Telegram bot written in Python which is loosely basted off of the work from asdofindia. Heavily modified by @Firaenix & @Hexane_ with lots of improvements!
Prior to installing this, vysheng's tg cli needs to be installed so the bot can communicate on Telegram. This can be done with
git clone && cd tg
Run that and configure an account
./telegram -k
You will need a valid phone number to authenticate the client with Telegrams servers. You can use your own or use any online verification service, provided it hasnt be previously used by another Telegram user.
Note: Current system time is critical when connecting to Telegram. If your system time is off by even a minute or two, the client will start throw errors.
Telebot uses a slew of Python libraries which can be obtained with pip or python easy install. Check the leading lines in and plugin.
The repo can be downloaded and put to use with the following command
git clone && cd telebot
A couple of things need to be edited prior to starting the bot.
Within the path to the telegram client needs to be changed within the pathtotg variable. By default it is '../tg/' /plugin/ needs a valid app id to work. This can be obtained on the developer section of the Wolfram website.
Install these plugins globally
pip install <name_of_plugin>
- for Wiki plugin
- for Wolfram plugin
- BeautifulSoup4 for multiple plugins
- python-dateutil for uptime plugin
- psutil for sysinfo plugin
- requests,pybingsearch for search plugin
- cleverbot for
- numpy for
Remove them from the plugins folder respectively
- The bot can be communicate to in a group chat or single chat.
- Text encoding has been fixed.
- Name addressing has been fixed.
- Plugins are now fully modular.
- Neat plugin framework.
- Slew of new plugins.
- Lots of engine improvements!
- Everything else I've forgotten to mention.
- Can now add whatever native telegram functionality to the plugins with the new SDK!
!wolf [query]: New wolfram alpha query in testing !pat : Send the bot some love !slap [user] : Slaps the user with a large trout !reboot : Restarts the bot !time : Returns the current Server System Date/Time !flip: flip some tables !desu: Adds some much needed desu to the chat !ud string: returns urban dictionary definition of a word !finger: spread hatred across the chat !google [query]: Searches google for given search term !imgur : Returns a random imgur link !uptime : Returns how long the bot has been running. !interject string: returns interjection !critic [console],[term]: Searches Metacritic for the given term Consoles:(xb1, 360, xbone, ps, ps2, ps3, ps4, gc, wii, wiiu, pc) !wiki [term]: Searches wikipedia for the given term !credits: Displays the credits for Telebot !sysinfo: Returns system info
asdofindia - Base/Original code.
Firaenix - Massive overhauls, majority of work.
Hexane_ - Improvements, Plugins.
- Write some proper documentation
- Remove rest of asdofindia's code, replace with Telegram API python wrapper.
- Move contents of into a class - MOSTLY DONE
- Implement IRC-like permissions system