio

rotationAngle: Float (optional: default 0)

The rotation angle in degrees around the centre point of the line


progressBar : ProgressBar

A configurable progress bar


min: Float (optional)

The minimum value for the bar

max: Float (optional)

The maximum value for the bar

limitsFromPv: Boolean (optional: default false)

Whether the limits of the variable should be extracted from the limits from that PV

font: Font (optional)

Font to display the progress bar with

vertical: Boolean (optional: defualt false)

Whether the bar should be placed vertically or not

color: Color (optional: default "#00aa00")

The color of the progress bar

precision: number (0 - 20) (optional)

How many digits after the decimal point to display the value to

value: DType (required)

Value to set the progress bar to


readback : Readback

Effectively a configured label to display information


precision: number (0 - 20) (optional)

The number of digits after the decimal point to display the value to

showUnits: Boolean (optional: default false)

Whether to show the units of the PV

fgAlarmSensitive: Boolean (optional: default false)

Whether to alert the user when the component has disconnected.

textAlign: "left", "center", or "right"

How to align the text in the readback

transparent: Boolean (optional: defualt false)

Whether to make the readback transparent or not

font: Font (optional)

Font to use in the readback

foregroundColor: Color (optional)

Foreground color of the readback

backgroundColor: Color (optional)

Background color of the readback

border: Border (optional)

The border type for the readback

connected: Boolean (optional)

Whether the readback is connected to the PV


shape : Shape

Returns a div stylised to a certain shape


shapeWidth: String (optional: default "100%")

The width of the div

shapeHeight: String (optional: default "100%")

The height of the div

shapeRadius: String (optional: default "")

The border radius

shapeTransform: String (optional: default "")

A transformation to apply to the div

transparent: Boolean (optional: default false)

Whether the div is transparent

backgroundColor: Color (optional)

The background color of the div

border: Border (optional)

The border style of the div


slideControl : SlideControl

A configurable slider alongside a progress bar


This component just combines a progress bar with a slider and therefore has the same
parameters as a standard progress bar


slideshow : Slideshow

A container with objects placed inside, can choose to go to the next object or the previous


children: Any renderable objects (required)

The objects to place into each slide, should be an array of objects

overflow: "scroll", "hidden", "auto", or "visible" (optional)

The type of overflow

maxHeight: String | Num (optional: default "")

The maximum height of the container

maxWidth: String | Num (optional: default "")

The maximum width of the container

minHeight: String | Num (optional: default "")

The minimum height of the container

border: Border (optional)

The type of border to apply to the container

backgroundColor: Color (optional)

The background color of the container


symbol : Symbol

A component that combines an image with an optional label, replaces the CS-Studio MultistateMonitorWidget


src: string (required)

The path to the image file, with respect to the public directory

alt: string (optional: default "")

The alternative text for the image

backgroundColor: Color (optional: default white)

The background color for the label below the image, the background for the image is set to transparent.

showLabel: Boolean (required)

Whether to place a label below the image or not, effectively just an image component when this property is set to false

width: float (optional)

The width of the image in pixels

height: float (optional)

The height of the image in pixels

border: Border (optional)

Foreground color of the readback

backgroundColor: Color (optional)

Background color of the readback

border: Border (optional)

The border type for the label part of the component

value: float (optional)

The PV value that is displayed as a string in the label of the component

rotation: float (optional: default 0)

The rotation angle in degrees for the image

flipHorizontal: boolean (optional: default false)

Whether the image should be flipped horizontally

flipVertical: boolean (optional: default false)

Whether the image should be flipped vertically

visible: boolean (optional: default true)

Whether the component should be visible or not

stretchToFit: boolean (optional: default false)

Whether the image should stretch to the width and height inputs


dynamicTabs : DynamicTabs


location: String (optional)

The name of the first file to load into the tab

maxHeight: String | Num (optional)

The maximum height of a tab

maxWidth: String | Num (optional)

The maximum width of a tab

minHeight: String | Num (optional)

The minimum height of a tab

border: Border (optional)

The border type of the tab

backgroundColor: Color (optional)

The background color of the tab

navigationTabs : NavigationTabs

A navigation bar with buttons for each of the pages


tabs: Renderable objects (required)

The renderable objects to create the navigation bar from

maxHeight: String | Num (optional)

The maximum height of a tab

maxWidth: String | Num (optional)

The maximum width of a tab

minHeight: String | Num (optional)

The minimum height of a tab

border: Border (optional)

The border type of a tab

backgroundColor: Color (optional)

The background color of a tab

tabContainer : TabContainer

A slide bar that display a different object, much like the slideshow


tabs: Any renderable object (required)

All objects to place in the tabs

maxHeight: String | Num (optional)

The max height of the container

maxWidth: String | Num (optional)

The max width of the container

minHeight: String | Num (optional)

The minimum height of the container

border: Border (optional)

The border type of the container

backgroundColor: Color (optional)

The background color of the container

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