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Issue labels

Blair Conrad edited this page Oct 15, 2020 · 19 revisions

Issues will be labelled by the FakeItEasy owners after they are raised. The labels for a given issue may change during its lifetime as more insight is gained.


These are descriptive labels which help to manage the list of issues. If you feel an issue is incorrectly labelled please bring this to the attention of the owners by adding a comment to the issue.

  • πŸ’” breaking - a breaking change which requires a major version bump. The classification of a change as breaking is subjective, see the .NET Core documentation for some useful guidelines on this.

  • 🐞 bug - a fault in the implementation of a current feature.

  • πŸ—οΈ build - an issue related to the building of FakeItEasy packages from source code

  • 🎁 contribution - the implementation of the issue includes a contribution from a contributor (non-FakeItEasy organisation member). Typically not applied until an issue is closed.

  • πŸ›‘ deprecation - the issue involves the deprecation of existing features. Most often, this label is associated with the addition of an [Obsolete(false)] attribute to one or more program elements. The addition of such an attribute is not technically breaking, but it will force any clients who treat all warnings as errors to modify their code (and may irritate even those who do not treat all warnings as errors), so consider whether the benefit of deprecating a feature immediately (in the next minor release) is worth that potential disruption. If not, schedule deprecation for the next major release, generally to be followed by removal in the following major release.

    Note that none of the above precludes a replacement feature from being added or documentation from being adjusted to guide people away from the to-be-deprecated feature.

  • πŸ’¬ discussion - a question about FakeItEasy or an idea for a new feature or change to an existing feature which is open to and/or requires comment and discussion. Sometimes will be replaced with another label (or the issue will be closed) after some investigation.

  • πŸ“š documentation - an issue related to documentation of FakeItEasy features or meta information, e.g. website, wiki, contribution guidelines, readme, etc.

  • β™Š duplicate - the issue is a duplicate of another issue (and should normally be closed).

  • πŸš€ enhancement - a new feature or a change to a feature which enhances FakeItEasy.

  • πŸ₯‡ first-time - the work was performed by a first-time contributor to FakeItEasy.

  • β›” invalid - the issue is invalid and has been raised in error.

  • βŒ› on-hold - the issue is accepted in principle, and is ready to be worked on, but will not be merged yet due to some interfering factor or condition. Perhaps it's a breaking change and we're not ready to make a major release right now (because we'd prefer to batch up a couple of breaking changes so as not to flood the release stream with major versions).

  • 🏁 ready - accepted for development, and could be picked up by someone to work on right now

  • πŸ› οΈ refactoring - a technical improvement which does not add any new features or change existing features. This label can be used in addition to other labels if the issue happens to involve a significant amount of refactoring.

  • βœ‚οΈ removal - removal of an existing feature. Typically this would also be a breaking change, and would be preceded by a formal deprecation of the feature

  • πŸ‘·πŸ» taken - the issue has been assigned to a contributor (non-FakeItEasy organisation member).

  • πŸ”“ up-for-grabs - used to communicate low hanging fruit to potential contributors. Curated by Up For Grabs.

  • 🚫 wontfix - the issue has been recognised but the coordinators have decided that it will not be implemented.


Labels P1, P2 and P3 are used to assign priority to issues. If you feel an issue is incorrectly prioritised please bring this to the attention of the owners by adding a comment to the issue.

  • P1 - the issue is of high value and should be addressed ASAP.
  • P2 - (default priority) the issue has considerable value and is a candidate for implementation when resources are available.
  • P3 - the issue has value but is considered to be less beneficial than issues currently assigned P2. Issues may be selectively promoted from P3 to P2 when there are very few open P2 issues.


The labels ready and in-progress are used by Waffle to manage the workflow of issues.