Welcome to the CV-Portfolio project of Felipe Moreira, hosted at felipe-moreira.com. This portfolio is designed to showcase my skills, projects, and professional experience in software development, with a focus on BIM and front-end technologies.
- Homepage: An introduction with a professional image and buttons to contact me and download my CV.
- About Me: A brief overview of my background, highlighting my educational journey, key skills, and areas of expertise.
- Experience: Detailed sections showcasing my work experience, with emphasis on relevant skills and technologies used in each role.
- Projects: A curated list of projects, featuring live demos and links to explore the source code and repositories on GitHub.
- Contact Me: Convenient footer section with contact buttons for easy communication and inquiries.
This portfolio is hosted on Netlify. Every push to the main branch of the GitHub repository triggers an automatic deployment, ensuring the website is always up-to-date with the latest changes. The domain was purchased through domain.com and connected directly to Netlify via DNS mapping.
Contributions are welcome! If you have suggestions for improvements or find any issues, please open an issue or submit a pull request.
Inspired by Complete React Portfolio Website by Code Complete (for overall structure) and Responsive Portfolio Website by How to Become a Developer (for responsive design).