🔭 I’m currently working on a project of creating a music web site for those who want to form thier selfs
in music . they can register to the site and take a contact with the teacher of thier choice and start
learning music.
⚡ I have already learn HTML , CSS(for{3}monts) and javaSript (for{3}monts)also.
I'm performing my skils in javaScript every day by doing exercices for ADVANCED javaScript.
🌱 I’m actualy learning a framework coled
and his components -
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on github whith anyone who want to help me and start a project with me.
🤔 I’m looking for help for some one who can help me to mastered angular the most easier way.
💬 Ask me about what is the you want to know about me.
📫 How to reach me: => My Google mail account === [email protected] => My GITHUB account === Feyem9
😄 Pronouns: ...
⚡ Fun fact: i like music and animes...