Package Tests - a test framework for Sublime Text packages.
- Download the latest build
- Copy AAAPT.sublime-package to Packages/Installed Packages
- Restart Sublime Text.
To locate Packages/Installed Packages, you can open the console (Ctrl+`) and run this:
AAAPT lets you run tests in the context of Sublime Text. To use AAAPT correctly you need to ensure two things:
- Your package has specified tests to be run by AAAPT
- There's no other currently loaded .sublime-package that includes AAPT tests
Specifying tests is easy. Simply create a file like at the top level of your FooPackage.sublime-package and include something like this:
from AAAPT.runner import register_tests
test_suites = {
'baz': ['FooPackage.tests.test_baz'],
Now you can write the still inexistent tests. First we create a file to hold them:
cd path/to/FooPackage
touch tests/
Then we write the tests:
import unittest
from AAAPT.utils import BufferTest
# Test that uses AAAPT's helpers.
class Test_BufferSample(BufferTest):
def testSample(self):
self.set_text('foo bar\nfizz buzz\n')
self.add_sel(self.R((1, 0), (1, 4)))
self.assertEqual(self.view.substr(self.first_sel()), 'fuzz')
# Regular test.
class Test_Sample(unittest.TestCase):
def testSample(self):
Finally, we can publish FooPackage.sublime-package to Packages/Installed Packages, restart Sublime Text and, from the Command Palette, select Run Active Tests.... The results of the test run will be printed to a new view.
If you like this package and want to thank me, you can do so here:
Paypal Gittip Pledgie