is a PowerShell module to interact with Infoblox service.
It's recommended to use this module in PowerShell 7, but it works in Windows PowerShell 5.1 as well.
The module is based on REST API and it's using Invoke-RestMethod
to interact with Infoblox service.
This means error handling in PowerShell 7 is much better than in Windows PowerShell 5.1,
which means the errors provided are less generic and more specific.
Install-Module -Name PowerInfoblox -Force -Verbose
This module provides several commands to interact with Infoblox service.
CommandType | Name | Version | Source |
Alias | Add-InfobloxSubnet | 1.0.30 | PowerInfoblox |
Alias | Get-InfobloxDHCPLeases | 1.0.30 | PowerInfoblox |
Alias | Get-InfobloxDNSAuthZones | 1.0.30 | PowerInfoblox |
Alias | Get-InfobloxDNSRecords | 1.0.30 | PowerInfoblox |
Alias | Get-InfobloxDNSRecordsAll | 1.0.30 | PowerInfoblox |
Function | Add-InfobloxDHCPRange | 1.0.30 | PowerInfoblox |
Function | Add-InfobloxDHCPRangeOptions | 1.0.30 | PowerInfoblox |
Function | Add-InfobloxDHCPReservation | 1.0.30 | PowerInfoblox |
Function | Add-InfoBloxDNSRecord | 1.0.30 | PowerInfoblox |
Function | Add-InfobloxFixedAddress | 1.0.30 | PowerInfoblox |
Function | Add-InfobloxNetwork | 1.0.30 | PowerInfoblox |
Function | Add-InfobloxNetworkExtensibleAttribute | 1.0.30 | PowerInfoblox |
Function | Connect-Infoblox | 1.0.30 | PowerInfoblox |
Function | Disconnect-Infoblox | 1.0.30 | PowerInfoblox |
Function | Get-InfobloxDHCPLease | 1.0.30 | PowerInfoblox |
Function | Get-InfobloxDHCPRange | 1.0.30 | PowerInfoblox |
Function | Get-InfobloxDiscoveryTask | 1.0.30 | PowerInfoblox |
Function | Get-InfobloxDNSAuthZone | 1.0.30 | PowerInfoblox |
Function | Get-InfobloxDNSDelegatedZone | 1.0.30 | PowerInfoblox |
Function | Get-InfobloxDNSForwardZone | 1.0.30 | PowerInfoblox |
Function | Get-InfobloxDNSRecord | 1.0.30 | PowerInfoblox |
Function | Get-InfobloxDNSRecordAll | 1.0.30 | PowerInfoblox |
Function | Get-InfobloxDNSView | 1.0.30 | PowerInfoblox |
Function | Get-InfobloxFixedAddress | 1.0.30 | PowerInfoblox |
Function | Get-InfobloxGrid | 1.0.30 | PowerInfoblox |
Function | Get-InfobloxIPAddress | 1.0.30 | PowerInfoblox |
Function | Get-InfobloxMember | 1.0.30 | PowerInfoblox |
Function | Get-InfobloxNetwork | 1.0.30 | PowerInfoblox |
Function | Get-InfobloxNetworkContainer | 1.0.30 | PowerInfoblox |
Function | Get-InfobloxNetworkNextAvailableIP | 1.0.30 | PowerInfoblox |
Function | Get-InfobloxNetworkNextAvailableNetwork | 1.0.30 | PowerInfoblox |
Function | Get-InfobloxNetworkView | 1.0.30 | PowerInfoblox |
Function | Get-InfobloxObjects | 1.0.30 | PowerInfoblox |
Function | Get-InfobloxPermission | 1.0.30 | PowerInfoblox |
Function | Get-InfobloxResponsePolicyZones | 1.0.30 | PowerInfoblox |
Function | Get-InfobloxSchema | 1.0.30 | PowerInfoblox |
Function | Get-InfoBloxSearch | 1.0.30 | PowerInfoblox |
Function | Get-InfobloxVDiscoveryTask | 1.0.30 | PowerInfoblox |
Function | Invoke-InfobloxQuery | 1.0.30 | PowerInfoblox |
Function | New-InfobloxOption | 1.0.30 | PowerInfoblox |
Function | Remove-InfobloxDHCPRangeOptions | 1.0.30 | PowerInfoblox |
Function | Remove-InfobloxDnsRecord | 1.0.30 | PowerInfoblox |
Function | Remove-InfobloxFixedAddress | 1.0.30 | PowerInfoblox |
Function | Remove-InfobloxIPAddress | 1.0.30 | PowerInfoblox |
Function | Remove-InfobloxNetworkExtensibleAttribute | 1.0.30 | PowerInfoblox |
Function | Remove-InfobloxObject | 1.0.30 | PowerInfoblox |
Function | Set-InfobloxDHCPRange | 1.0.30 | PowerInfoblox |
Function | Set-InfobloxDHCPRangeOptions | 1.0.30 | PowerInfoblox |
Function | Set-InfobloxDNSRecord | 1.0.30 | PowerInfoblox |
Connect to Infoblox using your credentials.
