#FlappyRogue-MG FlappyRogue is a Monogame-based Flappy bird game, roguelike, made with MonoGame
This project has been built and tested with .Net 6.0
- Setup Visual Stusio 2022 zith this guide: https://docs.monogame.net/articles/getting_started/2_choosing_your_ide_visual_studio.html
- dont forget the Monogame.Extended & Monogame.Extended.Content.Pipeline plugins
- Commands to install monogame (requires a dotnet runtime)
dotnet new install MonoGame.Templates.CSharp --add-source https://git.aristurtle.net/api/packages/aristurtle/nuget/index.json
dotnet add package MonoGame.Extended --version 4.0.0
dotnet add package MonoGame.Extended.Content.Pipeline --version 4.0.0