A Demo compose app to demonstrate basic Android concepts using Kotlin that is required by almost every production level app. This app is written in 100% Kotlin with latest SDKs and libraries.
- This app is a demo project to demonstrate basic Android concepts to new devs.
- To easily demonstrate the concepts without making the concepts too complex.
- To easily consolidate theory with code.
- This app is not intended to demonstrate Android features like how to pick an image from gallery.
- A documentation on how to use the said concepts. This is merely a demonstration to show how these concepts/libraries can be used.
- Not a consultation guide. Every problem is unique and the techniques used in this app might not be what you are looking for.
- Jetpack Compose
- Kotlin Coroutines
- Reactive UI
- MVVM Architecture
- Dependency Injection (Hilt)
- Network API calls with basic error handling
- Kotlin Flow (Not implemented yet)
- Multi-modular app approach (Not implemented yet)
- Unit and UI Testing using Junit and Espresso respectively (Not implemented yet)