Connect-Infoblox -Server 'ipam.example.com' -ApiVersion '2.12' -EnableTLS12 -Credential (Get-Credential)
$Username = '<your username>'
# Encrypted password
$SecurePassword = "01000000d08c9ddf0115d1118c7a00c04fc297eb01000000f41e4fd426443e4db66871df"
Connect-Infoblox -Server 'ipam.example.com' -Username $UserName -EncryptedPassword $SecurePassword -ApiVersion '2.12' -EnableTLS12
Different examples of usage.
Add-InfobloxFixedAddress -IPv4Address '' -MacAddress '00:50:56:9A:00:01' -Verbose
Get-InfobloxSchema | Format-List *
Get-InfobloxSchema -Object 'record:host' | Format-List *
# only readable fields
(Get-InfobloxSchema -Object 'zone_auth').fields | Where-Object { $_.Supports -like "*r*" } | Select-Object Name
# only readable fields
(Get-InfobloxSchema -Object 'zone_auth').fields | Where-Object { $_.Supports -like "*r*" } | Format-Table
Get-InfobloxIPAddress -Network '' -Status Used -Verbose | Format-Table
Get-InfobloxIPAddress -IPv4Address '' -Verbose
Add-InfobloxFixedAddress -IPv4Address '' -MacAddress '00:50:56:9A:00:01' -Verbose
Get-InfobloxFixedAddress -MacAddress '00:50:56:9A:00:01' -Verbose
Get-InfobloxIPAddress -IPv4Address '' -Verbose
Get-InfobloxIPAddress -Network '' -Status Used -Verbose | Format-Table
Remove-InfobloxFixedAddress -MacAddress '00:50:56:9A:00:01' -Verbose
# this should fail
Remove-InfobloxFixedAddress -MacAddress '00:50:56:9A:00:01' -IPv4Address '' -Verbose
Get-InfobloxIPAddress -Network '' -Status Used -Verbose | Format-Table
Get-InfobloxIPAddress -Network '' -Status Used | Format-Table
$Network = Get-InfobloxNetwork -Network '' -Verbose
$Network | Format-Table *
$Networks = Get-InfobloxNetwork -All -Verbose
$Networks | Format-Table *
Get-InfobloxNetworkNextAvailableIP -Network '' -Quantity 5 -Verbose
#Get-InfobloxMember -Verbose | Format-Table
Get-InfobloxDNSRecords -Verbose -Type Host -Fetch | Format-Table *
Get-InfobloxDNSRecords -Verbose -Type PTR | Format-Table *
Get-InfobloxDNSRecords -Verbose -Type A | Format-Table *
Get-InfobloxDNSRecords -Verbose -Type CNAME | Format-Table *
$Schema = Get-InfobloxSchema -Object 'record:ptr' -Verbose
$Schema.fields.name -join ',' | Format-Table
Get-InfobloxDNSRecords -Verbose -Type Host | Select-Object -First 2 | Format-List *
$PTR = Get-InfobloxDNSRecords -Verbose -Type PTR -FetchFromSchema | Select-Object -First 200
$PTR | Format-Table
Get-InfobloxDNSRecords -Verbose -Type PTR -FetchFromSchema -Name ''
