Installs libxmlsec1 at version 1.2.37
Binary available for platforms:
- arm64 ventura
- x86_64 ventura
- x86_64 monterey
If no binary is available for your platform, this formula will try to compile it for souce.
You need to have a full Xcode install to compile from source.
brew install espressive/libxmlsec1/libxmlsec1
If you try to install this and see something like:
==> ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/Cellar/libxmlsec1/1.2.37 --disable-crypto-dl --disable-apps-crypto-dl --with-nss=no --with-ns
==> make install
It means that Homebrew could not find a binary for your platform.
To generate one:
Uninstall libxmlsec1:
brew uninstall libxmlsec1
Create a temporary folder to store our build artifacts in.
mkdir ~/bottlelib
cd ~/bottlelib
Run this command to create the bottle and keep the necesary artifacts:
HOMEBREW_NO_INSTALL_CLEANUP=1 brew install --build-bottle espressive/libxmlsec1/libxmlsec1
Finally, package your new bottle:
brew bottle libxmlsec1
This will output something like:
bottle do
sha256 cellar: :any, monterey: "529ec4cc50cbc20b280ef049964916da82c22e974713fa3ef958190121984d3b"
You need to remove one of the extra dashes in the package name libxmlsec1-1.2.37.monterey.bottle.tar.gz
Then, edit Formula/libxmlsec1.rb
and add your new bottle DSL to the bottle do block.
bottle do
root_url ""
sha256 cellar: :any, arm64_ventura: "0c9824df95d548e0a4b7a4421b682763625ded41b1b750cea965859982fdde37"
sha256 cellar: :any, ventura: "f4a666f94bc02fb7d47219418e91ee60903a4e0b0d4cf0817ba024e90d228a82"
bottle do
root_url ""
sha256 cellar: :any, arm64_ventura: "0c9824df95d548e0a4b7a4421b682763625ded41b1b750cea965859982fdde37"
sha256 cellar: :any, ventura: "f4a666f94bc02fb7d47219418e91ee60903a4e0b0d4cf0817ba024e90d228a82"
sha256 cellar: :any, monterey: "529ec4cc50cbc20b280ef049964916da82c22e974713fa3ef958190121984d3b"
Commit your changes to the main branch.
Finally, go here, add your new bottle tarball and update the release.
Your new bottle is now available and should install from binary next time.
You can now delete the ~/bottlelib
Do not try to use the brew pr-pull
/brew test-bot
workflows to automate this, MacOS workflows are billed at 10x time, take forever and don't compile arm/universal binaries.