Text based Football Manager Game. Just one python file! Welcome to My Football Team Management Game. The aim in this game is to be the first in the league at the end of 38 weeks. Each team has a team strength and a team strategy that you can always change.
- 2021-2022 Premier League Teams
- Team Popularity and Power
- 5 Different Strategy
- Aggressive
- Low Aggressive
- Normal
- Low Defensive
- Defensive
- Detailed Scoreboard
- 38 Weeks
- Fixtures
- League Results
- Change Team Details in the file running
Download the zip or clone the repo and run main.py
that's it.
I don't want to add any License, just use and update it. It was my end of term project I used some OOB standarts (like polymorphism, abstraction, inheritage, @classmethod and like this stuffs...) Maybe it will inspire you and give you ideas when you review other people's code and some class and function structures may be useful for you.
If you have any question or feedback, please reach out to me at [email protected]