git clone
download the ZIP archive from Git Essence-Templates
cd Essence-Templates
npm install
npm run template:dev
npm run template:custom
After the installation of essence-templates and all dependencies, make a copy of the custom/ folder and edit the App file js/app.js.
Edit the package.json and add a new line on scripts
"template:__your-folder-name__": "webpack-dev-server --devtool eval --hot --progress --colors --config __your-folder-name__/js/webpack.config.js --port 8080 --host --content-base __your-folder-name__/"
P.S.: __your-folder-name__
is the name you choose for the custom copy
An instance of webpack-dev-serve
will run on port 8080 with the --content-base __your-folder-name__/
npm run template:__your-folder-name__
P.S.: please check if the port 8080 is available