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Sebastián Katzer edited this page Mar 5, 2015 · 4 revisions

Version 0.8 is a complete rewrite of the plugin compared to version 0.7. Beside some deprecations and incompatibilities it contains a lot of bug fixes, enhancements, new interfaces and features. Also a bunch of exciting features and even more platforms are in planing and will make the plugin even more useful for you in the near future.

What's new

  • Support for iOS 8, Android 2 (SDK >= 7) and Android 5
  • Windows Phone 8.1 will be added soon
  • New interfaces to ask for / register permissions required to schedule local notifications
  • hasPermission() and registerPermission()
  • schedule() will register the permission automatically and schedule the notification if granted.
  • New interface to update already scheduled|triggered local notifications
  • update()
  • New interfaces to clear the notification center
  • clear() and clearAll()
  • New interfaces to query for local notifications, their properties, their IDs and their existence depend on their state
  • isPresent(), isScheduled(), isTriggered()
  • getIds(), getAllIds(), getScheduledIds(), getTriggeredIds()
  • get(), getAll(), getScheduled(), getTriggered()
  • Schedule multiple local notifications at once
  • schedule( [{...},{...}] )
  • Update multiple local notifications at once
  • update( [{...},{...}] )
  • Clear multiple local notifications at once
  • clear( [1, 2] )
  • Cancel multiple local notifications at once
  • cancel( [1, 2] )
  • New URI format to specify sound and image resources
  • http(s): for remote resources (Android)
  • file: for local resources relative to the www folder
  • res: for native resources
  • New events
  • schedule, update, clear, clearall and cancelall
  • Enhanced event informations
  • Listener will get called with the local notification object instead of only the ID
  • Multiple listener for one event
  • on(event, callback, scope)
  • Unregister event listener
  • un(event, callback)
  • New Android specific properties
  • led properties
  • sound and image accepts remote resources
  • Callback function and scope for all interface methods
  • schedule( notification, callback, scope )
  • Kitchen Sink sample app
  • Wiki

New namespace

There is a new namespace for the plugin. The old one will be removed with v0.9.


What's different

All following - except the events - can still be used but their support will be removed with v0.9.

Old Type New
add() Interface Renamed to schedule(). The event name has been renamed too.
onadd Event Please use notification.local.on("schedule", callback, scope)
ontrigger Event Please use notification.local.on("trigger", callback, scope)
onclick Event Please use notification.local.on("click", callback, scope)
oncancel Event Please use notification.local.on("cancel", callback, scope)
date Property Renamed to at or firstAt
json Property Renamed to data
message Property Renamed to text
repeat Property Renamed to every
Repeat intervals have also been renamed to second, minute, hour, day, week, month and year
autoCancel Property Has been removed.
Non repeating local notification do auto cancel and repeating local notifications not.


You can schedule local notifications with the deprecated properties. But if you query for the local notification, the new property name will be used.

cordova.plugins.notification.local.schedule({ message:"Hello World" });

cordova.plugins.notification.local.get(0, function (notification) {
    alert(notification.text); //=> "Hello World"
    alert(notification.message); //=> undefined


Beside the way how to listen for events the callback signature has been enhanced as well.

cordova.plugins.notification.local.on("click", function (notification, state) {
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