This app was designed to be a lightweight and more importantly a stand alone application. By being both of these things this app is also portable and can be taken with you on your flash drive.
- Lightweight stand alone binary. Can be used from a USB thumb drive.
- Drag-and-drop functionality means you don't have to browse around for the target directory.
- Enables you to rename all the files in a directory.
- Search and remove lets you drop unwanted text off each file name.
- Drop x number of characters off the beginning or end of a file name.
- Can set to only target certain file extensions.
- Can set to ignore/include hidden files.
- Simple search and replace lets you provide a search string then replace it with something else.
- Regex (Regular Expression) Search and Replace lets use regular expressions to search and replace with in case file names have a similar but changing string.
- Has a test mode to let you see what the results of the regex search and replace will do BEFORE actually renaming the files.
- Has a built in regex help to help you with building your expressions.
- Supports using capture () and recalling it with $1, $2 etc in the replace string.
- Proper Case (Capitalize the first letter of each word and make the rest lower-case).
- Automatically number the files in a directory, including leading zeroes.
- Windows ≥ 7
- .NET Framework ≥ 4.6.2
I use a variation of semantic versioning that follows the scheme major.minor.patch.revision
- A major revision would involve a total refactor, language change, or other significant update to the codebase.
- A minor revision includes new features or significant usability enhancements.
- Patches are updates to existing functionality to improve or streamline their functionality.
- Revisions are small bugfixes or minor code formatting changes that do not affect functionality.