Get-InfobloxDNSRecords -Verbose -Type PTR -FetchFromSchema | Select-Object -First 200 | Format-Table Name, IPV4Addr, ptrdname, zone, _ref
Get-InfobloxDNSRecords -Verbose -Type CNAME | Select-Object -First 30 | Format-Table *
Get-InfobloxDNSRecords -Name 'example.test.lab' -Type CNAME -Verbose
Get-InfobloxDNSRecords -Name 'testhost11' -Type Host -Verbose
Get-InfobloxDNSRecords -Verbose -Type PTR -FetchFromSchema | Select-Object -First 200 | Format-Table Name, IPV4Addr, ptrdname, zone, _ref
Get-InfobloxDNSAuthZones | Format-Table
Get-InfobloxDNSAuthZones -FQDN '' | Format-List
Get-InfobloxDNSForwardZone | Format-Table
Get-InfobloxDNSDelegatedZone | Format-Table
Get-InfobloxIPAddress -Network '' -Status Unused | Format-Table
Add-InfoBloxDNSRecord -Type A -Name 'test132.example.lab' -IPv4Address -Verbose
Add-InfoBloxDNSRecord -Type CNAME -Name 'test123.example.lab' -CanonicalName 'mcdonalds.pl'
$addInfobloxSubnetSplat = @{
Subnet = ''
Comment = "Oki dokii"
AutoCreateReverseZone = $true
DHCPGateway = ""
DHCPLeaseTime = 5000
DHCPDomainNameServers = ","
ExtensinbleAttributeCountry = "Poland"
#ExtensinbleAttributeName = "Test"
ExtensinbleAttributeRegion = "Europe"
ExtensinbleAttributeSite = "Site1"
ExtensinbleAttributeState = "Mazowieckie"
ExtensinbleAttributeVLAN = "810"
Add-InfobloxNetwork @addInfobloxSubnetSplat
$addInfobloxSubnetSplat = @{
Subnet = ''
Comment = "Oki dokii"
AutoCreateReverseZone = $true
DHCPGateway = ""
DHCPLeaseTime = 5000
DHCPDomainNameServers = ","
ExtensinbleAttribute = [ordered] @{
#Name = 'Test'
VLAN = '810'
Country = 'Poland'
Region = 'Europe'
Site = 'Site1'
Add-InfobloxNetwork @addInfobloxSubnetSplat
Remove-InfobloxNetworkExtensibleAttribute -Network '' -Attribute 'VLAN'
Add-InfobloxNetworkExtensibleAttribute -Network '' -Attribute 'VLAN' -Value '811'
$addInfobloxSubnetSplat = @{
Subnet = ''
Comment = "Oki dokii"
AutoCreateReverseZone = $true
DHCPGateway = ""
DHCPLeaseTime = 5000
DHCPDomainNameServers = ","
ExtensinbleAttribute = [ordered] @{
#Name = 'Test'
VLAN = '810'
Country = 'Poland'
Region = 'Europe'
Site = 'Site1'
Members = @(
Add-InfobloxNetwork @addInfobloxSubnetSplat
Add-InfobloxDHCPRange -StartAddress '' -EndAddress ''
$addInfobloxDHCPRangeSplat = @{
StartAddress = ''
EndAddress = ''
Verbose = $true
MSServer = 'dhcp2016.evotec.pl'
Name = 'DHCP Range Me2?'
ServerAssociationType = 'MS_SERVER'
Exclude = ''
Add-InfobloxDHCPRange @addInfobloxDHCPRangeSplat