The target devices for hands-on explanations are the single-core PULPissimo and multi-core PULP platforms. The PULP Virtual Platform simulator GVSOC, which is included within the PULP SDK, will be used during the class. The execution environment for this class is distributed as a Docker container available in Docker Hub for both x86_64 (Intel / AMD based machines) and arm64 devices (Apple M-series processors, other devices using Qualcomm SoCs). The same setup will be used also in the other lab sessions.
- Install Docker. You can follow instructions here: Docker Desktop for Windows or macOS and Docker Engine for Linux distros.
- Install Visual Studio Code
- Open Visual Studio Code, then through the Extensions tab look for the Dev Containers extension.
- Open this folder (HSDES-LAB01-PULP_Embedded_Programming) from Visual Studio Code. VSCode will ask you (bottom-right corner) to "Reopen in Container": select yes. The required setup should be automatically downloaded (~1.2GiB).
- The Visual Studio Code terminal on the bottom will use an already configured workspace. The lab folder will be mounted under
- Install Docker. You can follow instructions here: Docker Desktop for Windows or macOS and Docker Engine for Linux distros.
- Open a terminal. You can pull the Docker container with the following command:
docker pull fconti/hsdes-container
- Enter the folder of this lab session, and run the following to enter the container shell.
docker run --rm -it -v "$(pwd)":/workspaces -w /workspaces fconti/hsdes-container
- The Docker terminal that is opened will contain an already configured workspace. The lab folder will be mounted under
- Unix Shell Crash Course: for students who are out of their depth when working in a shell CLI environment.
- Beej's Guide to C Programming: a useful, and quite fun, guide to the C language.