MongoDB powered session storage middlware for Telegraf.
node >= 7.0
If you want to contribute a transpiled distribution - pull requests welcome.
npm install telegraf-session-mongo --save
const Telegraf = require('telegraf');
const { MongoClient } = require('mongodb');
const MongoSession = require('telegraf-session-mongo');
const app = new Telegraf(process.env.BOT_TOKEN);
MongoClient.connect(process.env.MONGO_URL).then(client => {
const session = new MongoSession(client, {
// ttl - in milliseconds
// property - name of the context property for the session (default: session)
// collection - name of the mongodb collection for the sessions (default: sessions)
// getSessionKey - function (ctx) => String (default "chatId:fromId")
// Setup function creates necessary indexes for ttl and key lookup
session.setup().then(() => {
app.command("session", (ctx) => {
ctx.respondWithHTML(`<pre>${ctx.session, null, 2}</pre>`);
I hacked this together using telegraf-session-redis as inspiration. So it's lacking tests and a distribution compatible with Node < 7.0. Pull requests welcome.