This library aims to develop multiple customizable types of progress components.
- Fully compose infrastructure
- Instantly tracked state structure
- Lightweight with its pure component structure
- Highly customizable
- Animation option included in components
- Continuous development
Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
Add the dependency:
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.DogusTeknoloji:compose-progress:version'
fun BarProgress(
modifier: Modifier,
progressColor: Color,
progressBackgroundColor: Color,
fillProgressBy: Float,
indicators: List<Float>? = null,
indicatorColor: Color = Color.White,
indicatorWidth: Float = 5f,
cornerRadius: CornerRadius = CornerRadius.Zero,
stepImageVector: ImageVector? = null,
stepImageVectorMultiplier: Float = 0.6f,
animationDuration: Int,
animationDelay: Int = 0
fun BarProgress(
modifier: Modifier,
progressColor: Color,
progressBackgroundColor: Color,
fillProgressBy: Float,
indicators: List<Float>? = null,
indicatorColor: Color = Color.White,
indicatorWidth: Float = 5f,
cornerRadius: CornerRadius = CornerRadius.Zero,
stepImageVector: ImageVector? = null,
stepImageVectorMultiplier: Float = 0.6f
fun StepProgress(
modifier: Modifier,
progressColor: Color,
progressBackgroundColor: Color,
currentStep: Int,
totalStep: Int,
indicatorColor: Color = Color.White,
indicatorWidth: Float = 5f,
cornerRadius: CornerRadius = CornerRadius.Zero,
stepImageVector: ImageVector? = null,
stepImageVectorMultiplier: Float = 0.6f
You can create any shape you want with modifier parameter, these screenshots are just basic samples.
- Animated StepBar
- Different types of progress
- More customizable components