React exercise with a simple emergency light management systems. The backend is provided, but the frontend is yours to do.
Start with npm start
There are several end-points to manage the system.
Users can have one of two roles: ADMIN or USER. All end-points (except login) require authentication. Some end-points require the user to have the ADMIN role.
): returns all the users./user/<id>
): returns a single user./user
): creates a new user (ADMIN restricted).
Request body should contain a JSON object with name, password, and role./user/<id>
): edits a user (ADMIN restricted).
Request body should contain a JSON object with name, password, or role./user/<id>
): deletes a user (ADMIN restricted)./me
): returns the current user./login
): logs in a user.
Request body should contain a JSON object with name and password./logout
): logs out the user.
Blocks represent emergency lights that can be remotely tested. They can have different statuses: NOT_TESTED, TESTING, PASS, BATTERY_ISSUE, LIGHT_ISSUE.
): returns all the blocks./block/<id>
): returns a single block./block
): creates a new block (ADMIN restricted).
Request body should contain a JSON object with name and location./block/<id>
): edits a block (ADMIN restricted).
Request body should contain a JSON object with name or location./block/<id>
): deletes a block (ADMIN restricted)./block/<id>/test
): starts a test. The tes will complete after one minute./block/<id>/report
): reports a status (usually an issue).
Request body should contain a JSON object with the status.