Another Random Aeropress recipe generator inspired by James Hoffmann's Aeropress Dice and
Generate new and exciting recipes, use the copy button to copy recipes you like!
🔀 Mode: Inverted | ⏲ Time: 90s | 🤘 Metal Filter | ☕ Coffee: 7g Medium Fine | 💧 Water: 95°C 100g
- Prepare your Aeropress in the inverted position.
- Add 7g of medium fine ground coffee.
- Then, pour 100g water.
- Wait until 90s.
- Flip your AeroPress and press.
🔀 Mode: Standard | ⏲ Time: 180s | 🧻 Paper Filter | ☕ Coffee: 10g Medium Coarse | 💧 Water: 80°C 80g
- Prepare your Aeropress in the standard position.
- Add 10g of medium coarse ground coffee.
- Blooming - add 30g water, stir, wait until 30s.
- Then, pour 50g water and stir 1 times.
- Wait until 180s.
- Press gently all the way.
🔀 Mode: Inverted | ⏲ Time: 90s | 🤘 Metal Filter | ☕ Coffee: 10g Medium Fine | 💧 Water: 85°C 80g
- Prepare your Aeropress in the inverted position.
- Add 10g of medium fine ground coffee.
- Then, pour 80g water.
- Wait until 90s.
- Flip your AeroPress and press.
🔀 Mode: Inverted | ⏲ Time: 90s | 🤘 Metal Filter | ☕ Coffee: 21g Medium Fine | 💧 Water: 95°C 190g
- Prepare your Aeropress in the inverted position.
- Add 21g of medium fine ground coffee.
- Then, pour 190g water.
- Wait until 90s.
- Flip your AeroPress and press.
$ npx @11ty/eleventy --serve
[11ty] Copied ... files / Wrote ... files in ... seconds (v1.0.1)
[11ty] Watching…
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